package codechicken.nei.recipe; import codechicken.lib.inventory.InventoryUtils; import codechicken.nei.FastTransferManager; import codechicken.nei.PositionedStack; import codechicken.nei.api.IOverlayHandler; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import java.util.*; public class DefaultOverlayHandler implements IOverlayHandler { public static class DistributedIngred { public DistributedIngred(ItemStack item) { stack = InventoryUtils.copyStack(item, 1); } public ItemStack stack; public int invAmount; public int distributed; public int numSlots; public int recipeAmount; } public static class IngredientDistribution { public IngredientDistribution(DistributedIngred distrib, ItemStack permutation) { this.distrib = distrib; this.permutation = permutation; } public DistributedIngred distrib; public ItemStack permutation; public Slot[] slots; } public DefaultOverlayHandler(int x, int y) { offsetx = x; offsety = y; } public DefaultOverlayHandler() { this(5, 11); } public int offsetx; public int offsety; @Override public void overlayRecipe(GuiContainer gui, IRecipeHandler recipe, int recipeIndex, boolean shift) { List<PositionedStack> ingredients = recipe.getIngredientStacks(recipeIndex); List<DistributedIngred> ingredStacks = getPermutationIngredients(ingredients); if (!clearIngredients(gui, ingredients)) { return; } findInventoryQuantities(gui, ingredStacks); List<IngredientDistribution> assignedIngredients = assignIngredients(ingredients, ingredStacks); if (assignedIngredients == null) { return; } assignIngredSlots(gui, ingredients, assignedIngredients); int quantity = calculateRecipeQuantity(assignedIngredients); if (quantity != 0) { moveIngredients(gui, assignedIngredients, quantity); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean clearIngredients(GuiContainer gui, List<PositionedStack> ingreds) { for (PositionedStack pstack : ingreds) { for (Slot slot : (List<Slot>) gui.inventorySlots.inventorySlots) { if (slot.xDisplayPosition == pstack.relx + offsetx && slot.yDisplayPosition == pstack.rely + offsety) { if (!slot.getHasStack()) { continue; } FastTransferManager.clickSlot(gui, slot.slotNumber, 0, 1); if (slot.getHasStack()) { return false; } } } } return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void moveIngredients(GuiContainer gui, List<IngredientDistribution> assignedIngredients, int quantity) { for (IngredientDistribution distrib : assignedIngredients) { ItemStack pstack = distrib.permutation; int transferCap = quantity * pstack.stackSize; int transferred = 0; int destSlotIndex = 0; Slot dest = distrib.slots[0]; int slotTransferred = 0; int slotTransferCap = pstack.getMaxStackSize(); for (Slot slot : (List<Slot>) gui.inventorySlots.inventorySlots) { if (!slot.getHasStack() || !canMoveFrom(slot, gui)) { continue; } ItemStack stack = slot.getStack(); if (!InventoryUtils.canStack(stack, pstack)) { continue; } FastTransferManager.clickSlot(gui, slot.slotNumber); int amount = Math.min(transferCap - transferred, stack.stackSize); for (int c = 0; c < amount; c++) { FastTransferManager.clickSlot(gui, dest.slotNumber, 1); transferred++; slotTransferred++; if (slotTransferred >= slotTransferCap) { destSlotIndex++; if (destSlotIndex == distrib.slots.length) { dest = null; break; } dest = distrib.slots[destSlotIndex]; slotTransferred = 0; } } FastTransferManager.clickSlot(gui, slot.slotNumber); if (transferred >= transferCap || dest == null) { break; } } } } private int calculateRecipeQuantity(List<IngredientDistribution> assignedIngredients) { int quantity = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (IngredientDistribution distrib : assignedIngredients) { DistributedIngred istack = distrib.distrib; if (istack.numSlots == 0) { return 0; } int allSlots = istack.invAmount; if (allSlots / istack.numSlots > istack.stack.getMaxStackSize()) { allSlots = istack.numSlots * istack.stack.getMaxStackSize(); } quantity = Math.min(quantity, allSlots / istack.distributed); } return quantity; } private Slot[][] assignIngredSlots(GuiContainer gui, List<PositionedStack> ingredients, List<IngredientDistribution> assignedIngredients) { Slot[][] recipeSlots = mapIngredSlots(gui, ingredients);//setup the slot map HashMap<Slot, Integer> distribution = new HashMap<Slot, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < recipeSlots.length; i++) { for (Slot slot : recipeSlots[i]) { if (!distribution.containsKey(slot)) { distribution.put(slot, -1); } } } HashSet<Slot> avaliableSlots = new HashSet<Slot>(distribution.keySet()); HashSet<Integer> remainingIngreds = new HashSet<Integer>(); ArrayList<LinkedList<Slot>> assignedSlots = new ArrayList<LinkedList<Slot>>(); for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++) { remainingIngreds.add(i); assignedSlots.add(new LinkedList<Slot>()); } while (avaliableSlots.size() > 0 && remainingIngreds.size() > 0) { for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = remainingIngreds.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { int i =; boolean assigned = false; DistributedIngred istack = assignedIngredients.get(i).distrib; for (Slot slot : recipeSlots[i]) { if (avaliableSlots.contains(slot)) { avaliableSlots.remove(slot); if (slot.getHasStack()) { continue; } istack.numSlots++; assignedSlots.get(i).add(slot); assigned = true; break; } } if (!assigned || istack.numSlots * istack.stack.getMaxStackSize() >= istack.invAmount) { iterator.remove(); } } } for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++) { assignedIngredients.get(i).slots = assignedSlots.get(i).toArray(new Slot[0]); } return recipeSlots; } private List<IngredientDistribution> assignIngredients(List<PositionedStack> ingredients, List<DistributedIngred> ingredStacks) { ArrayList<IngredientDistribution> assignedIngredients = new ArrayList<IngredientDistribution>(); for (PositionedStack posstack : ingredients)//assign what we need and have { DistributedIngred biggestIngred = null; ItemStack permutation = null; int biggestSize = 0; for (ItemStack pstack : posstack.items) { for (int j = 0; j < ingredStacks.size(); j++) { DistributedIngred istack = ingredStacks.get(j); if (!InventoryUtils.canStack(pstack, istack.stack) || istack.invAmount - istack.distributed < pstack.stackSize) { continue; } int relsize = (istack.invAmount - istack.invAmount / istack.recipeAmount * istack.distributed) / pstack.stackSize; if (relsize > biggestSize) { biggestSize = relsize; biggestIngred = istack; permutation = pstack; break; } } } if (biggestIngred == null)//not enough ingreds { return null; } biggestIngred.distributed += permutation.stackSize; assignedIngredients.add(new IngredientDistribution(biggestIngred, permutation)); } return assignedIngredients; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void findInventoryQuantities(GuiContainer gui, List<DistributedIngred> ingredStacks) { for (Slot slot : (List<Slot>) gui.inventorySlots.inventorySlots)//work out how much we have to go round { if (slot.getHasStack() && canMoveFrom(slot, gui)) { ItemStack pstack = slot.getStack(); DistributedIngred istack = findIngred(ingredStacks, pstack); if (istack != null) { istack.invAmount += pstack.stackSize; } } } } private List<DistributedIngred> getPermutationIngredients(List<PositionedStack> ingredients) { ArrayList<DistributedIngred> ingredStacks = new ArrayList<DistributedIngred>(); for (PositionedStack posstack : ingredients)//work out what we need { for (ItemStack pstack : posstack.items) { DistributedIngred istack = findIngred(ingredStacks, pstack); if (istack == null) { ingredStacks.add(istack = new DistributedIngred(pstack)); } istack.recipeAmount += pstack.stackSize; } } return ingredStacks; } public boolean canMoveFrom(Slot slot, GuiContainer gui) { return slot.inventory instanceof InventoryPlayer; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Slot[][] mapIngredSlots(GuiContainer gui, List<PositionedStack> ingredients) { Slot[][] recipeSlotList = new Slot[ingredients.size()][]; for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++)//identify slots { LinkedList<Slot> recipeSlots = new LinkedList<Slot>(); PositionedStack pstack = ingredients.get(i); for (Slot slot : (List<Slot>) gui.inventorySlots.inventorySlots) { if (slot.xDisplayPosition == pstack.relx + offsetx && slot.yDisplayPosition == pstack.rely + offsety) { recipeSlots.add(slot); break; } } recipeSlotList[i] = recipeSlots.toArray(new Slot[0]); } return recipeSlotList; } public DistributedIngred findIngred(List<DistributedIngred> ingredStacks, ItemStack pstack) { for (DistributedIngred istack : ingredStacks) { if (InventoryUtils.canStack(pstack, istack.stack)) { return istack; } } return null; } }