package; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.event.wgen.GCCoreEventPopulate; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.vector.BlockTuple; import; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.GCBlocks; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.GalacticraftCore; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.dimension.WorldProviderMoon; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.dimension.WorldProviderSpaceStation; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.util.ConfigManagerCore; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.util.GCLog; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.mars.blocks.MarsBlocks; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.mars.dimension.WorldProviderMars; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; public class OreGenOtherMods { private World worldObj; private Random randomGenerator; private BlockPos pos; private WorldGenerator oreGen; public static ArrayList<OreGenData> data = new ArrayList<OreGenData>(); static { for (final String str : ConfigManagerCore.oregenIDs) { try { int slash = str.indexOf('/'); String s; int rarity = 0; //0 = common 1 = uncommon 2 = rare int depth = 0; //0 = even 1 = deep 2 = shallow int size = 1; //0 = single 1 = standard 2 = large boolean extraRandom = false; int dim = 0; if (slash >= 0) { s = str.substring(0, slash).trim(); String params = str.substring(slash).toUpperCase(); if (params.contains("UNCOMMON")) { rarity = 1; } else if (params.contains("RARE")) { rarity = 2; } if (params.contains("DEEP")) { depth = 1; } else if (params.contains("SHALLOW")) { depth = 2; } if (params.contains("SINGLE")) { size = 0; } else if (params.contains("LARGE")) { size = 2; } if (params.contains("XTRARANDOM")) { extraRandom = true; } if (params.contains("ONLYMOON")) { dim = 1; } else if (params.contains("ONLYMARS")) { dim = 2; } } else { s = str; } BlockTuple bt = ConfigManagerCore.stringToBlock(s, "Other mod ore generate IDs", true); if (bt == null) { continue; } int meta = bt.meta; if (meta == -1) { meta = 0; } OreGenOtherMods.addOre(bt.block, meta, rarity, depth, size, extraRandom, dim); } catch (final Exception e) { GCLog.severe("[config] External Sealable IDs: error parsing '" + str + "'. Must be in the form Blockname or BlockName:metadata followed by / parameters "); } } } public static void addOre(Block block, int meta, int rarity, int depth, int clumpSize, boolean extraRandom, int dim) { int clusters = 12; int size = 4; int min = 0; int max = 64; switch (depth) { case 0: //Evenly distributed size = 6; clusters = 20; max = 80; if (rarity == 1) { clusters = 9; size = 4; } else if (rarity == 2) { clusters = 6; size = 3; max = 96; } break; case 1: //Deep size = 5; clusters = 12; max = 32; if (rarity == 1) { clusters = 6; size = 4; max = 20; } else if (rarity == 2) { clusters = 2; size = 3; max = 16; } break; case 2: //Shallow size = 6; clusters = 15; min = 32; max = 80; if (rarity == 1) { clusters = 8; size = 4; min = 32; max = 72; } else if (rarity == 2) { clusters = 3; size = 3; min = 40; max = 64; } } if (clumpSize == 0) { size = 1; clusters = (3 * clusters) / 2; } else if (clumpSize == 2) { size *= 4; clusters /= 2; } if (extraRandom) { if (depth == 1) { min = -max * 3; } else { max *= 4; } } OreGenData ore = new OreGenData(block, meta, clusters, size, min, max, dim);; } @SubscribeEvent public void onPlanetDecorated(GCCoreEventPopulate.Post event) { this.worldObj = event.worldObj; this.randomGenerator = event.rand; this.pos = event.pos; int dimDetected = 0; WorldProvider prov = worldObj.provider; if (!(prov instanceof IGalacticraftWorldProvider) || (prov instanceof WorldProviderSpaceStation)) { return; } Block stoneBlock = null; int stoneMeta = 0; if (prov instanceof WorldProviderMoon) { stoneBlock = GCBlocks.blockMoon; stoneMeta = 4; dimDetected = 1; } else if (GalacticraftCore.isPlanetsLoaded && prov instanceof WorldProviderMars) { stoneBlock = MarsBlocks.marsBlock; stoneMeta = 9; dimDetected = 2; } if (stoneBlock == null) { return; } for (OreGenData ore : { if (ore.dimRestrict == 0 || ore.dimRestrict == dimDetected) { this.oreGen = new WorldGenMinableMeta(ore.oreBlock, ore.sizeCluster, ore.oreMeta, true, stoneBlock, stoneMeta); this.genStandardOre1(ore.numClusters, this.oreGen, ore.minHeight, ore.maxHeight); } } } void genStandardOre1(int amountPerChunk, WorldGenerator worldGenerator, int minY, int maxY) { for (int var5 = 0; var5 < amountPerChunk; ++var5) { BlockPos blockpos = this.pos.add(this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16), this.randomGenerator.nextInt(maxY - minY) + minY, this.randomGenerator.nextInt(16)); worldGenerator.generate(this.worldObj, this.randomGenerator, blockpos); } } public static class OreGenData { public Block oreBlock = GCBlocks.blockMoon; public int oreMeta = 0; public int sizeCluster = 4; public int numClusters = 8; public int minHeight = 0; public int maxHeight = 128; public int dimRestrict = 0; public OreGenData(Block block, int meta, int num, int cluster, int min, int max, int dim) { this.oreBlock = block; this.oreMeta = meta; this.sizeCluster = cluster; this.numClusters = num; this.minHeight = min; this.maxHeight = max; this.dimRestrict = dim; } public OreGenData(Block block, int meta, int num, int cluster) { this.oreBlock = block; this.oreMeta = meta; this.sizeCluster = cluster; this.numClusters = num; this.minHeight = 0; this.maxHeight = 128; } public OreGenData(Block block, int meta, int num) { this.oreBlock = block; this.oreMeta = meta; this.sizeCluster = 4; this.numClusters = num; this.minHeight = 0; this.maxHeight = 128; } } }