package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.galaxies; import*; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event; import java.util.*; /** * Credits to KingLemming and CovertJaguar, since this is based on the * Liquid/Fluid API */ public class GalaxyRegistry { static int maxSolarSystemID = 0; static int maxPlanetID = 0; static int maxMoonID = 0; static int maxSatelliteID = 0; static HashMap<String, SolarSystem> solarSystems = Maps.newHashMap(); static BiMap<String, Integer> solarSystemIDs = HashBiMap.create(); static TreeMap<String, Planet> planets = Maps.newTreeMap(); static BiMap<String, Integer> planetIDs = HashBiMap.create(); static TreeMap<String, Moon> moons = Maps.newTreeMap(); static BiMap<String, Integer> moonIDs = HashBiMap.create(); static HashMap<String, Satellite> satellites = Maps.newHashMap(); static BiMap<String, Integer> satelliteIDs = HashBiMap.create(); static HashMap<Planet, List<Moon>> moonList = Maps.newHashMap(); static HashMap<CelestialBody, List<Satellite>> satelliteList = Maps.newHashMap(); static HashMap<SolarSystem, List<Planet>> solarSystemList = Maps.newHashMap(); public static CelestialBody getCelestialBodyFromDimensionID(int dimensionID) { for (Planet planet : GalaxyRegistry.planets.values()) { if (planet.getDimensionID() == dimensionID) { return planet; } } for (Moon moon : GalaxyRegistry.moons.values()) { if (moon.getDimensionID() == dimensionID) { return moon; } } for (Satellite satellite : GalaxyRegistry.satellites.values()) { if (satellite.getDimensionID() == dimensionID) { return satellite; } } return null; } public static void refreshGalaxies() { GalaxyRegistry.moonList.clear(); GalaxyRegistry.satelliteList.clear(); GalaxyRegistry.solarSystemList.clear(); for (Moon moon : GalaxyRegistry.getRegisteredMoons().values()) { Planet planet = moon.getParentPlanet(); List<Moon> listOfMoons = GalaxyRegistry.moonList.get(planet); if (listOfMoons == null) { listOfMoons = new ArrayList<Moon>(); } listOfMoons.add(moon); GalaxyRegistry.moonList.put(planet, listOfMoons); } for (Satellite satellite : GalaxyRegistry.getRegisteredSatellites().values()) { CelestialBody celestialBody = satellite.getParentPlanet(); List<Satellite> satelliteList1 = GalaxyRegistry.satelliteList.get(celestialBody); if (satelliteList1 == null) { satelliteList1 = new ArrayList<Satellite>(); } satelliteList1.add(satellite); GalaxyRegistry.satelliteList.put(celestialBody, satelliteList1); } for (Planet planet : GalaxyRegistry.getRegisteredPlanets().values()) { SolarSystem solarSystem = planet.getParentSolarSystem(); List<Planet> planetList = GalaxyRegistry.solarSystemList.get(solarSystem); if (planetList == null) { planetList = new ArrayList<Planet>(); } planetList.add(planet); GalaxyRegistry.solarSystemList.put(solarSystem, planetList); } } public static List<Planet> getPlanetsForSolarSystem(SolarSystem solarSystem) { List<Planet> solarSystemListLocal = GalaxyRegistry.solarSystemList.get(solarSystem); if (solarSystemListLocal == null) { return new ArrayList<Planet>(); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(solarSystemListLocal); } public static List<Moon> getMoonsForPlanet(Planet planet) { List<Moon> moonListLocal = GalaxyRegistry.moonList.get(planet); if (moonListLocal == null) { return new ArrayList<Moon>(); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(moonListLocal); } public static List<Satellite> getSatellitesForCelestialBody(CelestialBody celestialBody) { List<Satellite> satelliteList1 = GalaxyRegistry.satelliteList.get(celestialBody); if (satelliteList1 == null) { return new ArrayList<Satellite>(); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(satelliteList1); } public static CelestialBody getCelestialBodyFromUnlocalizedName(String unlocalizedName) { for (Planet planet : GalaxyRegistry.planets.values()) { if (planet.getUnlocalizedName().equals(unlocalizedName)) { return planet; } } for (Moon moon : GalaxyRegistry.moons.values()) { if (moon.getUnlocalizedName().equals(unlocalizedName)) { return moon; } } return null; } public static boolean registerSolarSystem(SolarSystem solarSystem) { if (GalaxyRegistry.solarSystemIDs.containsKey(solarSystem.getName())) { return false; } GalaxyRegistry.solarSystems.put(solarSystem.getName(), solarSystem); GalaxyRegistry.solarSystemIDs.put(solarSystem.getName(), ++GalaxyRegistry.maxSolarSystemID); SolarSystemRegisterEvent(solarSystem.getName(), GalaxyRegistry.maxSolarSystemID)); return true; } public static boolean registerPlanet(Planet planet) { if (GalaxyRegistry.planetIDs.containsKey(planet.getName())) { return false; } GalaxyRegistry.planets.put(planet.getName(), planet); GalaxyRegistry.planetIDs.put(planet.getName(), ++GalaxyRegistry.maxPlanetID); PlanetRegisterEvent(planet.getName(), GalaxyRegistry.maxPlanetID)); return true; } public static boolean registerMoon(Moon moon) { if (GalaxyRegistry.moonIDs.containsKey(moon.getName())) { return false; } GalaxyRegistry.moons.put(moon.getName(), moon); GalaxyRegistry.moonIDs.put(moon.getName(), ++GalaxyRegistry.maxMoonID); MoonRegisterEvent(moon.getName(), GalaxyRegistry.maxMoonID)); return true; } public static boolean registerSatellite(Satellite satellite) { if (GalaxyRegistry.satelliteIDs.containsKey(satellite.getName())) { return false; } if (satellite.getParentPlanet() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Registering satellite without a parent!!!"); } GalaxyRegistry.satellites.put(satellite.getName(), satellite); GalaxyRegistry.satelliteIDs.put(satellite.getName(), ++GalaxyRegistry.maxSatelliteID); SatelliteRegisterEvent(satellite.getName(), GalaxyRegistry.maxSatelliteID)); return true; } /** * Returns a read-only map containing Solar System Names and their * associated Solar Systems. */ public static Map<String, SolarSystem> getRegisteredSolarSystems() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(GalaxyRegistry.solarSystems); } /** * Returns a read-only map containing Solar System Names and their * associated IDs. */ public static Map<String, Integer> getRegisteredSolarSystemIDs() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(GalaxyRegistry.solarSystemIDs); } /** * Returns a read-only map containing Planet Names and their associated * Planets. */ public static Map<String, Planet> getRegisteredPlanets() { return (Map<String, Planet>) GalaxyRegistry.planets.clone(); } /** * Returns a read-only map containing Planet Names and their associated IDs. */ public static Map<String, Integer> getRegisteredPlanetIDs() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(GalaxyRegistry.planetIDs); } /** * Returns a read-only map containing Moon Names and their associated Moons. */ public static Map<String, Moon> getRegisteredMoons() { return (Map<String, Moon>) GalaxyRegistry.moons.clone(); } /** * Returns a read-only map containing Moon Names and their associated IDs. */ public static Map<String, Integer> getRegisteredMoonIDs() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(GalaxyRegistry.moonIDs); } /** * Returns a read-only map containing Satellite Names and their associated Satellite. */ public static Map<String, Satellite> getRegisteredSatellites() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(GalaxyRegistry.satellites); } /** * Returns a read-only map containing Satellite Names and their associated IDs. */ public static Map<String, Integer> getRegisteredSatelliteIDs() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(GalaxyRegistry.satelliteIDs); } public static int getSolarSystemID(String solarSystemName) { return GalaxyRegistry.solarSystemIDs.get(solarSystemName); } public static int getPlanetID(String planetName) { return GalaxyRegistry.planetIDs.get(planetName); } public static int getMoonID(String moonName) { return GalaxyRegistry.moonIDs.get(moonName); } public static int getSatelliteID(String satelliteName) { return GalaxyRegistry.satelliteIDs.get(satelliteName); } public static class SolarSystemRegisterEvent extends Event { public final String solarSystemName; public final int solarSystemID; public SolarSystemRegisterEvent(String solarSystemName, int solarSystemID) { this.solarSystemName = solarSystemName; this.solarSystemID = solarSystemID; } } public static class PlanetRegisterEvent extends Event { public final String planetName; public final int planetID; public PlanetRegisterEvent(String planetName, int planetID) { this.planetName = planetName; this.planetID = planetID; } } public static class MoonRegisterEvent extends Event { public final String moonName; public final int moonID; public MoonRegisterEvent(String moonName, int moonID) { this.moonName = moonName; this.moonID = moonID; } } public static class SatelliteRegisterEvent extends Event { public final String satelliteName; public final int satelliteID; public SatelliteRegisterEvent(String satelliteName, int satelliteID) { this.satelliteName = satelliteName; this.satelliteID = satelliteID; } } }