package codechicken.lib.render; import codechicken.lib.colour.ColourRGBA; import; import; import codechicken.lib.util.Copyable; import codechicken.lib.vec.Rotation; import codechicken.lib.vec.Transformation; import codechicken.lib.vec.Vector3; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * The core of the CodeChickenLib render system. * Rendering operations are written to avoid object allocations by reusing static variables. */ public class CCRenderState { private static int nextOperationIndex; public static int registerOperation() { return nextOperationIndex++; } public static int operationCount() { return nextOperationIndex; } /** * Represents an operation to be run for each vertex that operates on and modifies the current state */ public static interface IVertexOperation { /** * Load any required references and add dependencies to the pipeline based on the current model (may be null) * Return false if this operation is redundant in the pipeline with the given model */ public boolean load(); /** * Perform the operation on the current render state */ public void operate(); /** * Get the unique id representing this type of operation. Duplicate operation IDs within the pipeline may have unexpected results. * ID shoulld be obtained from CCRenderState.registerOperation() and stored in a static variable */ public int operationID(); } private static ArrayList<VertexAttribute<?>> vertexAttributes = new ArrayList<VertexAttribute<?>>(); private static int registerVertexAttribute(VertexAttribute<?> attr) { vertexAttributes.add(attr); return vertexAttributes.size() - 1; } public static VertexAttribute<?> getAttribute(int index) { return vertexAttributes.get(index); } /** * Management class for a vertex attrute such as colour, normal etc * This class should handle the loading of the attrute from an array provided by IVertexSource.getAttributes or the computation of this attrute from others * * @param <T> The array type for this attrute eg. int[], Vector3[] */ public static abstract class VertexAttribute<T> implements IVertexOperation { public final int attributeIndex = registerVertexAttribute(this); private final int operationIndex = registerOperation(); /** * Set to true when the attrute is part of the pipeline. Should only be managed by CCRenderState when constructing the pipeline */ public boolean active = false; /** * Construct a new array for storage of vertex attrutes in a model */ public abstract T newArray(int length); @Override public int operationID() { return operationIndex; } } public static void arrayCopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dst, int destPos, int length) { System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dst, destPos, length); if (dst instanceof Copyable[]) { Object[] oa = (Object[]) dst; Copyable<Object>[] c = (Copyable[]) dst; for (int i = destPos; i < destPos + length; i++) { if (c[i] != null) { oa[i] = c[i].copy(); } } } } public static <T> T copyOf(VertexAttribute<T> attr, T src, int length) { T dst = attr.newArray(length); arrayCopy(src, 0, dst, 0, ((Object[]) src).length); return dst; } public static interface IVertexSource { public Vertex5[] getVertices(); /** * Gets an array of vertex attrutes * * @param attr The vertex attrute to get * @param <T> The attrute array type * @return An array, or null if not computed */ public <T> T getAttributes(VertexAttribute<T> attr); /** * @return True if the specified attrute is provided by this model, either by returning an array from getAttributes or by setting the state in prepareVertex */ public boolean hasAttribute(VertexAttribute<?> attr); /** * Callback to set CCRenderState for a vertex before the pipeline runs */ public void prepareVertex(); } public static VertexAttribute<Vector3[]> normalAttrib = new VertexAttribute<Vector3[]>() { private Vector3[] normalRef; @Override public Vector3[] newArray(int length) { return new Vector3[length]; } @Override public boolean load() { normalRef = model.getAttributes(this); if (model.hasAttribute(this)) { return normalRef != null; } if (model.hasAttribute(sideAttrib)) { pipeline.addDependency(sideAttrib); return true; } throw new IllegalStateException("Normals requested but neither normal or side attrutes are provided by the model"); } @Override public void operate() { if (normalRef != null) { setNormal(normalRef[vertexIndex]); } else { setNormal(Rotation.axes[side]); } } }; public static VertexAttribute<int[]> colourAttrib = new VertexAttribute<int[]>() { private int[] colourRef; @Override public int[] newArray(int length) { return new int[length]; } @Override public boolean load() { colourRef = model.getAttributes(this); return colourRef != null || !model.hasAttribute(this); } @Override public void operate() { if (colourRef != null) { setColour(ColourRGBA.multiply(baseColour, colourRef[vertexIndex])); } else { setColour(baseColour); } } }; public static VertexAttribute<int[]> lightingAttrib = new VertexAttribute<int[]>() { private int[] colourRef; @Override public int[] newArray(int length) { return new int[length]; } @Override public boolean load() { if (!computeLighting || !useColour || !model.hasAttribute(this)) { return false; } colourRef = model.getAttributes(this); if (colourRef != null) { pipeline.addDependency(colourAttrib); return true; } return false; } @Override public void operate() { setColour(ColourRGBA.multiply(colour, colourRef[vertexIndex])); } }; public static VertexAttribute<int[]> sideAttrib = new VertexAttribute<int[]>() { private int[] sideRef; @Override public int[] newArray(int length) { return new int[length]; } @Override public boolean load() { sideRef = model.getAttributes(this); if (model.hasAttribute(this)) { return sideRef != null; } pipeline.addDependency(normalAttrib); return true; } @Override public void operate() { if (sideRef != null) { side = sideRef[vertexIndex]; } else { side = CCModel.findSide(normal); } } }; /** * Uses the position of the lightmatrix to compute LC if not provided */ public static VertexAttribute<LC[]> lightCoordAttrib = new VertexAttribute<LC[]>() { private LC[] lcRef; private Vector3 vec = new Vector3();//for computation private Vector3 pos = new Vector3(); @Override public LC[] newArray(int length) { return new LC[length]; } @Override public boolean load() { lcRef = model.getAttributes(this); if (model.hasAttribute(this)) { return lcRef != null; } pos.set(lightMatrix.pos.x, lightMatrix.pos.y, lightMatrix.pos.z); pipeline.addDependency(sideAttrib); pipeline.addRequirement(Transformation.operationIndex); return true; } @Override public void operate() { if (lcRef != null) { lc.set(lcRef[vertexIndex]); } else { lc.compute(vec.set(vert.vec).sub(pos), side); } } }; //pipeline state public static IVertexSource model; public static int firstVertexIndex; public static int lastVertexIndex; public static int vertexIndex; public static CCRenderPipeline pipeline = new CCRenderPipeline(); //context public static int baseColour; public static int alphaOverride; public static boolean useNormals; public static boolean computeLighting; public static boolean useColour; public static LightMatrix lightMatrix = new LightMatrix(); //vertex outputs public static Vertex5 vert = new Vertex5(); public static boolean hasNormal; public static Vector3 normal = new Vector3(); public static boolean hasColour; public static int colour; public static boolean hasBrightness; public static int brightness; //attrute storage public static int side; public static LC lc = new LC(); public static void reset() { model = null; pipeline.reset(); useNormals = hasNormal = hasBrightness = hasColour = false; useColour = computeLighting = true; baseColour = alphaOverride = -1; } public static void setPipeline(IVertexOperation... ops) { pipeline.setPipeline(ops); } public static void setPipeline(IVertexSource model, int start, int end, IVertexOperation... ops) { pipeline.reset(); setModel(model, start, end); pipeline.setPipeline(ops); } public static void bindModel(IVertexSource model) { if (CCRenderState.model != model) { CCRenderState.model = model; pipeline.rebuild(); } } public static void setModel(IVertexSource source) { setModel(source, 0, source.getVertices().length); } public static void setModel(IVertexSource source, int start, int end) { bindModel(source); setVertexRange(start, end); } public static void setVertexRange(int start, int end) { firstVertexIndex = start; lastVertexIndex = end; } public static void render(IVertexOperation... ops) { setPipeline(ops); render(); } public static void render() { Vertex5[] verts = model.getVertices(); for (vertexIndex = firstVertexIndex; vertexIndex < lastVertexIndex; vertexIndex++) { model.prepareVertex(); vert.set(verts[vertexIndex]); runPipeline(); writeVert(); } } public static void runPipeline() { pipeline.operate(); } public static void writeVert() { WorldRenderer r = Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer(); if (hasNormal) { r.normal((float) normal.x, (float) normal.y, (float) normal.z); } if (hasColour) { r.color(colour >>> 24, colour >> 16 & 0xFF, colour >> 8 & 0xFF, alphaOverride >= 0 ? alphaOverride : colour & 0xFF); } if (hasBrightness) { r.lightmap(brightness >> 16 & 65535, brightness & 65535); } } public static void setNormal(double x, double y, double z) { hasNormal = true; normal.set(x, y, z); } public static void setNormal(Vector3 n) { hasNormal = true; normal.set(n); } public static void setColour(int c) { hasColour = true; colour = c; } public static void setBrightness(int b) { hasBrightness = true; brightness = b; } public static void setBrightness(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos) { setBrightness(world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock().getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, pos)); } public static void pullLightmap() { setBrightness((int) OpenGlHelper.lastBrightnessY << 16 | (int) OpenGlHelper.lastBrightnessX); } public static void pushLightmap() { OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, brightness & 0xFFFF, brightness >>> 16); } /** * Compact helper for setting dynamic rendering context. Uses normals and doesn't compute lighting */ public static void setDynamic() { useNormals = true; computeLighting = false; } public static void changeTexture(String texture) { changeTexture(new ResourceLocation(texture)); } public static void changeTexture(ResourceLocation texture) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine.bindTexture(texture); } public static WorldRenderer startDrawing() { return startDrawing(7, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX); } public static WorldRenderer startDrawing(VertexFormat format) { return startDrawing(7, format); } public static WorldRenderer startDrawing(int mode, VertexFormat format) { WorldRenderer r = Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer(); r.begin(mode, format); if (hasColour) { r.color(colour >>> 24, colour >> 16 & 0xFF, colour >> 8 & 0xFF, alphaOverride >= 0 ? alphaOverride : colour & 0xFF); } if (hasBrightness) { r.lightmap(brightness >> 16 & 65535, brightness & 65535); } return r; } public static void draw() { Tessellator.getInstance().draw(); } }