package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.tile.ITileClientUpdates; import; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; /** * Used as a common interface for any TileEntity with configurable power, pipe, etc sides * */ public interface IMachineSides extends ITileClientUpdates { /** * The different sides which a MachineSide (e.g. electric input) * can be set to. These are relative to the front of the machine * (looking at the machine from the normal front). */ public enum Face { LEFT("l", 2, 1), RIGHT("r", 0, 2), REAR("b", 1, 0), TOP("u", 4, 4), BOTTOM("d", 3, 3), NOT_SET("n", 5, 5), NOT_CONFIGURABLE("fail", 6, 6); private final String name; private final int next; private final int prior; public static Face[] Horizontals = new Face[] { Face.LEFT, Face.REAR, Face.RIGHT }; public static Face[] AllAvailable = new Face[] { Face.LEFT, Face.REAR, Face.RIGHT, Face.TOP, Face.BOTTOM }; Face(String newname, int theNext, int thePrior) { = newname; = theNext; this.prior = thePrior; } public String getName() { return; } public Face next() { return Face.values()[]; } public Face prior() { return Face.values()[this.prior]; } } /* * All the different possible types of configurable side. * * Each of these can correspond to a texture and a function * according to the block type. Many may be unused. * * this.listConfigurableSides() provides a list of which ones * the tile actually uses. */ public enum MachineSide { FRONT("front"), REARDECO("reardeco"), PLAIN("plain"), TOP("top"), BASE("bottom"), ELECTRIC_IN("elec_in"), ELECTRIC_OUT("elec_out"), PIPE_IN("pipe_in"), PIPE_OUT("pipe_out"), CUSTOM("custom"); private final String name; MachineSide(String newname) { = newname; } } //--------------METHODS-------------- /** * The front of this machine, with the graphic. * This CANNOT be set: use a wrench to change the block's facing to change it * (If player wants to change the front then rotate the block's facing and all other sides) */ public EnumFacing getFront(); /** * Used internally by tileEntity logic */ public default EnumFacing getElectricInputDirection() { return null; } /** * Used internally by tileEntity logic */ public default EnumFacing getElectricOutputDirection() { return null; } /** * Used internally by tileEntity logic */ public default EnumFacing getPipeInputDirection() { return null; } /** * Used internally by tileEntity logic */ public default EnumFacing getPipeOutputDirection() { return null; } /** * Used internally by tileEntity logic */ public default EnumFacing getCustomDirection() { return null; } /* * Returns true if the setting succeeded * (Also returns true if it is an attempt to set it * to the same value as it is currently.) * * Returns false if the MachineSide is not configurable. * * Use isValidForSide() first to test whether the setting * is valid for the side here. */ public default boolean setSide(MachineSide sideToSet, Face newSide) { if (this.getConfigurationType() == IMachineSidesProperties.NOT_CONFIGURABLE) { return false; } for (MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { if (msp.test(sideToSet)) { msp.set(newSide); return true; } } return false; } /** * Like setSide() but using index for performance * - for internal use * * index matches the index in getConfigurableSides() */ public default boolean setSide(int index, Face newSide) { if (this.getConfigurationType() == IMachineSidesProperties.NOT_CONFIGURABLE) { return false; } MachineSidePack[] msps = this.getAllMachineSides(); if (index >= 0 && index < msps.length) { msps[index].set(newSide); return true; } return false; } /** * Like getSide(MachineSide) but using index for performance * - for internal use * * index matches the index in getConfigurableSides() */ public default Face getSide(int index) { MachineSidePack[] msps = this.getAllMachineSides(); if (index >= 0 && index < msps.length) return msps[index].get(); return Face.NOT_CONFIGURABLE; } public default Face getSide(MachineSide sideToGet) { for(MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { if (msp.test(sideToGet)) { return msp.get(); } } return Face.NOT_CONFIGURABLE; } /* * Like getSide() but results limited to sides * which the blockstate is allowed to render * * index matches the index in getConfigurableSides() */ public default Face getAllowedSide(int index) { Face test = this.getSide(index); for (Face face : this.allowableFaces()) { if (face == test) return test; } return this.listDefaultFaces()[index]; } /** * Returns true if the machine side can be set to this face * * By default, returns all allowable configurable faces * * Overide this for special tile logic for specific sides */ public default boolean isValidForSide(MachineSide sideToSet, Face newSide) { for(MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { if (msp.test(sideToSet)) { return Arrays.asList(this.allowableFaces()).contains(newSide); } } //TODO: could maybe return true for default settings for this.getConfigurationType() //e.g. front == front, top == top, base == bottom return false; } /** * Can be used for rendering this machine in a GUI */ public default MachineSide textureTypeLeft() { for(MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { if (msp.get() == Face.LEFT) { return msp.getRenderType(); } } return MachineSide.PLAIN; } /** * Can be used for rendering this machine in a GUI */ public default MachineSide textureTypeRight() { for(MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { if (msp.get() == Face.RIGHT) { return msp.getRenderType(); } } return MachineSide.PLAIN; } /** * Can be used for rendering this machine in a GUI */ public default MachineSide textureTypeRear() { for(MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { if (msp.get() == Face.REAR) { return msp.getRenderType(); } } return MachineSide.PLAIN; } /** * Can be used for rendering this machine in a GUI */ public default MachineSide textureTypeTop() { for(MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { if (msp.get() == Face.TOP) { return msp.getRenderType(); } } return MachineSide.TOP; } /** * Can be used for rendering this machine in a GUI */ public default MachineSide textureTypeBase() { for(MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { if (msp.get() == Face.BOTTOM) { return msp.getRenderType(); } } return MachineSide.BASE; } /** * Essential for block rendering - use in getActualState() * Automatically returns a valid property as long as getConfigurationType() matches the property * (see BlockMachineTiered for an example) * * Override this if you want more options. */ public default IMachineSidesProperties.MachineSidesModel buildBlockStateProperty() { int length = listConfigurableSides().length; switch (length) { case 1: return IMachineSidesProperties.getModelForOneFace(this.getAllowedSide(0)).validFor(getConfigurationType()); case 2: default: return IMachineSidesProperties.getModelForTwoFaces(this.getAllowedSide(0), this.getAllowedSide(1)).validFor(getConfigurationType()); } } /** * Call this from a Block's getActualState() method * * @param state The blockstate prior to addition of this property * @param tile The tile entity matching the block position (null will return a default value) * @param renderType The calling block's MACHINESIDES_RENDERTYPE * @param key The name given to the machine sides property in the calling block e.g. SIDES * * @return A blockstate with the property added */ public static IBlockState addPropertyForTile(IBlockState state, TileEntity tile, IMachineSidesProperties renderType, PropertyEnum key) { if (tile instanceof IMachineSides) { IMachineSides tileSides = (IMachineSides) tile; return state.withProperty(key, tileSides.buildBlockStateProperty()); } else return state.withProperty(key, renderType.getDefault()); } /** * For testing purposes - Sneak Wrench to activate this */ public default void nextSideConfiguration(TileEntity te) { if (this.getConfigurationType() == IMachineSidesProperties.NOT_CONFIGURABLE) { return; } int length = listConfigurableSides().length; //TODO: adapt result of and Face.prior() according to Horiz or All models switch (length) { case 1: this.setSide(0, this.getSide(0).next()); break; case 2: Face leadingSide = this.getSide(0); if (this.getSide(1) != { this.setSide(1, leadingSide.prior()); this.setSide(0,; } else { this.setSide(1, leadingSide.prior()); } break; default: //Override this for 3 or more configurable sides! } if (te.getWorld().isRemote) { te.getWorld().markBlockForUpdate(te.getPos()); } else { this.updateAllInDimension(); } } /** * Array with all the configurable sides for this machine * (not including the front) * * Any sides not included in this list are defaults: * PLAIN for left, right and rear sides * TOP for top * BASE for bottom */ public MachineSide[] listConfigurableSides(); /** * Array with the default faces to match entries in listConfigurableSides() */ public Face[] listDefaultFaces(); /** * All the different allowable faces which the configurable sides can be configured to * (for example it might be horizontal faces only, for this machine) */ public default Face[] allowableFaces() { return this.getConfigurationType().allowableFaces(); } /** * The type of configuration (one or two sides to configure, * only horizontal settings or all allowed) - this needs to match * the blockstate model implementation, take it from the Block. * (Look at TileEnergyStorageModule for an example.) */ public IMachineSidesProperties getConfigurationType(); /** * Call this in getAllMachineSides() or else in the class constructor */ public default void initialiseSides() { int length = listConfigurableSides().length; this.setupMachineSides(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.getAllMachineSides()[i] = new MachineSidePack(listConfigurableSides()[i], listDefaultFaces()[i]); } } /** * The array storing all configurable machine sides * and their current settings in this tile. * * IMPORTANT: Run initialiseSides() in the first call to this * if it would otherwise be null - see examples in GC code */ public MachineSidePack[] getAllMachineSides(); /** * Create an array of MachineSidePack[length] * which can later be get using getAllMachineSides() */ public void setupMachineSides(int length); public default void addMachineSidesToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1nbtTagCompound) { NBTTagList tagList = new NBTTagList(); for(MachineSidePack msp : this.getAllMachineSides()) { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); msp.writeToNBT(tag); tagList.appendTag(tag); } par1nbtTagCompound.setTag("macsides", tagList); } public default void readMachineSidesFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1nbtTagCompound) { NBTTagList tagList = par1nbtTagCompound.getTagList("macsides", 10); MachineSidePack[] msps = this.getAllMachineSides(); if (tagList.tagCount() == msps.length) { for (int i = 0; i < tagList.tagCount(); ++i) { msps[i].readFromNBT(tagList.getCompoundTagAt(i)); } } } @Override public default void buildDataPacket(int[] data) { MachineSidePack[] msps = this.getAllMachineSides(); for (int i = 0; i < msps.length; ++i) { data[i] = msps[i].get().ordinal(); } } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public default void updateClient(List<Object> data) { MachineSidePack[] msps = this.getAllMachineSides(); for (int i = 0; i < msps.length; ++i) { msps[i].set((Integer) data.get(i + 1)); } ((TileEntity)this).getWorld().markBlockForUpdate(((TileEntity)this).getPos()); } /** * A container object for Machine Sides settings * This should be implemented in an array by each TileEntity * */ public class MachineSidePack { private MachineSide theSide; private Face currentFace; public MachineSidePack(MachineSide type, Face defaultFace) { assert(type != null); this.theSide = type; this.set(defaultFace); } public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { tag.setInteger("ts", this.theSide.ordinal()); tag.setInteger("cf", this.currentFace.ordinal()); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { int ts = -1; int cf = -1; if (tag.hasKey("ts")) { ts = tag.getInteger("ts"); } if (tag.hasKey("cf")) { cf = tag.getInteger("cf"); } if (ts == theSide.ordinal() && cf >= 0 && cf < Face.values().length) { this.currentFace = Face.values()[cf]; } } public void set(Face face) { this.currentFace = (face == null) ? Face.NOT_SET : face; } public void set(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < Face.values().length) this.currentFace = Face.values()[index]; } public Face get() { return this.currentFace; } public MachineSide getRenderType() { return this.theSide; } public boolean test(MachineSide type) { return this.theSide == type; } } }