package; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.GCBlocks; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.asteroids.blocks.AsteroidBlocks; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; public class BaseDeck extends SizedPiece { static final int ROOMSMALL = 6; static final int ROOMLARGE = 8; protected int roomsOnSide; protected int roomDepth; protected int largeRoomPosA; protected int largeRoomPosB; protected int deckTier; // flag 1 means lowest deck in a stack, flag 2 is for highest deck, 0 is for middle decks - flag 4 is for control room private ArrayList<BaseDeck> otherDecks = null; public enum EnumBaseType { HUMANOID(5, 3, GCBlocks.basicBlock.getStateFromMeta(4)), AVIAN(4, 3, GCBlocks.blockMoon.getStateFromMeta(4)), TUNNELER(4, 4, GCBlocks.blockMoon.getStateFromMeta(4)); public final int height; public final int width; public final IBlockState wall; EnumBaseType(int height, int width, IBlockState wallBlock) { this.height = height; this.width = width; this.wall = wallBlock; } } public BaseDeck() { } public BaseDeck(BaseConfiguration configuration, Random rand, int blockPosX, int blockPosY, int blockPosZ, int tier, EnumFacing dir) { super(configuration, configuration.getCorridorWidth() + 1, configuration.getRoomHeight() + 1, configuration.getCorridorLength(), dir); this.roomsOnSide = configuration.getRoomsNo(); this.roomDepth = configuration.getRoomDepth() + (tier == 0 ? 1 : 0); this.deckTier = tier; this.coordBaseMode = EnumFacing.NORTH; if (this.getDirection().getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.X) { int w = this.sizeX; this.sizeX = this.sizeZ; this.sizeZ = w; } int xMin = blockPosX - this.sizeX / 2; int zMin = blockPosZ - this.sizeZ / 2; this.boundingBox = new StructureBoundingBox(xMin, blockPosY, zMin, xMin + this.sizeX, blockPosY + this.sizeY, zMin + this.sizeZ); if (this.roomsOnSide <= 1) { largeRoomPosA = 0; largeRoomPosB = 2; } else { largeRoomPosA = rand.nextInt(this.roomsOnSide - 1); largeRoomPosB = largeRoomPosA + 1 + rand.nextInt(this.roomsOnSide - largeRoomPosA - 1); } if (tier == 1) //1 means lowest tier and there are going to be some higher ones { this.createOtherDecks(configuration, rand, blockPosX, blockPosY, blockPosZ); } //Special settings for Control Room if ((tier & 4) == 4) { this.roomDepth -= 2; if (this.getDirection().getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.X) { this.sizeZ += 4; } else { this.sizeX += 4; } xMin = blockPosX - this.sizeX / 2; zMin = blockPosZ - this.sizeZ / 2; switch(this.getDirection()) { case NORTH: this.sizeZ++; break; case SOUTH: zMin--; this.sizeZ++; break; case WEST: this.sizeX++; break; case EAST: default: xMin--; this.sizeX++; break; } this.boundingBox = new StructureBoundingBox(xMin, blockPosY, zMin, xMin + this.sizeX, blockPosY + this.sizeY, zMin + this.sizeZ); } } private void createOtherDecks(BaseConfiguration configuration, Random rand, int blockPosX, int blockPosY, int blockPosZ) { this.otherDecks = new ArrayList<BaseDeck>(); if (this.configuration.isHangarDeck()) { this.otherDecks.add(new BaseDeck(configuration, rand, blockPosX, blockPosY + this.sizeY + 1, blockPosZ, 6, this.direction)); } else { this.otherDecks.add(new BaseDeck(configuration, rand, blockPosX, blockPosY + this.sizeY, blockPosZ, 0, this.direction)); this.otherDecks.add(new BaseDeck(configuration, rand, blockPosX, blockPosY + this.sizeY + this.sizeY, blockPosZ, 2, this.direction)); } } @Override protected void writeStructureToNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.writeStructureToNBT(tagCompound); int details = this.deckTier + (this.largeRoomPosA << 4) + (this.largeRoomPosB << 8); tagCompound.setInteger("dD", details); if (this.otherDecks != null) { NBTTagList tagList = new NBTTagList(); for (BaseDeck deck : this.otherDecks) { NBTTagCompound tag1 = new NBTTagCompound(); deck.writeStructureToNBT(tag1); tagList.appendTag(tag1); } tagCompound.setTag("oD", tagList); } } @Override protected void readStructureFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.readStructureFromNBT(tagCompound); try { int details = tagCompound.getInteger("dD"); this.deckTier = details & 15; this.largeRoomPosB = details >> 8; this.largeRoomPosA = (details >> 4) & 15; this.roomsOnSide = configuration.getRoomsNo(); this.roomDepth = configuration.getRoomDepth() + (this.deckTier == 0 ? 1 : 0) - ((this.deckTier & 4) == 4 ? 3 : 0); if (tagCompound.hasKey("oD")) { NBTTagList tagList = tagCompound.getTagList("oD", 10); this.otherDecks = new ArrayList<BaseDeck>(); for (int i = 0; i < tagList.tagCount(); i++) { NBTTagCompound tagAt = tagList.getCompoundTagAt(i); BaseDeck deck = new BaseDeck(); deck.readStructureFromNBT(tagAt); this.otherDecks.add(deck); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed to read Abandoned Base configuration from NBT"); System.err.println(tagCompound.toString()); } } @Override public boolean addComponentParts(World worldIn, Random randomIn, StructureBoundingBox chunkBounds) { IBlockState block1; IBlockState blockWall = this.configuration.getWallBlock(); IBlockState blockGrid = AsteroidBlocks.blockWalkway.getDefaultState(); Block blockStair = GCBlocks.moonStoneStairs; IBlockState blockAir = Blocks.air.getDefaultState(); boolean directionNS = this.getDirection().getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.Z; int ceilingSpacer = (directionNS ? this.sizeZ : this.sizeX) / this.roomsOnSide + 1; int ceilingDeco = ceilingSpacer; int startX = 0; int startZ = 0; int endX = this.sizeX; int endZ = this.sizeZ; int endY = this.sizeY; if (this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.AVIAN && !this.configuration.isHangarDeck()) endY--; //This is the central corridor of every base for (int x = startX; x <= endX; x++) { for (int z = startZ; z <= endZ; z++) { for (int y = 0; y <= endY; y++) { if (x == startX || x == endX || y == 0 || y == endY || z == startZ || z == endZ) { boolean skipCap = false; if (this.configuration.isHangarDeck() && this.deckTier == 1 && (this.getDirection() == EnumFacing.NORTH && z == endZ || this.getDirection() == EnumFacing.SOUTH && z == startZ || this.getDirection() == EnumFacing.WEST && x == endX || this.getDirection() == EnumFacing.EAST && x == startX)) { //Make airlock at the hangar end, if it's a hangar deck IBlockState blockLintel = GCBlocks.airLockFrame.getDefaultState(); IBlockState blockAirlock = GCBlocks.airLockFrame.getStateFromMeta(1); if ((!directionNS && (z == startZ + 1 || z == endZ - 1) || directionNS && (x == startX + 1 || x == endX - 1)) && y < sizeY - 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (y >= endY - 1 || directionNS && (x == startX || x == endX) || !directionNS && (z == startZ || z == endZ)) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (y == 0 || y == endY - 2) { //Test mid point bottom if (y == 0 && (!directionNS && z == (startZ + endZ) / 2 || directionNS && x == (startX + endX) / 2)) this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAirlock, x, y, z, chunkBounds); else this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, y, z, chunkBounds); skipCap = true; } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } } //Skip certain blocks at top and bottom to give chamfered edge else if (!((y == 0 && (this.deckTier & 1) == 1 || y == endY && (this.deckTier & 1) == 2) && (directionNS && (z == startZ || z == endZ) || !directionNS && (x == startX || x == endX)))) { if (y == 0 && (this.deckTier & 1) == 1 && this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.HUMANOID && (directionNS && (x == startX + 2 + (this.configuration.isHangarDeck() ? 1 : 0) || x == startX + 4 + (this.configuration.isHangarDeck() ? 1 : 0)) || !directionNS && (z == startZ + 2 + (this.configuration.isHangarDeck() ? 1 : 0) || z == startZ + 4 + (this.configuration.isHangarDeck() ? 1 : 0)))) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (!this.configuration.isHangarDeck() && (this.getDirection() == EnumFacing.SOUTH && z == endZ || this.getDirection() == EnumFacing.NORTH && z == startZ || this.getDirection() == EnumFacing.EAST && x == endX || this.getDirection() == EnumFacing.WEST && x == startX)) { //Some end windows at the ends of the corridors IBlockState windowOrWall = blockWall; IBlockState blockGlass; switch (this.configuration.getDeckType()) { case AVIAN: blockGlass = GCBlocks.spaceGlassTinVanilla.getDefaultState(); break; case TUNNELER: blockGlass = GCBlocks.spaceGlassTinStrong.getDefaultState(); break; case HUMANOID: default: blockGlass = GCBlocks.spaceGlassTinClear.getDefaultState(); break; } int w, startW, endW; if (directionNS) { w = x; startW = startX; endW = endX; } else { w = z; startW = startZ; endW = endZ; } if (this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.AVIAN) { if (y == 2 && w == startW + 2) { windowOrWall = blockGlass; } } else { int edge = this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.TUNNELER ? 1 : 0; if ((y == 2 || y == 3) && w > startW + edge && w < endW - edge) { windowOrWall = blockGlass; } } this.setBlockState(worldIn, windowOrWall, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } } //Special case: cap the grid ends int hangarOffset = (this.configuration.isHangarDeck() ? 1 : 0); if (y == 0 && (this.deckTier & 1) == 1 && this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.HUMANOID && (directionNS && (x >= startX + 2 + hangarOffset && x <= startX + 4 + hangarOffset) || !directionNS && (z >= startZ + 2 + hangarOffset && z <= startZ + 4 + hangarOffset))) { if (directionNS && (z == startZ || z == endZ) || !directionNS && (x == startX || x == endX)) { if (!skipCap) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } } } } else if (this.configuration.getDeckType().ordinal() >= EnumBaseType.AVIAN.ordinal() && (y == 1 || y == endY - 1)) { //Internal decoration - deck corridor corners int top = (y == 1) ? 0 : 4; if (this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.TUNNELER) top ++; if (directionNS) { if (x == startX + 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(0 ^ top), x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (x == endX - 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(1 ^ top), x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.AVIAN) { if (z == ceilingDeco && top >= 4) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(3 ^ top), x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (z == ceilingDeco + 1 && top >= 4) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(2 ^ top), x, y, z, chunkBounds); if (x >= endX - 2) ceilingDeco += ceilingSpacer; } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } } else { if (z == startZ + 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(2 ^ top), x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (z == endZ - 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(3 ^ top), x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.AVIAN) { if (x == ceilingDeco && top == 4) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(0 ^ top), x, y, z, chunkBounds); } else if (x == ceilingDeco + 1 && top == 4) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(1 ^ top), x, y, z, chunkBounds); if (z >= endZ - 2) ceilingDeco += ceilingSpacer; } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } } } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, y, z, chunkBounds); } } //Infill for the extra height layer if (endY != this.sizeY) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, x, this.sizeY, z, chunkBounds); } } } int leftX = ((this.deckTier & 4) == 4 && (this.direction == EnumFacing.SOUTH || this.direction == EnumFacing.EAST)) ? 3 : 2; int rightX = leftX; int leftZ = leftX; int rightZ = rightX; for (int i = 0; i < this.roomsOnSide; i++) { boolean largeRoom = (i == largeRoomPosA || i == largeRoomPosB); int roomsize = largeRoom ? ROOMLARGE : ROOMSMALL; int largeRoomOffset = largeRoom ? 2 : 1; if (directionNS) { this.makeDoorway(worldIn, this.sizeX, leftZ + largeRoomOffset, directionNS, chunkBounds); this.makeDoorway(worldIn, 0, rightZ + largeRoomOffset, directionNS, chunkBounds); leftZ += roomsize; rightZ += roomsize; } else { this.makeDoorway(worldIn, leftX + largeRoomOffset, this.sizeZ, directionNS, chunkBounds); this.makeDoorway(worldIn, rightX + largeRoomOffset, 0, directionNS, chunkBounds); leftX += roomsize; rightX += roomsize; } } if (directionNS) { this.coordBaseMode = this.direction; } else { this.coordBaseMode = this.direction.getOpposite(); //bug in Vanilla? } if (this.configuration.isHangarDeck() && this.deckTier == 1) { //Create an access hole between the floors int width = directionNS ? this.sizeX : this.sizeZ; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, 0, this.sizeY, 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, 1, this.sizeY, 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, 1, this.sizeY - 1, 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, width - 1, this.sizeY - 1, 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, width - 1, this.sizeY, 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, width, this.sizeY, 1, chunkBounds); } //Special settings for Control Room if ((this.deckTier & 4) == 4) { IBlockState blockGlass; switch (this.configuration.getDeckType()) { case AVIAN: blockGlass = GCBlocks.spaceGlassTinVanilla.getDefaultState(); break; case TUNNELER: blockGlass = GCBlocks.spaceGlassTinStrong.getDefaultState(); break; case HUMANOID: default: blockGlass = GCBlocks.spaceGlassTinClear.getDefaultState(); break; } if (!directionNS) { int w = endX; endX = endZ; endZ = w; } for (int y = 1; y < 5; y++) { for (int x = 2; x < endX - 1; x++) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGlass, x, y, endZ, chunkBounds); } } //Create two levers int facing = 0; int leverfacing = 4; switch (this.direction) { case NORTH: break; case SOUTH: facing = 2; leverfacing = 3; break; case EAST: facing = 1; leverfacing = 1; break; case WEST: facing = 3; leverfacing = 2; } IBlockState lever = GCBlocks.concealedDetector.getStateFromMeta(8 + facing + (this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.HUMANOID ? 0 : 4)); this.setBlockState(worldIn, lever, endX / 2 - 2, this.sizeY - 1, endZ, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, lever, endX / 2 + 2, this.sizeY - 1, endZ, chunkBounds); lever = Blocks.lever.getStateFromMeta(leverfacing); this.setBlockState(worldIn, lever, endX / 2 - 2, this.sizeY - 1, endZ - 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, lever, endX / 2 + 2, this.sizeY - 1, endZ - 1, chunkBounds); //Create two redstone blocks this.setBlockState(worldIn, GCBlocks.concealedRedstone.getStateFromMeta(15), endX / 2 - 2, this.sizeY, endZ, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, GCBlocks.concealedRedstone.getStateFromMeta(15), endX / 2 + 2, this.sizeY, endZ, chunkBounds); //Create an access hole between the floors this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, 2, 0, 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, 3, 0, 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, 11, 0, 1, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, 12, 0, 1, chunkBounds); } this.coordBaseMode = EnumFacing.NORTH; return true; } public List<Piece> getRooms(int roomIndex, BaseStart startPiece, Random rand) { List<Piece> rooms = new ArrayList<Piece>(); boolean directionNS = this.getDirection().getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.Z; EnumFacing left = directionNS ? EnumFacing.WEST : EnumFacing.SOUTH; EnumFacing right = directionNS ? EnumFacing.EAST : EnumFacing.NORTH; int leftX = directionNS ? this.boundingBox.maxX + 1: this.boundingBox.minX; int leftZ = directionNS ? this.boundingBox.minZ : this.boundingBox.maxZ + 1; int rightX = directionNS ? this.boundingBox.minX - this.roomDepth - 1: this.boundingBox.minX; int rightZ = directionNS ? this.boundingBox.minZ : this.boundingBox.minZ - this.roomDepth - 1; //now offset effect of moving control room 1 position North or West, in two cases if ((this.deckTier & 4) == 4 && this.direction == EnumFacing.SOUTH) { rightZ++; leftZ++; } if ((this.deckTier & 4) == 4 && this.direction == EnumFacing.EAST) { rightX++; leftX++; } for (int i = 0; i < this.roomsOnSide; i++) { boolean largeRoom = (i == largeRoomPosA || i == largeRoomPosB); int roomsize = largeRoom ? ROOMLARGE : ROOMSMALL; rooms.add(this.getRoom(roomIndex++, left, leftX, leftZ, largeRoom, true, rand)); rooms.add(this.getRoom(roomIndex++, right, rightX, rightZ, largeRoom, false, rand)); if (directionNS) { leftZ += roomsize; rightZ += roomsize; } else { leftX += roomsize; rightX += roomsize; } } if (this.configuration.isHangarDeck() && (this.deckTier & 1) == 1) { int blockX = 0; int blockZ = 0; switch(this.direction) { case NORTH: blockX = this.boundingBox.minX + (this.sizeX - BaseHangar.HANGARWIDTH) / 2; blockZ = this.boundingBox.maxZ + 1; break; case SOUTH: blockX = this.boundingBox.minX + (this.sizeX - BaseHangar.HANGARWIDTH) / 2; blockZ = this.boundingBox.minZ - 1 - BaseHangar.HANGARLENGTH; break; case WEST: blockX = this.boundingBox.maxX + 1; blockZ = this.boundingBox.minZ + (this.sizeZ - BaseHangar.HANGARWIDTH) / 2; break; case EAST: default: blockX = this.boundingBox.minX - 1 - BaseHangar.HANGARLENGTH; blockZ = this.boundingBox.minZ + (this.sizeZ - BaseHangar.HANGARWIDTH) / 2; } rooms.add(new BaseHangar(this.configuration, rand, blockX, blockZ, this.direction.getOpposite())); } if ((this.configuration.isHangarDeck() || this.configuration.getDeckType() == EnumBaseType.HUMANOID) && (this.deckTier & 1) == 1) { int blockX = this.boundingBox.minX; int blockZ = this.boundingBox.minZ; int sX = this.sizeX; int sZ = this.sizeZ; switch(this.direction) { case NORTH: blockZ++; sZ--; if (!this.configuration.isHangarDeck()) sZ--; break; case SOUTH: sZ--; if (!this.configuration.isHangarDeck()) { blockZ++; sZ--; } break; case WEST: blockX++; sX--; if (!this.configuration.isHangarDeck()) sX--; break; case EAST: default: sX--; if (!this.configuration.isHangarDeck()) { blockX++; sX--; } } rooms.add(new BasePlate(this.configuration, blockX, this.boundingBox.minY - 1, blockZ, sX, sZ, this.direction)); } if (this.otherDecks != null) { for (BaseDeck deck : this.otherDecks) { rooms.add(deck); List<Piece> newRooms = deck.getRooms(roomIndex, startPiece, rand); rooms.addAll(newRooms); roomIndex += newRooms.size(); } } return rooms; } protected void makeDoorway(World worldIn, int x, int z, boolean directionNS, StructureBoundingBox chunkBounds) { // System.out.println("Making doorway at " + x + "," + z + " NS:" + directionNS + " Tier " + this.deckTier); IBlockState blockLintel = GCBlocks.airLockFrame.getDefaultState(); IBlockState blockAirlock = GCBlocks.airLockFrame.getStateFromMeta(1); Block blockStair = GCBlocks.moonStoneStairs; IBlockState blockAir = Blocks.air.getDefaultState(); int meta = directionNS ? 2 : 0; switch (this.configuration.getDeckType()) { case HUMANOID: if (directionNS) z--; else x--; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, 1, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, 2, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, 3, z, chunkBounds); if (directionNS) z++; else x++; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, 1, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, 2, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAirlock, x, 0, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, 3, z, chunkBounds); if (directionNS) z++; else x++; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, 1, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, 2, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockLintel, x, 3, z, chunkBounds); break; case AVIAN: this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(0 + meta), x, this.sizeY - 4, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, this.sizeY - 3, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(4 + meta), x, this.sizeY - 2, z, chunkBounds); if (directionNS) z++; else x++; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(1 + meta), x, this.sizeY - 4, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, this.sizeY - 3, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(5 + meta), x, this.sizeY - 2, z, chunkBounds); break; case TUNNELER: if (directionNS) z--; else x--; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(1 + meta), x, 2, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(5 + meta), x, 3, z, chunkBounds); if (directionNS) z++; else x++; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, 2, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, x, 3, z, chunkBounds); if (directionNS) z++; else x++; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(0 + meta), x, 2, z, chunkBounds); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(4 + meta), x, 3, z, chunkBounds); break; default: } } protected Piece getRoom(int i, EnumFacing dir, int blockX, int blockZ, boolean large, boolean left, Random rand) { int sX = large ? ROOMLARGE : ROOMSMALL; int sZ = sX; if (dir.getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.Z) { sZ = this.roomDepth; } else { sX = this.roomDepth; } int sY = this.sizeY; return new BaseRoom(this.configuration, rand, blockX, this.boundingBox.minY, blockZ, sX, sY, sZ, dir, this.configuration.getRandomRoom(i), left ? (i == 0) : (i == this.roomsOnSide - 1), left ? (i == this.roomsOnSide - 1) : (i == 0), this.deckTier); } }