package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.galaxies; import; public class Satellite extends CelestialBody implements IChildBody { protected Planet parentCelestialBody = null; protected int dimensionIdStatic = 0; public Satellite(String satelliteName) { super(satelliteName); } @Override public Planet getParentPlanet() { return this.parentCelestialBody; } public Satellite setParentBody(Planet parentCelestialBody) { this.parentCelestialBody = parentCelestialBody; return this; } @Override @Deprecated public CelestialBody setDimensionInfo(int providerId, Class<? extends WorldProvider> providerClass, boolean autoRegister) { // Since satellites need a static ID, the subclass method will not work correctly. throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Satellite registered using an outdated method (setDimensionInfo)! Tell Galacticraft addon authors to update to the latest API."); } public CelestialBody setDimensionInfo(int providerIdDynamic, int providerIdStatic, Class<? extends WorldProvider> providerClass) { this.dimensionID = providerIdDynamic; this.dimensionIdStatic = providerIdStatic; this.providerClass = providerClass; this.autoRegisterDimension = false; // Addons need to register satellites manually this.isReachable = true; return this; } @Override public int getID() { return GalaxyRegistry.getSatelliteID(this.bodyName); } @Override public String getUnlocalizedNamePrefix() { return "satellite"; } public int getDimensionIdStatic() { return dimensionIdStatic; } }