package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.power; public interface IEnergyHandlerGC { /** * Add energy from an external source * * @param from Energy Source that is providing power * @param amount Maximum amount of energy to receive * @param simulate If true, the transfer will only be simulated. * @return The amount of energy that was successfully received (or would * have been, if simulated). */ public float receiveEnergyGC(EnergySource from, float amount, boolean simulate); /** * Remove energy, transferring it to an external source * * @param from Energy Source that is extracting power * @param amount Maximum amount of energy to extract * @param simulate If true, the transfer will only be simulated. * @return The amount of energy that was successfully extracted (or would * have been, if simulated). */ public float extractEnergyGC(EnergySource from, float amount, boolean simulate); /** * Returns true if the handler can interface with the provided energy source */ public boolean nodeAvailable(EnergySource from); /** * Returns the amount of energy stored in this handler available to the * provided source */ public float getEnergyStoredGC(EnergySource from); /** * Returns the maximum amount of energy stored in this handler available to * the provided source */ public float getMaxEnergyStoredGC(EnergySource from); }