package; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.Constants; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.util.GCLog; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import java.util.EnumMap; public class GalacticraftChannelHandler extends FMLIndexedMessageToMessageCodec<IPacket> { private EnumMap<Side, FMLEmbeddedChannel> channels; private GalacticraftChannelHandler() { this.addDiscriminator(0, PacketSimple.class); this.addDiscriminator(1, PacketRotateRocket.class); this.addDiscriminator(2, PacketDynamic.class); this.addDiscriminator(3, PacketFluidNetworkUpdate.class); this.addDiscriminator(4, PacketEntityUpdate.class); this.addDiscriminator(5, PacketDynamicInventory.class); } public static GalacticraftChannelHandler init() { GalacticraftChannelHandler channelHandler = new GalacticraftChannelHandler(); channelHandler.channels = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newChannel(Constants.MOD_ID_CORE, channelHandler, new GalacticraftPacketHandler()); return channelHandler; } @Override public void encodeInto(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, IPacket msg, ByteBuf target) throws Exception { msg.encodeInto(target); } @Override public void decodeInto(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf source, IPacket msg) { msg.decodeInto(source); } /** * Send this message to everyone. * <p/> * Adapted from CPW's code in * * * @param message The message to send */ public void sendToAll(IPacket message) { this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGET).set(FMLOutboundHandler.OutboundTarget.ALL); this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).writeOutbound(message); } /** * Send this message to the specified player. * <p/> * Adapted from CPW's code in * * * @param message The message to send * @param player The player to send it to */ public void sendTo(IPacket message, EntityPlayerMP player) { this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGET).set(FMLOutboundHandler.OutboundTarget.PLAYER); this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGETARGS).set(player); this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).writeOutbound(message); } /** * Send this message to everyone within a certain range of a point. * <p/> * Adapted from CPW's code in * * * @param message The message to send * @param point The * {@link} * around which to send */ public void sendToAllAround(IPacket message, NetworkRegistry.TargetPoint point) { try { this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGET).set(FMLOutboundHandler.OutboundTarget.ALLAROUNDPOINT); this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGETARGS).set(point); this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).writeOutbound(message); } catch (Exception e) { GCLog.severe("Forge error when sending network packet to nearby players - this is not a Galacticraft bug, does another mod make fake players?"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Send this message to everyone within the supplied dimension. * <p/> * Adapted from CPW's code in * * * @param message The message to send * @param dimensionID The dimension id to target */ public void sendToDimension(IPacket message, int dimensionID) { try { this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGET).set(FMLOutboundHandler.OutboundTarget.DIMENSION); this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGETARGS).set(dimensionID); this.channels.get(Side.SERVER).writeOutbound(message); } catch (Exception e) { GCLog.severe("Forge error when sending network packet to all players in dimension - this is not a Galacticraft bug, does another mod make fake players?"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Send this message to the server. * <p/> * Adapted from CPW's code in * * * @param message The message to send */ public void sendToServer(IPacket message) { if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide() != Side.CLIENT) { return; } this.channels.get(Side.CLIENT).attr(FMLOutboundHandler.FML_MESSAGETARGET).set(FMLOutboundHandler.OutboundTarget.TOSERVER); this.channels.get(Side.CLIENT).writeOutbound(message); } }