package; import java.util.Random; import; import; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; public class BaseConfiguration { private final static int HANGAR_AIRLOCK_HEIGHT = 6; private final static int HANGAR_AIRLOCK_WIDTH = 7; private int yPosition; private int baseType; private boolean hangar; private int roomHeight; private int roomDepth; private IBlockState wallBlock; private int roomsNo; private int[] randomRoomTypes; private EnumRoomType[] roomTypes = EnumRoomType.values(); public BaseConfiguration() { } public BaseConfiguration(int yPosition, Random rand) { BaseDeck.EnumBaseType[] types = BaseDeck.EnumBaseType.values(); this.yPosition = yPosition - 2 + rand.nextInt(5); this.baseType = rand.nextInt(types.length); this.hangar = rand.nextInt(3) == 0; this.roomHeight = types[this.baseType].height; this.roomDepth = this.hangar ? 7 : rand.nextInt(3) + 5; this.wallBlock = types[this.baseType].wall; this.roomsNo = rand.nextInt(2) + 2; this.createRandomRoomList(rand); } private void createRandomRoomList(Random rand) { int range = this.roomTypes.length; int size = this.hangar ? 8 : this.roomsNo * 6; this.randomRoomTypes = new int[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { this.randomRoomTypes[i] = i % range; } int index, temp; for (int i = size - 1; i > 0; i--) { index = rand.nextInt(i + 1); if (i == index) continue; temp = this.randomRoomTypes[index]; this.randomRoomTypes[index] = this.randomRoomTypes[i]; this.randomRoomTypes[i] = temp; } //Make sure there's a Cargo Loader on lower tier (50/50 chance this causes one other room to be missed completely, that's OK!) if (this.hangar) { boolean storeFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (this.randomRoomTypes[i] == EnumRoomType.STORE.ordinal()) { storeFound = true; break; } } if (!storeFound) { this.randomRoomTypes[rand.nextInt(4)] = EnumRoomType.STORE.ordinal(); } } } public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { tagCompound.setInteger("yPos", this.yPosition); tagCompound.setInteger("dT", this.baseType + (this.hangar ? 16 : 0)); tagCompound.setInteger("rmD", this.roomDepth); tagCompound.setInteger("rmN", this.roomsNo); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { try { this.yPosition = tagCompound.getInteger("yPos"); this.baseType = tagCompound.getInteger("dT"); this.hangar = false; if (this.baseType >= 16) { this.hangar = true; this.baseType -= 16; } this.roomDepth = tagCompound.getInteger("rmD"); this.roomsNo = tagCompound.getInteger("rmN"); this.roomHeight = BaseDeck.EnumBaseType.values()[this.baseType].height; this.wallBlock = BaseDeck.EnumBaseType.values()[this.baseType].wall; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed to read Abandoned Base configuration from NBT"); System.err.println(tagCompound.toString()); } } public int getYPosition() { return this.yPosition; } public IBlockState getWallBlock() { return this.wallBlock; } public int getRoomHeight() { return hangar ? HANGAR_AIRLOCK_HEIGHT : this.roomHeight; } public int getRoomDepth() { return this.roomDepth; } public EnumBaseType getDeckType() { return BaseDeck.EnumBaseType.values()[this.baseType]; } public boolean isHangarDeck() { return hangar; } public int getCorridorWidth() { return hangar ? HANGAR_AIRLOCK_WIDTH : this.getDeckType().width; } public int getRoomsNo() { return hangar ? 2 : roomsNo; } public int getCorridorLength() { if (getRoomsNo() == 1) return BaseDeck.ROOMLARGE; if (getRoomsNo() == 2) return BaseDeck.ROOMLARGE + BaseDeck.ROOMLARGE; return getRoomsNo() * BaseDeck.ROOMSMALL + 2 * (BaseDeck.ROOMLARGE - BaseDeck.ROOMSMALL); } public EnumRoomType getRandomRoom(int i) { return roomTypes[this.randomRoomTypes[i % this.randomRoomTypes.length]]; } }