package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.util; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.vector.BlockVec3; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.Constants; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.GalacticraftCore; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.client.DynamicTextureProper; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.client.screen.DrawGameScreen; import; import; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.proxy.ClientProxyCore; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.MapColor; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.DynamicTexture; import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResourceManager; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.FMLClientHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import javax.imageio.*; import; import; import; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import; import; public class MapUtil { //Mapgen management public static AtomicBoolean calculatingMap = new AtomicBoolean(); public static AtomicBoolean resetClientFlag = new AtomicBoolean(); private static MapGen currentMap = null; private static MapGen slowMap = null; private static Thread threadCurrentMap = null; private static Thread threadSlowMap = null; public static boolean doneOverworldTexture = false; private static LinkedList<MapGen> queuedMaps = new LinkedList(); public static LinkedList<String> clientRequests = new LinkedList(); public static ArrayList<BlockVec3> biomeColours = new ArrayList<BlockVec3>(40); private static Random rand = new Random(); private static byte[] overworldImageBytesPart; //Used client side only private static byte[] overworldImageCompressed = null; //Map size definitions private static final int SIZE_STD = 176; public static final int SIZE_STD2 = SIZE_STD * 2; public static final int OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_WIDTH = 1536; //Do not make a large map whose raw binary exceeds 2MB otherwise sendMapPacket() will not send it. This raw binary is 576kB private static final int OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_HEIGHT = 960; private static final int OVERWORLD_MAP_SCALE = 4; //Recommended is 4. This gives a large overworld map of size (1536 x 16) by (960 x 16): that extends 12000 blocks from spawn in both EW directions and 7600 blocks from spawn north and south private static final int OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_WIDTH = 192; //Do not change - planet texture needs to be this size private static final int OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 48; //Do not change - planet texture needs to be this size private static final int OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_SCALE = 7; private static final int LARGEMAP_MARKER = 30000001; //This is a marker to flag world map packets, it must be an impossible cx coordinate //Color related constants private static final int OCEAN_HEIGHT = 63; private static final int DEEP_OCEAN = 56; static { //TODO: Deal with mods like ExtraBiomes setupColours(); } public static void reset() { if (currentMap != null) currentMap.abort(); currentMap = null; saveMapProgress(); threadCurrentMap = null; threadSlowMap = null; queuedMaps.clear(); calculatingMap.set(false); doneOverworldTexture = false; overworldImageCompressed = null; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void resetClient() { resetClientFlag.set(true); //Threadsafe } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void resetClientBody() { ClientProxyCore.overworldTexturesValid = false; clientRequests.clear(); overworldImageBytesPart = null; File baseFolder = new File(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().mcDataDir, "assets/galacticraftMaps"); if (baseFolder.exists() && baseFolder.isDirectory()) { for (File f : baseFolder.listFiles()) { if (f.isFile()) { f.delete(); } } } GalacticraftCore.packetPipeline.sendToServer(new PacketSimple(PacketSimple.EnumSimplePacket.S_REQUEST_OVERWORLD_IMAGE, GCCoreUtil.getDimensionID(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().theWorld), new Object[] {})); ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureRequestSent = true; DrawGameScreen.reusableMap = new DynamicTexture(MapUtil.SIZE_STD2, MapUtil.SIZE_STD2); MapUtil.biomeColours.clear(); setupColours(); } /** * The BufferedImage needs to be already set up as a sized image of TYPE_INT_RGB */ public static void getLocalMap(World world, int chunkXPos, int chunkZPos, BufferedImage image) { for (int x0 = -12; x0 <= 12; x0++) { for (int z0 = -12; z0 <= 12; z0++) { Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(chunkXPos + x0, chunkZPos + z0); if (chunk != null) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { int l4 = chunk.getHeight(new BlockPos(x, 0, z)) + 1; Block block = Blocks.air; IBlockState i5 = null; if (l4 > 1) { do { --l4; block = chunk.getBlock(x, l4, z); i5 = chunk.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, l4, z)); } while (block.getMapColor(i5) == MapColor.airColor && l4 > 0); } int col = block.getMapColor(i5).colorValue; image.setRGB(x + (x0 + 12) * 16, z + (z0 + 12) * 16, col); } } } } } } public static void makeOverworldTexture() { if (doneOverworldTexture) { return; } World overworld = WorldUtil.getProviderForDimensionServer(ConfigManagerCore.idDimensionOverworld).worldObj; if (overworld == null) { return; } if (overworld.getWorldType() == WorldType.FLAT || !(overworld.provider instanceof WorldProviderSurface)) { doneOverworldTexture = true; return; } File baseFolder = new File(MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(0).getChunkSaveLocation(), "galacticraft/overworldMap"); if (!baseFolder.exists() && !baseFolder.mkdirs()) { GCLog.severe("Base folder(s) could not be created: " + baseFolder.getAbsolutePath()); doneOverworldTexture = true; return; } if (MapUtil.getBiomeMapForCoords(overworld, 0, 0, OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_SCALE, OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_WIDTH, OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, baseFolder)) { doneOverworldTexture = true; } //This will make the 'slow map', a map covering a large part of the world around spawn //(On a typical modern PC, this should take 20-30 minutes to generate in its own thread) MapUtil.getBiomeMapForCoords(overworld, 0, 0, OVERWORLD_MAP_SCALE, OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_WIDTH, OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_HEIGHT, baseFolder); } public static void sendOverworldToClient(EntityPlayerMP client) { if (doneOverworldTexture) { try { File baseFolder = new File(MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(0).getChunkSaveLocation(), "galacticraft/overworldMap"); if (!baseFolder.exists()) { GCLog.severe("Base folder missing: " + baseFolder.getAbsolutePath()); return; } File file = new File(baseFolder, "Overworld" + OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_WIDTH + ".bin"); if (file.exists()) { sendMapPacket(0, 0, client, FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file)); } file = new File(baseFolder, "Overworld" + OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_WIDTH + ".bin"); if (file.exists()) { sendMapPacket(LARGEMAP_MARKER, 0, client, FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file)); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Error sending overworld image to player."); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void sendOrCreateMap(World world, int cx, int cz, EntityPlayerMP client) { if (world.getWorldType() == WorldType.FLAT || !(world.provider instanceof WorldProviderSurface)) { doneOverworldTexture = true; return; } try { File baseFolder = new File(MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(0).getChunkSaveLocation(), "galacticraft/overworldMap"); if (!baseFolder.exists()) { GCLog.severe("Base folder missing: " + baseFolder.getAbsolutePath()); return; } File file = makeFileName(baseFolder, cx, cz); if (!file.exists()) { getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx, cz, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); return; } sendMapPacket(cx, cz, client, FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file)); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Error sending map image to player."); ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void sendMapPacket(int cx, int cz, EntityPlayerMP client, byte[] largeMap) throws IOException { byte[] compressed; if (cx == LARGEMAP_MARKER) { if (overworldImageCompressed == null) { overworldImageCompressed = zipCompress(largeMap); } compressed = overworldImageCompressed; } else { compressed = zipCompress(largeMap); } sendMapPacketCompressed(cx, cz, client, compressed); } public static void sendMapPacketToAll(int cx, int cz, byte[] largeMap) { byte[] compressed; if (cx == LARGEMAP_MARKER) { if (overworldImageCompressed == null) { overworldImageCompressed = zipCompress(largeMap); } compressed = overworldImageCompressed; } else { compressed = zipCompress(largeMap); } sendMapPacketAllCompressed(cx, cz, compressed); } private static void sendMapPacketCompressed(int cx, int cz, EntityPlayerMP client, byte[] map) throws IOException { if (cx == LARGEMAP_MARKER && map.length < 2040000) { int halfSize = map.length / 2; byte[] largeMapPartA = Arrays.copyOf(map, halfSize); byte[] largeMapPartB = Arrays.copyOfRange(map, halfSize, map.length); GalacticraftCore.packetPipeline.sendTo(new PacketSimple(EnumSimplePacket.C_SEND_OVERWORLD_IMAGE, GCCoreUtil.getDimensionID(client.worldObj), new Object[] { cx, map.length, largeMapPartA }), client); GalacticraftCore.packetPipeline.sendTo(new PacketSimple(EnumSimplePacket.C_SEND_OVERWORLD_IMAGE, GCCoreUtil.getDimensionID(client.worldObj), new Object[] { cx + 1, map.length, largeMapPartB }), client); } else if (map.length < 1020000) //That's about the limit on a Forge packet length { GalacticraftCore.packetPipeline.sendTo(new PacketSimple(EnumSimplePacket.C_SEND_OVERWORLD_IMAGE, GCCoreUtil.getDimensionID(client.worldObj), new Object[] { cx, cz, map }), client); } } private static void sendMapPacketAllCompressed(int cx, int cz, byte[] map) { if (cx == LARGEMAP_MARKER && map.length < 2040000) { int halfSize = map.length / 2; byte[] largeMapPartA = Arrays.copyOf(map, halfSize); byte[] largeMapPartB = Arrays.copyOfRange(map, halfSize, map.length); GCCoreUtil.sendToAllDimensions(EnumSimplePacket.C_SEND_OVERWORLD_IMAGE, new Object[] { cx, map.length, largeMapPartA }); GCCoreUtil.sendToAllDimensions(EnumSimplePacket.C_SEND_OVERWORLD_IMAGE, new Object[] { cx + 1, map.length, largeMapPartB }); } else if (map.length < 1020000) //That's about the limit on a Forge packet length { GCCoreUtil.sendToAllDimensions(EnumSimplePacket.C_SEND_OVERWORLD_IMAGE, new Object[] { cx, cz, map }); } } /** * On a server, build any needed patchwork map files around co-ordinates (x, z) * The needed files may already have been generated by previous calls on the same server * Files are stored in the world save folder, subfolder galacticraft/overworldMap */ public static boolean buildMaps(World world, int x, int z) { if (world.getWorldType() == WorldType.FLAT || !(world.provider instanceof WorldProviderSurface)) { return false; } File baseFolder = new File(MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(0).getChunkSaveLocation(), "galacticraft/overworldMap"); if (!baseFolder.exists() && !baseFolder.mkdirs()) { GCLog.severe("Base folder(s) could not be created: " + baseFolder.getAbsolutePath()); return false; } int cx = convertMap(x); int cz = convertMap(z); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx, cz, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx + SIZE_STD2, cz, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx, cz + SIZE_STD2, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx - SIZE_STD2, cz, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx, cz - SIZE_STD2, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx + SIZE_STD2, cz + SIZE_STD2, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx - SIZE_STD2, cz + SIZE_STD2, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx - SIZE_STD2, cz - SIZE_STD2, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); getBiomeMapForCoords(world, cx + SIZE_STD2, cz - SIZE_STD2, 1, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, baseFolder); return true; } private static int convertMap(int x) { int cx = x + SIZE_STD; if (cx < 0) { cx -= SIZE_STD2 - 1; } cx /= SIZE_STD2; return cx * SIZE_STD2; } public static boolean getBiomeMapForCoords(World world, int cx, int cz, int scale, int sizeX, int sizeZ, File baseFolder) { File outputFile; if (sizeX != sizeZ) { outputFile = new File(baseFolder, "Overworld" + sizeX + ".bin"); if (sizeX == OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_WIDTH) { MapGen newGen = new MapGen(world, sizeX, sizeZ, cx, cz, 1 << scale, outputFile); if (newGen.mapNeedsCalculating) { slowMap = newGen; calculatingMap.set(true); } return false; } } else { outputFile = makeFileName(baseFolder, cx, cz); } MapGen newGen = new MapGen(world, sizeX, sizeZ, cx, cz, 1 << scale, outputFile); if (newGen.mapNeedsCalculating) { if (calculatingMap.getAndSet(true)) { queuedMaps.add(newGen); } else { currentMap = newGen; } return false; } return true; } public static void saveMapProgress() { if (slowMap != null) { slowMap.abort(); try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(90); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } slowMap.writeOutputFile(false); slowMap = null; } } /** * Poll any map threads to see if they need starting or if they're finished * * Multi-threaded version - runs each MapGen in its own thread, polls MapGen.finishedCalculatingMap to know when finished */ public static void BiomeMapNextTick_MultiThreaded() { if (currentMap != null) { if (threadCurrentMap == null) { //Create the current map thread, pausing any slow map thread if (slowMap != null) { slowMap.pause(); } //TODO = should it use a re-usable thread pool? threadCurrentMap = new Thread(currentMap); threadCurrentMap.setName("Background world mapping"); threadCurrentMap.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); threadCurrentMap.start(); } else if (currentMap.finishedCalculating.get()) { //Finished the current map threadCurrentMap = null; currentMap.writeOutputFile(true); if (queuedMaps.size() > 0) { currentMap = queuedMaps.removeFirst(); } else { currentMap = null; if (slowMap == null) calculatingMap.set(false); else { if (slowMap != null) { slowMap.resume(); } } } } return; } if (!queuedMaps.isEmpty()) { if (slowMap != null) { slowMap.pause(); } currentMap = queuedMaps.removeFirst(); return; } if (slowMap != null) { if (threadSlowMap == null) { //Create the slow map thread threadSlowMap = new Thread(slowMap); threadSlowMap.setName("Background world mapping"); threadSlowMap.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); threadSlowMap.start(); } else if (slowMap.finishedCalculating.get()) { //Finished the current map threadSlowMap = null; slowMap.writeOutputFile(true); slowMap = null; calculatingMap.set(false); } return; } } //Single Threaded Version of the same code //(Currently unused) public static void BiomeMapNextTick_SingleThreaded() { MapGen map; boolean doingSlow = false; if (currentMap != null) { map = currentMap; } else if (slowMap != null) { map = slowMap; doingSlow = true; } else { return; } //If single threade, allow GC background mapping around 9% of the server tick time if server running at full speed //(on a slow server, it will be proportionately lower %) long end = System.nanoTime() + 4500000L; while (System.nanoTime() < end) { if (map.BiomeMapOneTick()) { //Finished map.writeOutputFile(true); if (doingSlow) { slowMap = null; } else { currentMap = null; if (queuedMaps.size() > 0) { currentMap = queuedMaps.removeFirst(); } } if (currentMap == null && slowMap == null) { calculatingMap.set(false); } return; } } } public static boolean backgroundMapping(Thread currentThread) { return currentThread == threadSlowMap || currentThread == threadCurrentMap; } /** * Converts a 48px high image to a 12px high image with a palette chosen only from the colours in the paletteImage * * @param overworldImage Output image already created as a blank image, dimensions biomeMapSizeX x biomeMapSizeY * @param paletteImage Palette image, dimensions must be a square with sides biomeMapSizeZ / 4 */ public static BufferedImage convertTo12pxTexture(BufferedImage overworldImage, BufferedImage paletteImage) { BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(overworldImage.getWidth(), overworldImage.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); TreeMap<Integer, Integer> mapColPos = new TreeMap(); TreeMap<Integer, Integer> mapColPosB = new TreeMap(); int count = 0; for (int x = 0; x < overworldImage.getWidth(); x += 4) { for (int z = 0; z < overworldImage.getHeight(); z += 4) { int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; for (int xx = 0; xx < 4; xx++) { for (int zz = 0; zz < 4; zz++) { int col = overworldImage.getRGB(xx + x, zz + z); r += (col >> 16); g += (col >> 8) & 255; b += col & 255; } } while (mapColPos.containsKey(g - b)) { g++; } mapColPos.put(g - b, count); if (x < overworldImage.getHeight()) { int col = paletteImage.getRGB(x + 1, z + 1); r = (col >> 16); g = (col >> 8) & 255; b = col & 255; while (mapColPosB.containsKey(g - b)) { g++; } mapColPosB.put(g - b, col); } count++; } } count = 0; int newCol = 0; Iterator<Integer> it = mapColPosB.keySet().iterator(); Iterator<Integer> itt = mapColPos.keySet().iterator(); int modulus = overworldImage.getHeight() / 4; int mod2 = overworldImage.getWidth() / overworldImage.getHeight(); for (int x = 0; x < overworldImage.getWidth() / 4; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < modulus; z++) { if (count % mod2 == 0) { newCol = mapColPosB.get(; } int position = mapColPos.get(; int xx = position / modulus; int zz = position % modulus; for (int xxx = 0; xxx < 4; xxx++) { for (int zzz = 0; zzz < 4; zzz++) { result.setRGB(xx * 4 + xxx, zz * 4 + zzz, newCol); } } count++; } } return result; } //Unused public static BufferedImage readImage(Object source) throws IOException { ImageInputStream stream = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(source); ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReaders(stream).next(); reader.setInput(stream); ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam(); ImageTypeSpecifier typeToUse = null; for (Iterator i = reader.getImageTypes(0); i.hasNext(); ) { ImageTypeSpecifier type = (ImageTypeSpecifier); if (type.getColorModel().getColorSpace().isCS_sRGB()) { typeToUse = type; } } if (typeToUse != null) { param.setDestinationType(typeToUse); } BufferedImage b =, param); reader.dispose(); stream.close(); return b; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void writeImgToFile(BufferedImage img, String name) { if (GalacticraftCore.enableJPEG) { File folder = new File(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().mcDataDir, "assets/galacticraftMaps"); try { ImageOutputStream outputStreamA = new FileImageOutputStream(new File(folder, name)); GalacticraftCore.jpgWriter.setOutput(outputStreamA); GalacticraftCore.jpgWriter.write(null, new IIOImage(img, null, null), GalacticraftCore.writeParam); outputStreamA.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } public static byte[] zipCompress(byte[] data) { Deflater deflater = new Deflater(); deflater.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_SPEED); deflater.setInput(data); deflater.finish(); ByteArrayOutputStream compressed = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length * 2 / 3); byte[] miniBuffer = new byte[4096]; while (!deflater.finished()) { int count = deflater.deflate(miniBuffer); compressed.write(miniBuffer, 0, count); } return compressed.toByteArray(); } private static byte[] zipDeCompress(byte[] data) throws DataFormatException { Inflater inflater = new Inflater(); inflater.setInput(data); ByteArrayOutputStream deCompressed = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length * 2); byte[] miniBuffer = new byte[4096]; while (!inflater.finished()) { int count = inflater.inflate(miniBuffer); deCompressed.write(miniBuffer, 0, count); } return deCompressed.toByteArray(); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void receiveOverworldImageCompressed(int cx, int cz, byte[] raw) throws IOException { if (cx == LARGEMAP_MARKER) { //Received large map part A if (overworldImageBytesPart == null) { overworldImageBytesPart = raw; return; } else { byte[] overWorldImageComplete = Arrays.copyOf(raw, cz); int offsetPartB = cz / 2; for (int i = offsetPartB; i < cz; i++) overWorldImageComplete[i] = overworldImageBytesPart[i - offsetPartB]; overworldImageBytesPart = null; raw = overWorldImageComplete; } } else if (cx == LARGEMAP_MARKER + 1) { //Received large map part B if (overworldImageBytesPart == null) { overworldImageBytesPart = raw; return; } else { byte[] overWorldImageComplete = Arrays.copyOf(overworldImageBytesPart, cz); int offsetPartB = cz / 2; for (int i = offsetPartB; i < cz; i++) overWorldImageComplete[i] = raw[i - offsetPartB]; overworldImageBytesPart = null; raw = overWorldImageComplete; } } try { getOverworldImageFromRaw(cx, cz, zipDeCompress(raw)); } catch (DataFormatException e) { GCLog.debug(e.toString()); GCLog.debug("Client received a corrupted map image data packet from server " + cx + "_" + cz); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void getOverworldImageFromRaw(int cx, int cz, byte[] raw) throws IOException { File folder = MapUtil.getClientMapsFolder(); if (raw.length == OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_WIDTH * OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_HEIGHT * 2) { if (folder != null) { File file0 = new File(folder, "overworldRaw.bin"); if (!file0.exists() || (file0.canRead() && file0.canWrite())) { FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file0, raw); } else { System.err.println("Cannot write to file %minecraft%/assets/galacticraftMaps/overworldRaw.bin"); } } else { System.err.println("No folder for file %minecraft%/assets/galacticraftMaps/overworldRaw.bin"); } //raw is a WIDTH_WORLD x HEIGHT_WORLD array of 2 byte entries: biome type followed by height //Here we will make a texture from that, but twice as large: 4 pixels for each data point, it just looks better that way when the texture is used BufferedImage worldImageLarge = new BufferedImage(OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_WIDTH * 2, OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_HEIGHT * 2, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); ArrayList<Integer> cols = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int lastcol = -1; int idx = 0; for (int x = 0; x < OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_WIDTH; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_HEIGHT; z++) { int arrayIndex = (x * OVERWORLD_LARGEMAP_HEIGHT + z) * 2; int biome = ((int) raw[arrayIndex]) & 255; int height = ((int) raw[arrayIndex + 1]) & 255; if (height < OCEAN_HEIGHT && biome != 2 && biome != 10) { //Includes ponds, lakes and rivers in other biomes biome = 0; } if (height < DEEP_OCEAN && biome == 0) { biome = 24; } worldImageLarge.setRGB(x * 2, z * 2, convertBiomeColour(biome, height)); worldImageLarge.setRGB(x * 2, z * 2 + 1, convertBiomeColour(biome, height)); worldImageLarge.setRGB(x * 2 + 1, z * 2, convertBiomeColour(biome, height)); worldImageLarge.setRGB(x * 2 + 1, z * 2 + 1, convertBiomeColour(biome, height)); } } //overworldTextureLarge is currently unused in beta // if (ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureLarge == null) // { // ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureLarge = new DynamicTextureProper(WIDTH_WORLD * 2, HEIGHT_WORLD * 2); // } // ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureLarge.update(worldImageLarge); //Write it to a .jpg file on client for beta preview if (GalacticraftCore.enableJPEG && folder != null) { ImageOutputStream outputStream = new FileImageOutputStream(new File(folder, "large.jpg")); GalacticraftCore.jpgWriter.setOutput(outputStream); GalacticraftCore.jpgWriter.write(null, new IIOImage(worldImageLarge, null, null), GalacticraftCore.writeParam); outputStream.close(); } } //This is the dimensions of the Overworld texture map else if (raw.length == OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_WIDTH * OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT * 2) { //raw is a WIDTH_STD x HEIGHT_STD array of 2 byte entries: biome type followed by height BufferedImage worldImage = new BufferedImage(OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_WIDTH, OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); ArrayList<Integer> cols = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int lastcol = -1; int idx = 0; for (int x = 0; x < OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_WIDTH; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT; z++) { int arrayIndex = (x * OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT + z) * 2; int biome = ((int) raw[arrayIndex]) & 255; int height = ((int) raw[arrayIndex + 1]) & 255; if (height < OCEAN_HEIGHT && biome != 2 && biome != 10) { //Includes ponds, lakes and rivers in other biomes biome = 0; } if (height < DEEP_OCEAN && biome == 0) { biome = 24; } worldImage.setRGB(x, z, convertBiomeColour(biome, height)); } } IResourceManager rm = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager(); BufferedImage paletteImage = null; try { InputStream in = rm.getResource(new ResourceLocation(Constants.ASSET_PREFIX, "textures/gui/celestialbodies/earth.png")).getInputStream(); paletteImage =; in.close(); paletteImage.getHeight(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } BufferedImage result = convertTo12pxTexture(worldImage, paletteImage); if (result != null) { if (ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureWide == null) { ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureWide = new DynamicTextureProper(OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_WIDTH, OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT); } if (ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureClient == null) { ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureClient = new DynamicTextureProper(OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, OVERWORLD_TEXTURE_HEIGHT); } ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureWide.update(result); ClientProxyCore.overworldTextureClient.update(result); ClientProxyCore.overworldTexturesValid = true; } } else if (folder != null) { File file0 = makeFileName(folder, cx, cz); if (!file0.exists() || (file0.canRead() && file0.canWrite())) { FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file0, raw); } } else { System.err.println("No folder %minecraft%/assets/galacticraftMaps for local map file."); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static boolean getMap(int[] image, World world, BlockPos pos) { int xCoord = pos.getX(); int zCoord = pos.getZ(); int cx = convertMap(xCoord); int cz = convertMap(zCoord); File baseFolder = new File(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().mcDataDir, "assets/galacticraftMaps"); if (!baseFolder.exists() && !baseFolder.mkdirs()) { GCLog.severe("Base folder(s) could not be created: " + baseFolder.getAbsolutePath()); return false; } int dim = GCCoreUtil.getDimensionID(world); boolean result = true; if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx - SIZE_STD2, cz - SIZE_STD2, 0, 0, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx - SIZE_STD2, cz, 0, SIZE_STD, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx - SIZE_STD2, cz + SIZE_STD2, 0, SIZE_STD2, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx, cz - SIZE_STD2, SIZE_STD, 0, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx, cz, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx, cz + SIZE_STD2, SIZE_STD, SIZE_STD2, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx + SIZE_STD2, cz - SIZE_STD2, SIZE_STD2, 0, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx + SIZE_STD2, cz, SIZE_STD2, SIZE_STD, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } if (makeRGBimage(image, baseFolder, cx + SIZE_STD2, cz + SIZE_STD2, SIZE_STD2, SIZE_STD2, xCoord, zCoord, dim, result)) { result = false; } return result; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private static boolean makeRGBimage(int[] array, File baseFolder, int cx, int cz, int offsetX, int offsetZ, int xCoord, int zCoord, int dim, boolean prevResult) { File filename = makeFileName(baseFolder, cx, cz); if (!filename.exists()) { if (clientRequests.contains(filename.getName())) { //GCLog.debug("Info: Server not yet ready to send map file " + baseFolder.getName() + "/" + filename.getName()); } else { clientRequests.add(filename.getName()); //GCLog.debug("Info: Client requested map file" + filename.getName()); GalacticraftCore.packetPipeline.sendToServer(new PacketSimple(PacketSimple.EnumSimplePacket.S_REQUEST_MAP_IMAGE, GCCoreUtil.getDimensionID(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().theWorld), new Object[] { dim, cx, cz })); } return true; } if (!prevResult) { return true; } int ox = (convertMap(xCoord) - xCoord - SIZE_STD) / 2; int oz = (convertMap(zCoord) - zCoord - SIZE_STD) / 2; byte[] raw = null; try { raw = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(filename); } catch (IOException e) { GCLog.severe("Problem reading map file: " + baseFolder.getAbsolutePath() + filename.getName()); return true; } if (raw == null || raw.length != SIZE_STD * SIZE_STD * 2) { GCLog.debug("Warning: unexpected map size is " + raw.length + " for file " + filename.toString()); return true; } int xstart = Math.max(0, -offsetX - ox); int zstart = Math.max(0, -offsetZ - oz); for (int x = xstart; x < SIZE_STD; x++) { int imagex = x + offsetX + ox; if (imagex >= SIZE_STD2) { break; } for (int z = zstart; z < SIZE_STD; z++) { int imageZ = z + oz + offsetZ;// + SIZE_STD - 1 - z; if (imageZ >= SIZE_STD2) { break; } int arrayIndex = (x * SIZE_STD + z) * 2; int biome = ((int) raw[arrayIndex]) & 255; int height = ((int) raw[arrayIndex + 1]) & 255; if (height < OCEAN_HEIGHT && biome != 2 && biome != 10) { //Includes ponds, lakes and rivers in other biomes biome = 0; } if (height < DEEP_OCEAN && biome == 0) { biome = 24; } if (imagex < 0 || imageZ < 0) { GCLog.debug("Outside image " + imagex + "," + imageZ + " - " + "x=" + x + " z=" + z + " offsetX=" + offsetX + " offsetZ = " + offsetZ + " ox=" + ox + " oz=" + oz); } else { array[imagex + SIZE_STD2 * imageZ] = convertBiomeColour(biome, height) + 0xff000000; } } } return false; } private static File makeFileName(File folder, int cx, int cz) { return new File(folder, "overworld" + cx / SIZE_STD2 + "_" + cz / SIZE_STD2 + ".bin"); } private static int getBiomeBaseColour(int biomeId) { BiomeGenBase[] biomeList = BiomeGenBase.getBiomeGenArray(); BiomeGenBase biomegenbase = null; if (biomeId >= 0 && biomeId <= biomeList.length) { biomegenbase = biomeList[biomeId]; } return biomegenbase == null ? BiomeGenBase.ocean.color : biomegenbase.color; } public static int convertBiomeColour(int in, int height) { int rv; int s = MapUtil.biomeColours.size(); if (in >= 128 && in < 128 + s) { in -= 128; } if (in >= s) { rv = getBiomeBaseColour(in); } else { BlockVec3 bv = MapUtil.biomeColours.get(in); if (bv == null) { rv = getBiomeBaseColour(in); } else { if (bv.z > 0 && MapUtil.rand.nextInt(100) < bv.z) { rv = bv.y; } else { rv = bv.x; } } } if (rv == 0x9c2424 && MapUtil.rand.nextInt(2) == 0) { rv = 0xbfa384; } if (height < OCEAN_HEIGHT) { return rv; } if (height > 92 && (in == 3 || in == 20 || in == 31 || in == 33 || in == 34)) { if (MapUtil.rand.nextInt(8) > 98 - height) { rv = Material.snow.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue; } } float factor = (height - 68F) / 94F; return ColorUtil.lighten(rv, factor); } private static void setupColours() { //ocean = Ocean(0) colour(112) "Ocean" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(Material.water.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 0, 0)); //plains = Plains(1) colour(9286496) "Plains" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x497436, 0, 0)); //desert = Desert(2) colour(16421912) "Desert" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0xd4cd98, Material.cactus.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 3)); //extremeHills = Hills(3, false) colour(6316128) "Extreme Hills" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x4d654c, Material.rock.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 15)); //forest = Forest(4, 0) colour(353825) "Forest" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x3c7521, 0x295416, 45)); //taiga = Taiga(5, 0) colour(747097) "Taiga" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x627e61, 0x172a17, 18)); //swampland = Swamp(6) colour(522674) "Swampland" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x43541b, 0x111309, 25)); //river = River(7) colour(255) "River" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x497436, 0, 0)); MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0, 0, 0)); MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0, 0, 0)); //frozenOcean = Ocean(10) colour(9474208) "FrozenOcean" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(, 0, 0)); //frozenRiver = River(11) colour(10526975) "FrozenRiver" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(, 0, 0)); //icePlains = Snow(12, false) colour(16777215) "Ice Plains" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(Material.snow.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 0x497436, 3)); //iceMountains = Snow(13, false) colour(10526880) "Ice Mountains" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(Material.snow.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue,, 5)); //mushroomIsland = MushroomIsland(14) colour(16711935) "MushroomIsland" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x63565f, 0x7c1414, 10)); //mushroomIslandShore = MushroomIsland(15) colour(10486015) "MushroomIslandShore" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x6a6066, 0, 0)); //beach = Beach(16) colour(16440917) "Beach" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(Material.sand.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 0, 0)); //desertHills = Desert(17) colour(13786898) "DesertHills" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0xd4cd98, 0, 0)); //forestHills = Forest(18, 0) colour(2250012) "ForestHills" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x3c7521, 0x295416, 35)); //taigaHills = Taiga(19, 0) colour(1456435) "TaigaHills" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x627e61, 0x172a17, 14)); //extremeHillsEdge = Hills(20, true) colour(7501978) "Extreme Hills Edge" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x4d654c, 0x497436, 50)); //jungle = Jungle(21, false) colour(5470985) "Jungle" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x176c03, 0x0f4502, 25)); //jungleHills = Jungle(22, false) colour(2900485) "JungleHills" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x176c03, 0x0f4502, 25)); //jungleEdge = Jungle(23, true) colour(6458135) "JungleEdge" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x176c03, 0x0f4502, 25)); //deepOcean = Ocean(24) colour(48) "Deep Ocean" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x2f2fd4, 0, 0)); //stoneBeach = StoneBeach(25) colour(10658436) "Stone Beach" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(Material.rock.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 0, 0)); //coldBeach = Beach(26) colour(16445632) "Cold Beach" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(Material.sand.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, Material.snow.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 75)); //birchForest = Forest(27, 2)) colour(3175492) "Birch Forest" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x516b36, 0x497436, 65)); //birchForestHills = Forest(28, 2)) colour(2055986) "Birch Forest Hills" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x516b36, 0x497436, 55)); //roofedForest = Forest(29, 3) colour(4215066) "Roofed Forest" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x9c2424, 0x1e2e18, 98)); //coldTaiga = Taiga(30, 0) colour(3233098) "Cold Taiga" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(Material.snow.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 0x172a17, 12)); //coldTaigaHills = Taiga(31, 0) colour(2375478) "Cold Taiga Hills" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(Material.snow.getMaterialMapColor().colorValue, 0x172a17, 12)); //megaTaiga = Taiga(32, 1) colour(5858897) "Mega Taiga" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x172a17, 0x6e4e35, 12)); //megaTaigaHills = Taiga(33, 1) colour(4542270) "Mega Taiga Hills" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x172a17, 0x6e4e35, 12)); //extremeHillsPlus = Hills(34, true) colour(5271632) "Extreme Hills+" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x7b7978, 0x497436, 10)); //savanna = Savanna(35) colour(12431967) "Savanna" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x565529, 0x262304, 20)); //savannaPlateau = Savanna(36) colour(10984804) "Savanna Plateau" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0x565529, 0x262304, 14)); //mesa = Mesa(37, false, false) colour(14238997) "Mesa" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0xa0521f, 0x712f23, 14)); //mesaPlateau_F = Mesa(38, false, true) colour(11573093) "Mesa Plateau F" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0xa0521f, 0x712f23, 17)); //mesaPlateau = Mesa(39, false, false) colour(13274213) "Mesa Plateau" MapUtil.biomeColours.add(new BlockVec3(0xa0521f, 0x712f23, 20)); } public static void makeVanillaMap(int dim, int chunkXPos, int chunkZPos, File baseFolder, BufferedImage image) { for (int x0 = -12; x0 <= 12; x0++) { for (int z0 = -12; z0 <= 12; z0++) { Chunk chunk = MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(dim).getChunkFromChunkCoords(chunkXPos + x0, chunkZPos + z0); if (chunk != null) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { int l4 = chunk.getHeightValue(x, z) + 1; Block block = Blocks.air; IBlockState i5 = block.getDefaultState(); if (l4 > 1) { do { --l4; BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, l4, z); block = chunk.getBlock(pos); i5 = chunk.getBlockState(pos); } while (block.getMapColor(i5) == MapColor.airColor && l4 > 0); } int col = block.getMapColor(i5).colorValue; image.setRGB(x + (x0 + 12) * 16, z + (z0 + 12) * 16, col); } } } } } try { File outputFile = new File(baseFolder, dim + "_" + chunkXPos + "_" + chunkZPos + ".jpg"); if (!outputFile.exists() || (outputFile.canWrite() && outputFile.canRead())) { ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", outputFile); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static File getClientMapsFolder() { File folder = new File(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().mcDataDir, "assets/galacticraftMaps"); try { if (folder.exists() || folder.mkdirs()) { return folder; } else { System.err.println("Cannot create directory %minecraft%/assets/galacticraftMaps! : " + folder.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(folder.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }