package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.galaxies; import; import; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; public abstract class CelestialBody implements Comparable<CelestialBody> { protected final String bodyName; protected String unlocalizedName; protected float relativeSize = 1.0F; protected ScalableDistance relativeDistanceFromCenter = new ScalableDistance(1.0F, 1.0F); protected float relativeOrbitTime = 1.0F; protected float phaseShift = 0.0F; protected int dimensionID = 0; protected Class<? extends WorldProvider> providerClass; protected boolean autoRegisterDimension = false; protected boolean isReachable = false; protected boolean forceStaticLoad = true; protected int tierRequired = 0; public AtmosphereInfo atmosphere = new AtmosphereInfo(false, false, false, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); protected ResourceLocation celestialBodyIcon; protected float ringColorR = 1.0F; protected float ringColorG = 1.0F; protected float ringColorB = 1.0F; protected ArrayList<String> checklistKeys = new ArrayList<>(); public CelestialBody(String bodyName) { this.bodyName = bodyName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); this.unlocalizedName = bodyName; } public abstract int getID(); public abstract String getUnlocalizedNamePrefix(); public String getName() { return this.bodyName; } public String getUnlocalizedName() { return this.getUnlocalizedNamePrefix() + "." + this.unlocalizedName; } public String getLocalizedName() { String s = this.getUnlocalizedName(); s = s == null ? "" : StatCollector.translateToLocal(s); int comment = s.indexOf('#'); return (comment > 0) ? s.substring(0, comment).trim() : s; } /** * Used for rendering planet's location on the map. * <p/> * Value of 2.0F would result in the planet being rendered twice as large as * earth. * * @return Size of the planet/moon relative to earth. */ public float getRelativeSize() { return this.relativeSize; } /** * Used for rendering planet's location on the map. * <p/> * Value of 2.0F would result in an ellipse with twice the radius of the * overworld. * * @return Distance from the center of the map relative to earth. */ public ScalableDistance getRelativeDistanceFromCenter() { return this.relativeDistanceFromCenter; } /** * Used for rendering planet's location on the map. * <p/> * Value of 1π would result in the planet being rendered directly * accross from the original position * <p/> * Value of 2π is a full rotation and therefore would be rendered at * the same spot as the original position * * @return Phase shift of planet for planet's revolution around the sun. */ public float getPhaseShift() { return this.phaseShift; } /** * Multiplier for length of time relative to earth that this planet takes to * orbit fully. * <p/> * Value of 2.0F would result in the planet rotating twice as slow (and * therefore take twice as long) as the earth takes to revolve around the * sun. * * @return Multiple value for planet's revolution around the sun. */ public float getRelativeOrbitTime() { return this.relativeOrbitTime; } public int getTierRequirement() { return this.tierRequired; } public CelestialBody setTierRequired(int tierRequired) { this.tierRequired = tierRequired; return this; } public CelestialBody setRelativeSize(float relativeSize) { this.relativeSize = relativeSize; return this; } public CelestialBody setRelativeDistanceFromCenter(ScalableDistance relativeDistanceFromCenter) { this.relativeDistanceFromCenter = relativeDistanceFromCenter; return this; } public CelestialBody setPhaseShift(float phaseShift) { this.phaseShift = phaseShift; return this; } public CelestialBody setRelativeOrbitTime(float relativeOrbitTime) { this.relativeOrbitTime = relativeOrbitTime; return this; } public CelestialBody setAtmosphere(AtmosphereInfo atmos) { this.atmosphere = atmos; return this; } public CelestialBody setDimensionInfo(int dimID, Class<? extends WorldProvider> providerClass) { return this.setDimensionInfo(dimID, providerClass, true); } public CelestialBody setDimensionInfo(int providerId, Class<? extends WorldProvider> providerClass, boolean autoRegister) { this.dimensionID = providerId; this.providerClass = providerClass; this.autoRegisterDimension = autoRegister; this.isReachable = true; return this; } public boolean shouldAutoRegister() { return this.autoRegisterDimension; } public int getDimensionID() { return this.dimensionID; } public Class<? extends WorldProvider> getWorldProvider() { return this.providerClass; } public boolean getReachable() { return this.isReachable; } /* * Use this to list the atmospheric gases on the celestial body, starting with the most abundant * Do not include trace gases (anything less than 0.25%) * (Do not use for stars!) */ public CelestialBody atmosphereComponent(IAtmosphericGas gas) { this.atmosphere.composition.add(gas); return this; } public CelestialBody setRingColorRGB(float ringColorR, float ringColorG, float ringColorB) { this.ringColorR = ringColorR; this.ringColorG = ringColorG; this.ringColorB = ringColorB; return this; } public float getRingColorR() { return this.ringColorR; } public float getRingColorG() { return this.ringColorG; } public float getRingColorB() { return this.ringColorB; } public ResourceLocation getBodyIcon() { return this.celestialBodyIcon; } public CelestialBody setBodyIcon(ResourceLocation planetIcon) { this.celestialBodyIcon = planetIcon; return this; } public boolean getForceStaticLoad() { return this.forceStaticLoad; } public CelestialBody setForceStaticLoad(boolean force) { this.forceStaticLoad = force; return this; } public void addChecklistKeys(String... keys) { this.checklistKeys.addAll(Arrays.asList(keys)); } public List<String> getChecklistKeys() { return this.checklistKeys; } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.getUnlocalizedName().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof CelestialBody) { return new EqualsBuilder().append(this.getUnlocalizedName(), ((CelestialBody) other).getUnlocalizedName()).isEquals(); } return false; } @Override public int compareTo(CelestialBody other) { ScalableDistance thisDistance = this.getRelativeDistanceFromCenter(); ScalableDistance otherDistance = other.getRelativeDistanceFromCenter(); return otherDistance.unScaledDistance < thisDistance.unScaledDistance ? 1 : (otherDistance.unScaledDistance > thisDistance.unScaledDistance ? -1 : 0); } public static class ScalableDistance { public final float unScaledDistance; public final float scaledDistance; public ScalableDistance(float unScaledDistance, float scaledDistance) { this.unScaledDistance = unScaledDistance; this.scaledDistance = scaledDistance; } } public void setUnreachable() { this.isReachable = false; } }