package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.inventory; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityCrafting; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.util.GCLog; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Container; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCraftResult; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class ContainerCrafting extends Container { public TileEntityCrafting tileEntity; public PersistantInventoryCrafting craftMatrix; public IInventory craftResult = new InventoryCraftResult(); private ItemStack[] memory = new ItemStack[9]; public ContainerCrafting(InventoryPlayer playerInventory, IInventory tile) { this.tileEntity = (TileEntityCrafting) tile; this.craftMatrix = tileEntity.craftMatrix; this.craftMatrix.eventHandler = this; this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotCraftingMemory(playerInventory.player, this.craftMatrix, this.craftResult, 0, 124, 35, this.tileEntity)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(this.craftMatrix, j + i * 3, 30 + j * 18, 17 + i * 18)); } } for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 9; ++i1) { this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(playerInventory, i1 + k * 9 + 9, 8 + i1 * 18, 84 + k * 18)); } } for (int l = 0; l < 9; ++l) { this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(playerInventory, l, 8 + l * 18, 142)); } this.onCraftMatrixChanged(this.craftMatrix); } @Override public List<ItemStack> getInventory() { List<ItemStack> list = Lists.<ItemStack>newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < this.inventorySlots.size(); ++i) { list.add(((Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(i)).getStack()); } //Override this method to trick vanilla networking into carrying our memory at end of its packets for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) list.add(this.tileEntity.memory[i]); return list; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void putStacksInSlots(ItemStack[] stacks) { for (int i = 0; i < stacks.length; ++i) { if (i < 46) this.getSlot(i).putStack(stacks[i]); else if (i < 55) //Read memory clientside from the end of the vanilla packet, see getInventory() this.tileEntity.memory[i - 46] = stacks[i]; } } /** * Callback for when the crafting matrix is changed. */ @Override public void onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory inventoryIn) { this.craftResult.setInventorySlotContents(0, CraftingManager.getInstance().findMatchingRecipe(this.craftMatrix, this.tileEntity.getWorld())); } /** * Called when the container is closed. */ @Override public void onContainerClosed(EntityPlayer playerIn) { super.onContainerClosed(playerIn); craftMatrix.eventHandler = null; } @Override public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer playerIn) { return this.tileEntity.isUseableByPlayer(playerIn); } /** * Take a stack from the specified inventory slot. */ @Override public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(EntityPlayer playerIn, int index) { ItemStack itemstack = null; Slot slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(index); if (slot != null && slot.getHasStack() && slot.getStack().stackSize > 0) { ItemStack itemstack1 = slot.getStack(); itemstack = itemstack1.copy(); if (index == 0) { if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 10, 46, true)) { return null; } slot.onSlotChange(itemstack1, itemstack); } else if (index < 10) { if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 10, 46, false)) { return null; } } else if (this.matchesCrafting(itemstack1)) { if (!this.mergeToCrafting(itemstack1, false)) { return null; } } else if (index >= 10 && index < 37) { if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 37, 46, false)) { return null; } } else if (index >= 37 && index < 46) { if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 10, 37, false)) { return null; } } if (itemstack1.stackSize == 0) { slot.putStack((ItemStack)null); } else { slot.onSlotChanged(); } if (itemstack1.stackSize == itemstack.stackSize) { return null; } slot.onPickupFromSlot(playerIn, itemstack1); } return itemstack; } private boolean mergeToCrafting(ItemStack stack, boolean b) { List<Slot> acceptSlots = new LinkedList(); List<Integer> acceptQuantity = new LinkedList(); int minQuantity = 64; int acceptTotal = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { Slot slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(i); if (slot != null) { ItemStack target = slot.getStack(); ItemStack target2 = this.memory[i - 1]; if (target2 == null) continue; if (target == null) { target = target2; } if (matchingStacks(stack, target)) { acceptSlots.add(slot); int availSpace = target.getMaxStackSize() - target.stackSize; acceptQuantity.add(availSpace); acceptTotal += availSpace; if (availSpace < minQuantity) minQuantity = availSpace; } } } //The stack more than exceeds what the crafting inventory requires if (stack.stackSize >= acceptTotal) { if (acceptTotal == 0) return false; for (Slot slot : acceptSlots) { ItemStack target = slot.getStack(); if (target == null) { ItemStack target2 = this.memory[slot.slotNumber - 1]; if (target2 == null) continue; target = target2.copy(); this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(slot.slotNumber - 1, target); } stack.stackSize -= target.getMaxStackSize() - target.stackSize; target.stackSize = target.getMaxStackSize(); slot.onSlotChanged(); } return true; } int uneven = 0; for (int q : acceptQuantity) { uneven += q - minQuantity; } //Use the whole stack to try to even up the neediest slots if (stack.stackSize < uneven) { do { Slot neediest = null; int smallestStack = 64; for (Slot slot : acceptSlots) { ItemStack target = slot.getStack(); if (target == null) { ItemStack target2 = this.memory[slot.slotNumber - 1]; if (target2 == null) continue; target = target2.copy(); this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(slot.slotNumber - 1, target); } if (target.stackSize < smallestStack) { smallestStack = target.stackSize; neediest = slot; } } neediest.getStack().stackSize++; } while (--stack.stackSize > 0); for (Slot slot : acceptSlots) { slot.onSlotChanged(); } return true; } //Use some of the stack to even things up if (uneven > 0) { int targetSize = stack.getMaxStackSize() - minQuantity; for (Slot slot : acceptSlots) { ItemStack target = slot.getStack(); if (target == null) { ItemStack target2 = this.memory[slot.slotNumber - 1]; if (target2 == null) continue; target = target2.copy(); this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(slot.slotNumber - 1, target); } stack.stackSize -= targetSize - target.stackSize; acceptTotal -= targetSize - target.stackSize; target.stackSize = targetSize; slot.onSlotChanged(); } } //Spread the remaining stack over all slots evenly int average = stack.stackSize / acceptSlots.size(); int modulus = stack.stackSize - average * acceptSlots.size(); for (Slot slot : acceptSlots) { if (slot != null) { ItemStack target = slot.getStack(); ItemStack target2 = this.memory[slot.slotNumber - 1]; if (target2 == null) continue; if (target == null) { target = target2.copy(); this.craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(slot.slotNumber - 1, target); } int transfer = average; if (modulus > 0) { transfer++; modulus--; } stack.stackSize -= transfer; target.stackSize += transfer; if (target.stackSize > target.getMaxStackSize()) {"Shift clicking - slot " + slot.slotNumber + " wanted more than it could accept:" + target.stackSize); stack.stackSize += target.stackSize - target.getMaxStackSize(); target.stackSize = target.getMaxStackSize(); } if (stack.stackSize < 0) { target.stackSize += stack.stackSize; stack.stackSize = 0; } slot.onSlotChanged(); if (stack.stackSize == 0) break; } } return true; } private boolean matchesCrafting(ItemStack itemstack1) { if (this.tileEntity.overrideMemory(itemstack1, this.memory)) return true; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (matchingStacks(itemstack1, this.tileEntity.getMemory(i)) && (this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i) == null || this.craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(i).stackSize < itemstack1.getMaxStackSize())) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { this.memory[j] = this.tileEntity.getMemory(j); } return true; } } return false; } private boolean matchingStacks(ItemStack stack, ItemStack target) { return target != null && target.getItem() == stack.getItem() && (!stack.getHasSubtypes() || stack.getMetadata() == target.getMetadata()) && ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(stack, target) && target.isStackable() && target.stackSize < target.getMaxStackSize(); } /** * Called to determine if the current slot is valid for the stack merging (double-click) code. The stack passed in * is null for the initial slot that was double-clicked. */ @Override public boolean canMergeSlot(ItemStack stack, Slot p_94530_2_) { return p_94530_2_.inventory != this.craftResult && super.canMergeSlot(stack, p_94530_2_); } }