package; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.power.IEnergyStorageGC; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; public class EnergyStorage implements IEnergyStorageGC { protected float energy; protected float capacity; protected float maxReceive; protected float maxExtract; protected float maxExtractRemaining; public EnergyStorage(float capacity) { this(capacity, 60, 30); } public EnergyStorage(float capacity, float maxTransfer) { this(capacity, 2.5F * maxTransfer, maxTransfer); } public EnergyStorage(float capacity, float maxReceive, float maxExtract) { this.capacity = capacity; this.maxReceive = maxReceive; this.maxExtract = maxExtract; this.maxExtractRemaining = maxExtract; } public EnergyStorage readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { = nbt.getFloat("EnergyF"); return this; } public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { if ( < 0) { = 0; } nbt.setFloat("EnergyF", Math.min(, this.capacity)); return nbt; } public void setCapacity(float capacity) { this.capacity = capacity; if ( > capacity) { = capacity; } } /* * Sets the maximum energy transfer rate on input * Call this AFTER setMaxExtract(). */ public void setMaxReceive(float maxReceive) { this.maxReceive = maxReceive; } /* * Sets the energy consumption rate in gJ/t * (For machines, this is the energy used per tick.) * (For energy sources, this is the maximum output.) * * Also sets the receive rate at a default value * of 2 * the energy consumption rate - so the machine's * energy store can charge up even while it is working. * * If that is not required, call setMaxReceive() AFTER * calling setMaxExtract(). */ public void setMaxExtract(float maxExtract) { this.maxExtract = maxExtract; this.maxExtractRemaining = maxExtract; this.maxReceive = 2.5F * maxExtract; } public void setEnergyStored(float energy) { = Math.max(0, Math.min(energy, this.capacity)); } public float getMaxReceive() { return this.maxReceive; } public float getMaxExtract() { return this.maxExtract; } @Override public float receiveEnergyGC(float maxReceive, boolean simulate) { float energyReceived = Math.min(this.capacity -, Math.min(this.maxReceive, maxReceive)); if (!simulate) { += energyReceived; } return energyReceived; } public float receiveEnergyGC(float amount) { float energyReceived = Math.min(this.capacity -, Math.min(this.maxReceive, amount)); += energyReceived; return energyReceived; } @Override public float extractEnergyGC(float amount, boolean simulate) { float energyExtracted = Math.min(, Math.min(this.maxExtractRemaining, amount)); if (!simulate) { -= energyExtracted; } return energyExtracted; } public float extractEnergyGCnoMax(float amount, boolean simulate) { float energyExtracted = Math.min(, amount); if (!simulate) { -= energyExtracted; } return energyExtracted; } @Override public float getEnergyStoredGC() { return; } @Override public float getCapacityGC() { return this.capacity; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (obj instanceof EnergyStorage) { EnergyStorage storage = (EnergyStorage) obj; return (storage.getEnergyStoredGC() == energy && storage.getCapacityGC() == capacity && storage.getMaxReceive() == maxReceive && storage.getMaxExtract() == maxExtract); } return false; } }