package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.event.oxygen; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Cancelable; /** * Entity Living suffocation events. * <p/> * Be sure to make the proper checks before cancelling oxygen events... world * providers, armor equipped, etc. */ public abstract class GCCoreOxygenSuffocationEvent extends LivingEvent { public final WorldProvider provider; public GCCoreOxygenSuffocationEvent(EntityLivingBase entity) { super(entity); this.provider = entity.worldObj.provider; } /** * This event is posted just before the living entity suffocates * <p/> * Set the event as canceled to stop the living entity from suffocating <<<<<<< HEAD ======= * IF THE PRE EVENT IS CANCELED, THE "WARNING: OXYGEN SETUP INVALID!" HUD MESSAGE WILL NOT BE SHOWN >>>>>>> refs/remotes/origin/master */ @Cancelable public static class Pre extends GCCoreOxygenSuffocationEvent { public Pre(EntityLivingBase entity) { super(entity); } } /** * This event is called after the living entity takes damage from oxygen * suffocation * <p/> * The event is not called if the pre event was canceled */ public static class Post extends GCCoreOxygenSuffocationEvent { public Post(EntityLivingBase entity) { super(entity); } } }