/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.util; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PipedInputStream; import java.io.PipedOutputStream; import java.io.StringReader; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.IllegalBlockingModeException; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Scanner; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class ScannerTest extends TestCase { private Scanner s; private ServerSocket server; private SocketAddress address; private SocketChannel client; private Socket serverSocket; private OutputStream os; private static class MockCloseable implements Closeable, Readable { public void close() throws IOException { throw new IOException(); } public int read(CharBuffer cb) throws IOException { throw new EOFException(); } } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#Scanner(File) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_io_File() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("TestFileForScanner", ".tmp"); s = new Scanner(tmpFile); assertNotNull(s); s.close(); assertTrue(tmpFile.delete()); try { s = new Scanner(tmpFile); fail(); } catch (FileNotFoundException expected) { } tmpFile = File.createTempFile("TestFileForScanner", ".tmp"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); fos.write("test".getBytes()); fos.close(); s = new Scanner(tmpFile); s.close(); tmpFile.delete(); // Scanner(File = null) try { s = new Scanner((File) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // TODO: test if the default charset is used. } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#Scanner(File, String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_io_FileLjava_lang_String() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("TestFileForScanner", ".tmp"); s = new Scanner(tmpFile, Charset.defaultCharset().name()); assertNotNull(s); s.close(); assertTrue(tmpFile.delete()); try { s = new Scanner(tmpFile, Charset.defaultCharset().name()); fail(); } catch (FileNotFoundException expected) { } try { s = new Scanner(tmpFile, null); fail(); } catch (FileNotFoundException expected) { } tmpFile = File.createTempFile("TestFileForScanner", ".tmp"); try { s = new Scanner(tmpFile, "invalid charset"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } //fail on RI. File is opened but not closed when exception is thrown on // RI. assertTrue(tmpFile.delete()); // Scanner(File = null, Charset = null) try { s = new Scanner((File) null, null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // Scanner(File = null, Charset = UTF-8) try { s = new Scanner((File) null, "UTF-8"); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // Scanner(File = null, Charset = invalid) try { s = new Scanner((File) null, "invalid"); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // Scanner(File, Charset = null) try { File f = File.createTempFile("test", ".tmp"); s = new Scanner(f, null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } // TODO: test if the specified charset is used. } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#Scanner(InputStream) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_io_InputStream() { s = new Scanner(new PipedInputStream()); assertNotNull(s); s.close(); // Scanner(InputStream) try { s = new Scanner((InputStream) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // TODO: test if the default charset is used. } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#Scanner(InputStream, String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_io_InputStreamLjava_lang_String() { s = new Scanner(new PipedInputStream(), Charset.defaultCharset().name()); assertNotNull(s); s.close(); try { s = new Scanner((PipedInputStream) null, "invalid charset"); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } try { s = new Scanner(new PipedInputStream(), null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } try { s = new Scanner(new PipedInputStream(), "invalid charset"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } // TODO: test if the specified charset is used. } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#Scanner(Readable) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_Readable() { s = new Scanner(new StringReader("test string")); assertNotNull(s); s.close(); // Scanner(Readable) try { s = new Scanner((Readable) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#Scanner(ReadableByteChannel) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_nio_channels_ReadableByteChannel() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("TestFileForScanner", ".tmp"); FileChannel fc = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile).getChannel(); s = new Scanner(fc); assertNotNull(s); s.close(); assertTrue(tmpFile.delete()); // Scanner(ReadableByteChannel) try { s = new Scanner((ReadableByteChannel) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // Test if the default charset is used. String sampleData = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"; File tempFile = File.createTempFile("harmony", "test"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); os.write(sampleData.getBytes()); os.close(); FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(tempFile); FileChannel channel = is.getChannel(); Scanner s = new Scanner(channel); int count = 0; while (s.hasNextInt()) { s.nextInt(); count++; } channel.close(); assertEquals(10, count); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#Scanner(ReadableByteChannel, String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_nio_channels_ReadableByteChannelLjava_lang_String() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("TestFileForScanner", ".tmp"); FileChannel fc = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile).getChannel(); s = new Scanner(fc, Charset.defaultCharset().name()); assertNotNull(s); s.close(); fc = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile).getChannel(); try { s = new Scanner(fc, "invalid charset"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } fc.close(); assertTrue(tmpFile.delete()); // Scanner(ReadableByteChannel = null, Charset = null) try { s = new Scanner((ReadableByteChannel) null, null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // Scanner(ReadableByteChannel = null, Charset = invalid) try { s = new Scanner((ReadableByteChannel) null, "invalid"); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // Scanner(ReadableByteChannel, Charset = null) try { s = new Scanner(fc, null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } // TODO: test if the specified charset is used. } public void test_Constructor_LReadableByteChannel() throws IOException { ServerSocketChannel ssc = ServerSocketChannel.open(); ssc.socket().bind(null); SocketChannel sc = SocketChannel.open(); sc.connect(ssc.socket().getLocalSocketAddress()); sc.configureBlocking(false); assertFalse(sc.isBlocking()); ssc.accept().close(); ssc.close(); assertFalse(sc.isBlocking()); Scanner s = new Scanner(sc); try { s.hasNextInt(); fail(); } catch (IllegalBlockingModeException expected) { } sc.close(); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#Scanner(String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_String() { s = new Scanner("test string"); assertNotNull(s); s.close(); // Scanner(String) try { s = new Scanner((String) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#close() */ public void test_close() throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("TestFileForScanner", ".tmp"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); FileChannel fc = fos.getChannel(); s = new Scanner(fc); // Write out a int before the scanner is closed, should be OK. fos.write(12); s.close(); assertFalse(fc.isOpen()); // Write out a int after the scanner is closed, IOException should be // thrown out. try { fos.write(12); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { } s.close(); // no exception should be thrown assertTrue(tmpFile.delete()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#ioException() */ public void test_ioException() throws IOException { MockCloseable mc = new MockCloseable(); s = new Scanner(mc); assertNull(s.ioException()); // No operation, no exception s.close(); // IOException should be cached assertNotNull(s.ioException()); assertTrue(s.ioException() instanceof IOException); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#delimiter() */ public void test_delimiter() { s = new Scanner("test"); Pattern pattern = s.delimiter(); assertEquals("\\p{javaWhitespace}+", pattern.toString()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#useDelimiter(Pattern) */ public void test_useDelimiter_LPattern() { s = new Scanner("test"); s.useDelimiter(Pattern.compile("\\w+")); assertEquals("\\w+", s.delimiter().toString()); s = new Scanner("test"); s.useDelimiter((Pattern) null); assertNull(s.delimiter()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#useDelimiter(String) */ public void test_useDelimiter_String() { s = new Scanner("test"); try { s.useDelimiter((String) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } s = new Scanner("test"); s.useDelimiter("\\w+"); assertEquals("\\w+", s.delimiter().toString()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#locale() */ public void test_locale() { s = new Scanner("test"); assertEquals(Locale.getDefault(), s.locale()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#useLocale(Locale) */ public void test_useLocale_LLocale() { s = new Scanner("test"); try { s.useLocale(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("test", "test")); assertEquals(new Locale("test", "test"), s.locale()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#radix() */ public void test_radix() { s = new Scanner("test"); assertEquals(10, s.radix()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#useRadix() */ public void test_useRadix_I() { s = new Scanner("test"); try { s.useRadix(Character.MIN_RADIX - 1); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } try { s.useRadix(Character.MAX_RADIX + 1); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } s.useRadix(11); assertEquals(11, s.radix()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#remove() */ public void test_remove() { s = new Scanner("aab*b*").useDelimiter("\\*"); try { s.remove(); fail(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException expected) { } } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#match() */ public void test_match() { MatchResult result ; s = new Scanner("1 2 "); try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); result = s.match(); assertEquals(2, result.start()); assertEquals(3, result.end()); assertEquals(2, result.start(0)); assertEquals(3, result.end(0)); assertEquals("2", result.group()); assertEquals("2", result.group(0)); assertEquals(0, result.groupCount()); try { result.start(1); fail(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) { } try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("True faLse"); try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); result = s.match(); assertEquals(0, result.start()); assertEquals(4, result.end()); assertEquals(0, result.start(0)); assertEquals(4, result.end(0)); assertEquals("True", result.group()); assertEquals(0, result.groupCount()); assertFalse(s.nextBoolean()); try { s.nextBoolean(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("True faLse"); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); result = s.match(); assertEquals(0, result.start()); assertEquals(4, result.end()); assertEquals(0, result.start(0)); assertEquals(4, result.end(0)); assertEquals("True", result.group()); assertEquals(0, result.groupCount()); s.close(); try { s.nextBoolean(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } result = s.match(); assertEquals(0, result.start()); assertEquals(4, result.end()); assertEquals(0, result.start(0)); assertEquals(4, result.end(0)); assertEquals("True", result.group()); assertEquals(0, result.groupCount()); s = new Scanner("True fase"); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); assertEquals(0, result.groupCount()); try { s.nextBoolean(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("True fase"); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); try { s.next((Pattern)null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } result = s.match(); assertEquals(0, result.start()); assertEquals(4, result.end()); assertEquals(0, result.start(0)); assertEquals(4, result.end(0)); assertEquals("True", result.group()); assertEquals(0, result.groupCount()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#next() */ public void test_next() throws IOException { // use special delimiter s = new Scanner("1**2").useDelimiter("\\*"); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertEquals("", s.next()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); s = new Scanner(" \t 1 \t 2").useDelimiter("\\s*"); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("a").useDelimiter("a?"); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("aa").useDelimiter("a?"); assertEquals("", s.next()); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word( )test( )").useDelimiter("\\( \\)"); assertEquals("word", s.next()); assertEquals("test", s.next()); s = new Scanner("? next ").useDelimiter("( )"); assertEquals("?", s.next()); assertEquals("next", s.next()); assertEquals("", s.next()); s = new Scanner("word1 word2 "); assertEquals("word1", s.next()); assertEquals("word2", s.next()); // test boundary case try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // just delimiter exists in this scanner s = new Scanner(" "); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // nothing exists in this scanner s = new Scanner(""); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // no delimiter exists in this scanner s = new Scanner("test"); assertEquals("test", s.next()); // input resourse starts with delimiter s = new Scanner(" test"); assertEquals("test", s.next()); // input resource ends with delimiter s = new Scanner(" test "); assertEquals("test", s.next()); // Harmony uses 1024 as default buffer size, // What if a sentence can not be read in all in once. StringBuilder longSentence = new StringBuilder(1025); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { longSentence.append(" "); } for (int i = 11; i < 1026; i++) { longSentence.append("a"); } s = new Scanner(longSentence.toString()); assertEquals(longSentence.toString().trim(), s.next()); s = new Scanner(" test test"); assertEquals("test", s.next()); assertEquals("test", s.next()); // What if use a delimiter of length 0. s = new Scanner("test\ntest").useDelimiter(Pattern.compile("^", Pattern.MULTILINE)); assertEquals("test\n", s.next()); assertEquals("test", s.next()); s = new Scanner("").useDelimiter(Pattern.compile("^", Pattern.MULTILINE)); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("").useDelimiter(Pattern.compile("^*", Pattern.MULTILINE)); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("test\ntest").useDelimiter(Pattern.compile("^*", Pattern.MULTILINE)); assertEquals("t", s.next()); assertEquals("e", s.next()); s = new Scanner("\ntest\ntest").useDelimiter(Pattern.compile("$", Pattern.MULTILINE)); assertEquals("\ntest", s.next()); assertEquals("\ntest", s.next()); // test socket inputStream // Harmony uses 1024 as default buffer size, // what if the leading delimiter is larger than 1023 for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { os.write(" ".getBytes()); } os.write(" 1 2 ".getBytes()); s = new Scanner(client); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); os.write(" 1 2".getBytes()); serverSocket.close(); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#next(Pattern) */ public void test_nextLPattern() throws IOException { Pattern pattern; s = new Scanner("aab*2*").useDelimiter("\\*"); pattern = Pattern.compile("a*b"); assertEquals("aab", s.next(pattern)); try { s.next(pattern); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word ? "); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+"); assertEquals("word", s.next(pattern)); try { s.next(pattern); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word1 word2 "); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+"); assertEquals("word1", s.next(pattern)); assertEquals("word2", s.next(pattern)); // test boundary case try { s.next(pattern); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // test socket inputStream os.write("aab 2".getBytes()); serverSocket.close(); s = new Scanner(client); pattern = Pattern.compile("a*b"); assertEquals("aab", s.next(pattern)); try { s.next(pattern); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#next(String) */ public void test_nextLString() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("b*a*").useDelimiter("\\*"); assertEquals("b", s.next("a*b")); try { s.next("a*b"); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word ? "); assertEquals("word", s.next("\\w+")); try { s.next("\\w+"); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word1 next "); assertEquals("word1", s.next("\\w+")); assertEquals("next", s.next("\\w+")); // test boundary case try { s.next("\\w+"); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // test socket inputStream os.write("aab 2".getBytes()); serverSocket.close(); s = new Scanner(client); assertEquals("aab", s.next("a*b")); try { s.next("a*b"); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextBoolean() */ public void test_nextBoolean() throws IOException { // case insensitive s = new Scanner("TRue"); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); s = new Scanner("tRue false"); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); assertFalse(s.nextBoolean()); try { s.nextBoolean(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("true1"); try { s.nextBoolean(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } try { s = new Scanner(""); s.nextBoolean(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // test socket inputStream os.write("true false".getBytes()); serverSocket.close(); s = new Scanner(client); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); assertFalse(s.nextBoolean()); // ues '*' as delimiter s = new Scanner("true**false").useDelimiter("\\*"); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); try { s.nextBoolean(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("false( )").useDelimiter("\\( \\)"); assertFalse(s.nextBoolean()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextInt(int) */ public void test_nextIntI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(123, s.nextInt(10)); assertEquals(456, s.nextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(38, s.nextInt(5)); try { s.nextInt(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789123456789123456789123456789"); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt(10)); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt(10)); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(102, s.nextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertEquals(162, s.nextInt(10)); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt(10)); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertEquals(3456, s.nextInt(10)); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(3456, s.nextInt(10)); s = new Scanner("E3456"); assertEquals(930902, s.nextInt(16)); // The following test case fails on RI, because RI does not support // letter as leading digit s = new Scanner("E3,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(930902, s.nextInt(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt(10)); /* * There are three types of negative prefix all in all. '' '-' '(' There * are three types of negative suffix all in all. '' '-' ')' '(' and ')' * must be used togethor. Prefix '-' and suffix '-' must be used * exclusively. */ /* * According to Integer regular expression: Integer :: = ( [-+]? (* * Numeral ) ) | LocalPositivePrefix Numeral LocalPositiveSuffix | * LocalNegativePrefix Numeral LocalNegativeSuffix 123- should be * recognized by scanner with locale ar_AE, (123) shouble be recognized * by scanner with locale mk_MK. But this is not the case on RI. */ s = new Scanner("-123 123- -123-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt(10)); // The following test case fails on RI // RoboVM note: Also fails on Darwin with RoboVM so commented out. //assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("-123 123-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Skip the un-recognizable token 123-. assertEquals("123-", s.next()); // If the parameter radix is illegal, the following test cases fail on // RI try { s.nextInt(Character.MIN_RADIX - 1); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } try { s.nextInt(Character.MAX_RADIX + 1); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextInt() */ public void test_nextInt() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(123, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(456, s.nextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); s.useRadix(5); assertEquals(38, s.nextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789123456789123456789123456789"); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt()); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt()); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(102, s.nextInt()); s.useRadix(5); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertEquals(162, s.nextInt()); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt()); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertEquals(3456, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(3456, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("E3456"); s.useRadix(16); assertEquals(930902, s.nextInt()); // The following test case fails on RI, because RI does not support // letter as leading digit s = new Scanner("E3,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); s.useRadix(16); assertEquals(930902, s.nextInt()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt()); /* * There are three types of negative prefix all in all. '' '-' '(' There * are three types of negative suffix all in all. '' '-' ')' '(' and ')' * must be used togethor. Prefix '-' and suffix '-' must be used * exclusively. */ /* * According to Integer regular expression: Integer :: = ( [-+]? (* * Numeral ) ) | LocalPositivePrefix Numeral LocalPositiveSuffix | * LocalNegativePrefix Numeral LocalNegativeSuffix 123- should be * recognized by scanner with locale ar_AE, (123) shouble be recognized * by scanner with locale mk_MK. But this is not the case on RI. */ s = new Scanner("-123 123- -123-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); // The following test case fails on RI // RoboVM note: Also fails on Darwin with RoboVM so commented out. //assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("-123 123-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Skip the un-recognizable token 123-. assertEquals("123-", s.next()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextByte(int) */ public void test_nextByteI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 126"); assertEquals(123, s.nextByte(10)); assertEquals(126, s.nextByte(10)); try { s.nextByte(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 126"); assertEquals(38, s.nextByte(5)); try { s.nextByte(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("1234"); try { s.nextByte(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 12\u0666"); assertEquals(102, s.nextByte(10)); try { s.nextByte(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertEquals(126, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("012"); assertEquals(12, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("E"); assertEquals(14, s.nextByte(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("100"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("1\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("1\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextByte(10)); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextByte() */ public void test_nextByte() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 126"); assertEquals(123, s.nextByte()); assertEquals(126, s.nextByte()); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 126"); s.useRadix(5); assertEquals(38, s.nextByte()); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("1234"); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 12\u0666"); assertEquals(102, s.nextByte()); s.useRadix(5); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertEquals(126, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("012"); assertEquals(12, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("E"); s.useRadix(16); assertEquals(14, s.nextByte()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("100"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("1\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("1\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextByte()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextFloat() */ public void test_nextFloat() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 45\u0666. 123.4 .123 "); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals((float)123.0, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals((float)456.0, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals((float)123.4, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals((float)0.123, s.nextFloat()); try { s.nextFloat(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("+123.4 -456.7 123,456.789 0.1\u06623,4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals((float)123.4, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals((float)-456.7, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals((float)123456.789, s.nextFloat()); try { s.nextFloat(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Scientific notation s = new Scanner("+123.4E10 -456.7e+12 123,456.789E-10"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals((float)1.234E12, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals((float)-4.567E14, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals((float)1.23456789E-5, s.nextFloat()); s = new Scanner("NaN Infinity -Infinity"); assertEquals(Float.NaN, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, s.nextFloat()); assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, s.nextFloat()); String str=String.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE*2); s=new Scanner(str); assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY,s.nextFloat()); /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals((float)23456.0, s.nextFloat()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertEquals((float)23.456, s.nextFloat()); s = new Scanner("23.456 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals((float)23.456, s.nextFloat()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertEquals((float)23456.0, s.nextFloat()); s = new Scanner("23,456.7 23.456,7"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals((float)23456.7, s.nextFloat()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertEquals((float)23456.7, s.nextFloat()); s = new Scanner("-123.4 123.4- -123.4-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); // FIXME // assertEquals((float)-123.4, s.nextFloat()); // //The following test case fails on RI // assertEquals((float)-123.4, s.nextFloat()); try { s.nextFloat(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("123- -123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); try { s.nextFloat(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Skip the un-recognizable token 123-. assertEquals("123-", s.next()); assertEquals((float)-123.0, s.nextFloat()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextBigInteger(int) */ public void test_nextBigIntegerI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("123"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("38"), s.nextBigInteger(5)); try { s.nextBigInteger(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("102"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); try { s.nextBigInteger(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertEquals(new BigInteger("162"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("E34"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3636"), s.nextBigInteger(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextBigInteger() */ public void test_nextBigInteger() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("123"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("456"), s.nextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); s.useRadix(5); assertEquals(new BigInteger("38"), s.nextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("102"), s.nextBigInteger()); s.useRadix(5); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertEquals(new BigInteger("162"), s.nextBigInteger()); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3456"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3456"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("E34"); s.useRadix(16); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3636"), s.nextBigInteger()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123"), s.nextBigInteger()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextShort(int) */ public void test_nextShortI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(123, s.nextShort(10)); assertEquals(456, s.nextShort(10)); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(38, s.nextShort(5)); try { s.nextShort(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789"); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(102, s.nextShort(10)); try { s.nextShort(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertEquals(162, s.nextShort(10)); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertEquals(3456, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(3456, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("E34"); assertEquals(3636, s.nextShort(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort(10)); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextShort() */ public void test_nextShort() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(123, s.nextShort()); assertEquals(456, s.nextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); s.useRadix(5); assertEquals(38, s.nextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789"); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(102, s.nextShort()); s.useRadix(5); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertEquals(162, s.nextShort()); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertEquals(3456, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(3456, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("E34"); s.useRadix(16); assertEquals(3636, s.nextShort()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextLong(int) */ public void test_nextLongI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(123, s.nextLong(10)); assertEquals(456, s.nextLong(10)); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(38, s.nextLong(5)); try { s.nextLong(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789123456789123456789123456789"); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(102, s.nextLong(10)); try { s.nextLong(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertEquals(162, s.nextLong(10)); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertEquals(3456, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(3456, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("E34"); assertEquals(3636, s.nextLong(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextLong(10)); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextLong() */ public void test_nextLong() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(123, s.nextLong()); assertEquals(456, s.nextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); s.useRadix(5); assertEquals(38, s.nextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789123456789123456789123456789"); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(102, s.nextLong()); s.useRadix(5); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertEquals(162, s.nextLong()); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertEquals(3456, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(3456, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("E34"); s.useRadix(16); assertEquals(3636, s.nextLong()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertEquals(-123, s.nextLong()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNext() */ public void test_hasNext() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("1##2").useDelimiter("\\#"); assertTrue(s.hasNext()); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertEquals("", s.next()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); assertFalse(s.hasNext()); s.close(); try { s.hasNext(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("1( )2( )").useDelimiter("\\( \\)"); assertTrue(s.hasNext()); assertTrue(s.hasNext()); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); s = new Scanner("1 2 ").useDelimiter("( )"); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); assertTrue(s.hasNext()); assertEquals("", s.next()); s = new Scanner("1\n2 "); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertTrue(s.hasNext()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); assertFalse(s.hasNext()); // test boundary case try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("1'\n'2 "); assertEquals("1'", s.next()); assertTrue(s.hasNext()); assertEquals("'2", s.next()); assertFalse(s.hasNext()); // test boundary case try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner(" "); assertFalse(s.hasNext()); // test socket inputStream os.write("1 2".getBytes()); serverSocket.close(); s = new Scanner(client); assertEquals("1", s.next()); assertTrue(s.hasNext()); assertEquals("2", s.next()); assertFalse(s.hasNext()); try { s.next(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNext(Pattern) */ public void test_hasNextLPattern() throws IOException { Pattern pattern; s = new Scanner("aab@2@abb@").useDelimiter("\\@"); pattern = Pattern.compile("a*b"); assertTrue(s.hasNext(pattern)); assertEquals("aab", s.next(pattern)); assertFalse(s.hasNext(pattern)); try { s.next(pattern); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word ? "); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+"); assertTrue(s.hasNext(pattern)); assertEquals("word", s.next(pattern)); assertFalse(s.hasNext(pattern)); try { s.next(pattern); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word1 WorD2 "); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+"); assertTrue(s.hasNext(pattern)); assertEquals("word1", s.next(pattern)); assertTrue(s.hasNext(pattern)); assertEquals("WorD2", s.next(pattern)); assertFalse(s.hasNext(pattern)); try { s.next(pattern); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word1 WorD2 "); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\w+"); try { s.hasNext((Pattern) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } s.close(); try { s.hasNext(pattern); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } // test socket inputStream os.write("aab b".getBytes()); serverSocket.close(); s = new Scanner(client); pattern = Pattern.compile("a+b"); assertTrue(s.hasNext(pattern)); assertEquals("aab", s.next(pattern)); assertFalse(s.hasNext(pattern)); try { s.next(pattern); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNext(String) */ public void test_hasNextLString() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("aab@2@abb@").useDelimiter("\\@"); try { s.hasNext((String)null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } s = new Scanner("aab*b*").useDelimiter("\\*"); assertTrue(s.hasNext("a+b")); assertEquals("aab", s.next("a+b")); assertFalse(s.hasNext("a+b")); try { s.next("a+b"); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.close(); try { s.hasNext("a+b"); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("WORD ? "); assertTrue(s.hasNext("\\w+")); assertEquals("WORD", s.next("\\w+")); assertFalse(s.hasNext("\\w+")); try { s.next("\\w+"); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word1 word2 "); assertEquals("word1", s.next("\\w+")); assertEquals("word2", s.next("\\w+")); // test boundary case try { s.next("\\w+"); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // test socket inputStream os.write("aab 2".getBytes()); serverSocket.close(); s = new Scanner(client); assertTrue(s.hasNext("a*b")); assertEquals("aab", s.next("a*b")); assertFalse(s.hasNext("a*b")); try { s.next("a*b"); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextBoolean() */ public void test_hasNextBoolean() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("TRue"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBoolean()); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); s = new Scanner("tRue false"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBoolean()); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBoolean()); assertFalse(s.nextBoolean()); s = new Scanner(""); assertFalse(s.hasNextBoolean()); // test socket inputStream os.write("true false ".getBytes()); serverSocket.close(); s = new Scanner(client); assertTrue(s.hasNextBoolean()); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); // ues '*' as delimiter s = new Scanner("true**false").useDelimiter("\\*"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBoolean()); assertTrue(s.nextBoolean()); assertFalse(s.hasNextBoolean()); try { s.nextBoolean(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("false( )").useDelimiter("\\( \\)"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBoolean()); assertFalse(s.nextBoolean()); assertFalse(s.hasNextBoolean()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextByte(int) */ public void test_hasNextByteI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 126"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(123, s.nextByte(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(126, s.nextByte(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextByte(10)); try { s.nextByte(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 126"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(5)); assertEquals(38, s.nextByte(5)); assertFalse(s.hasNextByte(5)); try { s.nextByte(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("1234"); assertFalse(s.hasNextByte(10)); try { s.nextByte(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 12\u0666"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(102, s.nextByte(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextByte(5)); try { s.nextByte(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(126, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("012"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(12, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("E"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(16)); assertEquals(14, s.nextByte(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("100"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("1\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("1\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextByte(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextByte(10)); } public void test_hasNextByteI_cache() throws IOException{ //regression for HARMONY-2063 s = new Scanner("123 45"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(8)); assertEquals(83, s.nextByte()); assertEquals(45, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("123 45"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(8)); assertEquals(83, s.nextByte()); assertEquals(45, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("-123 -45"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte(8)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(-45, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("123 45"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); s.close(); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } public void test_hasNextByte() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 126"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(123, s.nextByte()); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(126, s.nextByte()); assertFalse(s.hasNextByte()); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 126"); s.useRadix(5); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(38, s.nextByte()); assertFalse(s.hasNextByte()); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("1234"); assertFalse(s.hasNextByte()); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 12\u0666"); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(102, s.nextByte()); s.useRadix(5); assertFalse(s.hasNextByte()); try { s.nextByte(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(126, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("012"); assertEquals(12, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("E"); s.useRadix(16); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(14, s.nextByte()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("100"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("1\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("1\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(100, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextByte()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextByte()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextByte()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextBigInteger(int) */ public void test_hasNextBigIntegerI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("123"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(5)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("38"), s.nextBigInteger(5)); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger(5)); try { s.nextBigInteger(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("102"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger(5)); try { s.nextBigInteger(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("162"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); try { s.nextBigInteger(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3456"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("E34"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(16)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3636"), s.nextBigInteger(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123"), s.nextBigInteger(10)); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextBigInteger(int) */ public void test_hasNextBigIntegerI_cache() throws IOException { //regression for HARMONY-2063 s = new Scanner("123 123456789123456789"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(16)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("291"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("123456789123456789"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("123456789123456789 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(16)); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(10)); assertEquals(new BigInteger("123456789123456789"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("456"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("-123 -123456789123456789"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger(8)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123456789123456789"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); s.close(); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextBigInteger() */ public void test_hasNextBigInteger() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("123"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("456"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); s.useRadix(5); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("38"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(new BigInteger("102"), s.nextBigInteger()); s.useRadix(5); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("162"), s.nextBigInteger()); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("23456"), s.nextBigInteger()); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigInteger()); try { s.nextBigInteger(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3456"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3456"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("E34"); s.useRadix(16); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("3636"), s.nextBigInteger()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("12300"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123"), s.nextBigInteger()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigInteger()); assertEquals(new BigInteger("-123"), s.nextBigInteger()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextInt(int) */ public void test_hasNextIntI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertEquals(123, s.nextInt(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(456, s.nextInt(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(5)); assertEquals(38, s.nextInt(5)); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(5)); try { s.nextInt(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789123456789123456789123456789"); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(10)); /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(10)); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(10)); s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06662"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(5)); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(3456, s.nextInt(10)); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(3456, s.nextInt(10)); s = new Scanner("E3456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(16)); assertEquals(930902, s.nextInt(16)); // The following test case fails on RI, because RI does not support // letter as leading digit s = new Scanner("E3,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(16)); assertEquals(930902, s.nextInt(16)); // If parameter radix is illegal, the following test case fails on RI try { s.hasNextInt(Character.MIN_RADIX - 1); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt(10)); /* * There are three types of negative prefix all in all. '' '-' '(' There * are three types of negative suffix all in all. '' '-' ')' '(' and ')' * must be used together. Prefix '-' and suffix '-' must be used * exclusively. */ /* * According to Integer regular expression: Integer :: = ( [-+]? (* * Numeral ) ) | LocalPositivePrefix Numeral LocalPositiveSuffix | * LocalNegativePrefix Numeral LocalNegativeSuffix 123- should be * recognized by scanner with locale ar_AE, (123) should be recognized * by scanner with locale mk_MK. But this is not the case on RI. */ s = new Scanner("-123 123- -123-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt(10)); // The following test case fails on RI assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("-123 123-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt(10)); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Skip the un-recognizable token 123-. assertEquals("123-", s.next()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextInt(int) */ public void test_hasNextIntI_cache() throws IOException { //regression for HARMONY-2063 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(16)); assertEquals(291, s.nextInt(10)); assertEquals(456, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(16)); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(8)); assertEquals(83, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(456, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("-123 -456 -789"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(8)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort()); assertEquals(-456, s.nextInt()); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(16)); assertEquals(-789, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); s.close(); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextInt() */ public void test_hasNextInt() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(123, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(456, s.nextInt()); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); s.useRadix(5); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(38, s.nextInt()); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789123456789123456789123456789"); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06662"); s.useRadix(5); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(3456, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(3456, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("E3456"); s.useRadix(16); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(930902, s.nextInt()); // The following test case fails on RI, because RI does not support // letter as leading digit s = new Scanner("E3,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); s.useRadix(16); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(930902, s.nextInt()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt()); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextInt()); /* * There are three types of negative prefix all in all. '' '-' '(' There * are three types of negative suffix all in all. '' '-' ')' '(' and ')' * must be used togethor. Prefix '-' and suffix '-' must be used * exclusively. */ /* * According to Integer regular expression: Integer :: = ( [-+]? (* * Numeral ) ) | LocalPositivePrefix Numeral LocalPositiveSuffix | * LocalNegativePrefix Numeral LocalNegativeSuffix 123- should be * recognized by scanner with locale ar_AE, (123) shouble be recognized * by scanner with locale mk_MK. But this is not the case on RI. */ s = new Scanner("-123 123- -123-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); // The following test case fails on RI assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); assertFalse(s.hasNextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("-123 123-"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); try { s.nextInt(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Skip the un-recognizable token 123-. assertEquals("123-", s.next()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextFloat() */ public void test_hasNextFloat() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 45\u0666. 123.4 .123 "); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)123.0, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)456.0, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)123.4, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)0.123, s.nextFloat()); assertFalse(s.hasNextFloat()); try { s.nextFloat(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("+123.4 -456.7 123,456.789 0.1\u06623,4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)123.4, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)-456.7, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)123456.789, s.nextFloat()); assertFalse(s.hasNextFloat()); try { s.nextFloat(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Scientific notation s = new Scanner("+123.4E10 -456.7e+12 123,456.789E-10"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)1.234E12, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)-4.567E14, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)1.23456789E-5, s.nextFloat()); s = new Scanner("NaN Infinity -Infinity"); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals(Float.NaN, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, s.nextFloat()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, s.nextFloat()); String str=String.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE*2); s=new Scanner(str); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY,s.nextFloat()); /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)23456.0, s.nextFloat()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)23.456, s.nextFloat()); s = new Scanner("23.456 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)23.456, s.nextFloat()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)23456.0, s.nextFloat()); s = new Scanner("23,456.7 23.456,7"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)23456.7, s.nextFloat()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)23456.7, s.nextFloat()); //FIXME // s = new Scanner("-123.4 123.4- -123.4-"); // s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); // assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); // assertEquals((float)-123.4, s.nextFloat()); // //The following test case fails on RI // assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); // assertEquals((float)-123.4, s.nextFloat()); // try { // s.nextFloat(); // fail(); // } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { // } s = new Scanner("123- -123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertFalse(s.hasNextFloat()); try { s.nextFloat(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Skip the un-recognizable token 123-. assertEquals("123-", s.next()); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); assertEquals((float)-123.0, s.nextFloat()); s = new Scanner("+123.4 -456.7"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextFloat()); s.close(); try{ s.nextFloat(); fail(); }catch(IllegalStateException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextShort(int) */ public void test_hasNextShortI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(123, s.nextShort(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(456, s.nextShort(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(10)); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(5)); assertEquals(38, s.nextShort(5)); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(5)); try { s.nextShort(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789"); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(10)); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(10)); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextInt(10)); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(10)); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(102, s.nextShort(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(5)); try { s.nextShort(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(162, s.nextShort(10)); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(10)); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort(10)); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(10)); try { s.nextShort(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(3456, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(3456, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("E34"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(16)); assertEquals(3636, s.nextShort(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort(10)); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextShort() */ public void test_hasNextShort() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(123, s.nextShort()); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(456, s.nextShort()); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); s.useRadix(5); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(38, s.nextShort()); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789"); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(102, s.nextShort()); s.useRadix(5); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(162, s.nextShort()); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextShort()); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort()); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(3456, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(3456, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("E34"); s.useRadix(16); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(3636, s.nextShort()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextShort()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextShort(int) */ public void test_hasNextShortI_cache() throws IOException { //regression for HARMONY-2063 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(16)); assertEquals(291, s.nextShort()); assertEquals(456, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(16)); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(8)); assertEquals(83, s.nextShort()); assertEquals(456, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("-123 -456 -789"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(8)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(-456, s.nextShort()); assertTrue(s.hasNextInt(16)); assertEquals(-789, s.nextShort()); s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort()); s.close(); try { s.nextShort(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextLong(int) */ public void test_hasNextLongI() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(123, s.nextLong(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(456, s.nextLong(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong(10)); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(5)); assertEquals(38, s.nextLong(5)); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong(5)); try { s.nextLong(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789123456789123456789123456789"); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong(10)); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextShort(10)); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong(10)); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(102, s.nextLong(10)); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong(5)); try { s.nextLong(5); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(162, s.nextLong(10)); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong(10)); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong(10)); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong(10)); try { s.nextLong(10); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(3456, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(3456, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("E34"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(16)); assertEquals(3636, s.nextLong(16)); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextLong(10)); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(10)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextLong(10)); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextLong(int) */ public void test_hasNextLongI_cache() throws IOException { //regression for HARMONY-2063 s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(16)); assertEquals(291, s.nextLong()); assertEquals(456, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(16)); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(8)); assertEquals(83, s.nextLong()); assertEquals(456, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("-123 -456 -789"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong(8)); assertEquals(-123, s.nextInt()); assertEquals(-456, s.nextLong()); assertTrue(s.hasNextShort(16)); assertEquals(-789, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); s.close(); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextLong() */ public void test_hasNextLong() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(123, s.nextLong()); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(456, s.nextLong()); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // If the radix is different from 10 s = new Scanner("123 456"); s.useRadix(5); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(38, s.nextLong()); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // If the number is out of range s = new Scanner("123456789123456789123456789123456789"); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); /* * ''' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23'456 23'456"); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(new Locale("it", "CH")); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); /* * The input string has Arabic-Indic digits. */ s = new Scanner("1\u06602 1\u06662"); assertEquals(102, s.nextLong()); s.useRadix(5); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useRadix(10); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(162, s.nextLong()); /* * '.' is used in many locales as group separator. The input string * has Arabic-Indic digits . */ s = new Scanner("23.45\u0666 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); // If exception is thrown out, input will not be advanced. assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(23456, s.nextLong()); // The input string starts with zero s = new Scanner("03,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertFalse(s.hasNextLong()); try { s.nextLong(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } s = new Scanner("03456"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(3456, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("\u06603,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(3456, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("E34"); s.useRadix(16); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(3636, s.nextLong()); /* * There are 3 types of zero digit in all locales, '0' '\u0966' '\u0e50' * respectively, but they are not differentiated. */ s = new Scanner("12300"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("123\u0966\u0966"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("123\u0e50\u0e50"); s.useLocale(Locale.CHINESE); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(12300, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("ar", "AE")); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextLong()); s = new Scanner("-123"); s.useLocale(new Locale("mk", "MK")); assertTrue(s.hasNextLong()); assertEquals(-123, s.nextLong()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextDouble() */ public void test_hasNextDouble() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 45\u0666. 123.4 .123 "); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(123.0, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(456.0, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(123.4, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(0.123, s.nextDouble()); assertFalse(s.hasNextDouble()); try { s.nextDouble(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("+123.4 -456.7 123,456.789 0.1\u06623,4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(123.4, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(-456.7, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(123456.789, s.nextDouble()); assertFalse(s.hasNextDouble()); try { s.nextDouble(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Scientific notation s = new Scanner("+123.4E10 -456.7e+12 123,456.789E-10"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(1.234E12, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(-4.567E14, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(1.23456789E-5, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("NaN Infinity -Infinity"); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(Double.NaN, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, s.nextDouble()); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, s.nextDouble()); String str=String.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE*2); s=new Scanner(str); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,s.nextDouble()); /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(23456.0, s.nextDouble()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(23.456, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("23.456 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(23.456, s.nextDouble()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(23456.0, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("23,456.7 23.456,7"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(23456.7, s.nextDouble()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(23456.7, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("-123.4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); assertEquals(-123.4, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("+123.4 -456.7"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextDouble()); s.close(); try{ s.nextDouble(); fail(); }catch(IllegalStateException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextBigDecimal() */ public void test_hasNextBigDecimal() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 45\u0666. 123.4 .123 "); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123.4"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("0.123"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); try { s.nextBigDecimal(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("+123.4 -456.7 123,456.789 0.1\u06623,4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123.4"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("-456.7"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123456.789"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); try { s.nextBigDecimal(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Scientific notation s = new Scanner("+123.4E10 -456.7e+12 123,456.789E-10"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("1.234E12"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("-4.567E14"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("1.23456789E-5"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s = new Scanner("NaN"); assertFalse(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); try { s.nextBigDecimal(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23.456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s = new Scanner("23.456 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23.456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s = new Scanner("23,456.7"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23456.7"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s = new Scanner("-123.4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertTrue(s.hasNextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("-123.4"), s.nextBigDecimal()); } private static class MockStringReader extends StringReader { public MockStringReader(String param) { super(param); } public int read(CharBuffer target) throws IOException { target.append('t'); target.append('e'); target.append('s'); target.append('t'); throw new IOException(); } } private static class MockStringReader2Read extends StringReader { int timesRead = 0; public MockStringReader2Read(String param) { super(param); } public int read(CharBuffer target) throws IOException { if (timesRead == 0) { target.append('1'); target.append('2'); target.append('3'); timesRead++; return 3; } else if (timesRead == 1) { target.append('t'); timesRead++; return 1; } else { throw new IOException(); } } } // https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=40555 public void test_40555() throws Exception { MockStringReader2Read reader = new MockStringReader2Read("MockStringReader"); s = new Scanner(reader); // We should get a match straight away. String result = s.findWithinHorizon("1", 0); assertEquals("1", result); // The stream should not be consumed as there's already a match after the first read. assertEquals(1, reader.timesRead); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#findWithinHorizon(Pattern, int) */ public void test_findWithinHorizon_LPatternI() { // This method searches through the input up to the specified search // horizon(exclusive). s = new Scanner("123test"); String result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\p{Lower}"), 5); assertEquals("t", result); MatchResult mresult = s.match(); assertEquals(3, mresult.start()); assertEquals(4, mresult.end()); s = new Scanner("12345test1234test next"); /* * If the pattern is found the scanner advances past the input that * matched and returns the string that matched the pattern. */ result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+"), 2); assertEquals("12", result); mresult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, mresult.start()); assertEquals(2, mresult.end()); // Position is now pointing at the bar. "12|345test1234test next" result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+"), 6); assertEquals("345", result); mresult = s.match(); assertEquals(2, mresult.start()); assertEquals(5, mresult.end()); // Position is now pointing at the bar. "12345|test1234test next" // If no such pattern is detected then the null is returned and the // scanner's position remains unchanged. result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+"), 3); assertNull(result); try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } assertEquals("345", mresult.group()); assertEquals(2, mresult.start()); assertEquals(5, mresult.end()); // Position is now still pointing at the bar. "12345|test1234test next" // If horizon is 0, then the horizon is ignored and this method // continues to search through the input looking for the specified // pattern without bound. result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+"), 0); mresult = s.match(); assertEquals(9, mresult.start()); assertEquals(13, mresult.end()); // Position is now pointing at the bar. "12345test1234|test next" assertEquals("test", s.next()); mresult = s.match(); assertEquals(13, mresult.start()); assertEquals(17, mresult.end()); assertEquals("next", s.next()); mresult = s.match(); assertEquals(18, mresult.start()); assertEquals(22, mresult.end()); try { s.findWithinHorizon((Pattern) null, -1); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } try { s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+"), -1); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } s.close(); try { s.findWithinHorizon((Pattern) null, -1); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("test"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\w+"), 10); assertEquals("test", result); s = new Scanner("aa\n\rb"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("a"), 5); assertEquals("a", result); mresult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, mresult.start()); assertEquals(1, mresult.end()); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("^(a)$", Pattern.MULTILINE), 5); assertNull(result); try { mresult = s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner(""); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("^"), 0); assertEquals("", result); MatchResult matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(0, matchResult.end()); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("$"), 0); assertEquals("", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(0, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern .compile("(\\d+) fish (\\d+) fish (\\w+) fish (\\w+)"), 10); assertNull(result); try { mresult = s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } assertEquals(0, mresult.groupCount()); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern .compile("(\\d+) fish (\\d+) fish (\\w+) fish (\\w+)"), 100); assertEquals("1 fish 2 fish red fish blue", result); mresult = s.match(); assertEquals(4, mresult.groupCount()); assertEquals("1", mresult.group(1)); assertEquals("2", mresult.group(2)); assertEquals("red", mresult.group(3)); assertEquals("blue", mresult.group(4)); s = new Scanner("test"); s.close(); try { s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("test"), 1); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word1 WorD2 "); s.close(); try { s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("\\d+"), 10); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("word1 WorD2 wOrd3 "); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); assertEquals("1", s.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 10)); assertEquals("WorD2", s.next()); assertEquals("3", s.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 15)); // Regression test s = new Scanner(new MockStringReader("MockStringReader")); pattern = Pattern.compile("test"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 10); assertEquals("test", result); // Test the situation when input length is longer than buffer size. StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 1026; i++) { stringBuilder.append('a'); } s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Lower}+"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 1026); assertEquals(stringBuilder.toString().length(), result.length()); assertEquals(stringBuilder.toString(), result); // Test the situation when input length is longer than buffer size and // set horizon to buffer size. stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 1026; i++) { stringBuilder.append('a'); } s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Lower}+"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 1022); assertEquals(1022, result.length()); assertEquals(stringBuilder.subSequence(0, 1022), result); // Test the situation, under which pattern is clipped by buffer. stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 1022; i++) { stringBuilder.append(' '); } stringBuilder.append("bbc"); assertEquals(1025, stringBuilder.length()); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); pattern = Pattern.compile("bbc"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 1025); assertEquals(3, result.length()); assertEquals(stringBuilder.subSequence(1022, 1025), result); stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 1026; i++) { stringBuilder.append('a'); } s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Lower}+"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 0); assertEquals(stringBuilder.toString(), result); stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 10240; i++) { stringBuilder.append('-'); } stringBuilder.replace(0, 2, "aa"); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("aa"), 0); assertEquals("aa", result); s = new Scanner("aaaa"); result = s.findWithinHorizon(Pattern.compile("a*"), 0); assertEquals("aaaa", result); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#findInLine(Pattern) */ public void test_findInLine_LPattern() { Scanner s = new Scanner(""); try { s.findInLine((Pattern) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } String result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("^")); assertEquals("", result); MatchResult matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(0, matchResult.end()); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("$")); assertEquals("", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(0, matchResult.end()); /* * When we use the operation of findInLine(Pattern), the match region * should not span the line separator. */ s = new Scanner("aa\nb.b"); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("a\nb*")); assertNull(result); s = new Scanner("aa\nbb.b"); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("\\.")); assertNull(result); s = new Scanner("abcd1234test\n"); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("\\p{Lower}+")); assertEquals("abcd", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(4, matchResult.end()); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}{5}")); assertNull(result); try { matchResult = s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(4, matchResult.end()); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("\\p{Lower}+")); assertEquals("test", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(8, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(12, matchResult.end()); char[] chars = new char[2048]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(chars); stringBuilder.append("1234"); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+")); assertEquals("1234", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(2048, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(2052, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("test"); s.close(); try { s.findInLine((Pattern) null); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("test1234\n1234 test"); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("test")); assertEquals("test", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(4, matchResult.end()); int number = s.nextInt(); assertEquals(1234, number); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(4, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(8, matchResult.end()); result = s.next(); assertEquals("1234", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(9, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(13, matchResult.end()); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile("test")); assertEquals("test", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(14, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(18, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("test\u0085\ntest"); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); s = new Scanner("test\ntest"); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); s = new Scanner("test\n123\ntest"); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); result = s.findInLine("est"); // RI fails. It is a RI's bug. assertNull(result); s = new Scanner( " *\n"); result = s.findInLine(Pattern.compile( "^\\s*(?:\\*(?=[^/]))")); assertEquals(" *", result); } public void test_findInLine_LString_NPEs() { s = new Scanner("test"); try { s.findInLine((String) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } s.close(); try { s.findInLine((String) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } try { s.findInLine("test"); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } public void test_findInLine_LString() { Scanner s = new Scanner(""); String result = s.findInLine("^"); assertEquals("", result); MatchResult matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(0, matchResult.end()); result = s.findInLine("$"); assertEquals("", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(0, matchResult.end()); // When we use the operation of findInLine(Pattern), the match region // should not span the line separator. s = new Scanner("aa\nb.b"); result = s.findInLine("a\nb*"); assertNull(result); s = new Scanner("aa\nbb.b"); result = s.findInLine("\\."); assertNull(result); s = new Scanner("abcd1234test\n"); result = s.findInLine("\\p{Lower}+"); assertEquals("abcd", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(4, matchResult.end()); result = s.findInLine("\\p{Digit}{5}"); assertNull(result); try { matchResult = s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(4, matchResult.end()); result = s.findInLine("\\p{Lower}+"); assertEquals("test", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(8, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(12, matchResult.end()); char[] chars = new char[2048]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(chars); stringBuilder.append("1234"); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); result = s.findInLine("\\p{Digit}+"); assertEquals("1234", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(2048, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(2052, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("test1234\n1234 test"); result = s.findInLine("test"); assertEquals("test", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(4, matchResult.end()); int number = s.nextInt(); assertEquals(1234, number); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(4, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(8, matchResult.end()); result = s.next(); assertEquals("1234", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(9, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(13, matchResult.end()); result = s.findInLine("test"); assertEquals("test", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(14, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(18, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("test\u0085\ntest"); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); s = new Scanner("test\ntest"); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); s = new Scanner("test\n123\ntest"); result = s.findInLine("est"); assertEquals("est", result); result = s.findInLine("est"); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#skip(Pattern) */ public void test_skip_LPattern() { s = new Scanner("test"); try { s.skip((String) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } // If pattern does not match, NoSuchElementException will be thrown out. s = new Scanner("1234"); try { s.skip(Pattern.compile("\\p{Lower}")); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } // Then, no matchResult will be thrown out. try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s.skip(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}")); MatchResult matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); s.skip(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+")); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(1, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(4, matchResult.end()); s.close(); try { s.skip(Pattern.compile("test")); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } MockStringReader2Read reader = new MockStringReader2Read("test"); s = new Scanner(reader); try { s.skip(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}{4}")); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s.skip(Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}{3}\\p{Lower}")); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(4, matchResult.end()); s.close(); try { s.skip((Pattern) null); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); char [] chars = new char[1024]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); stringBuilder.append(chars); stringBuilder.append('3'); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); s.skip(Pattern.compile("\\p{Lower}+\\p{Digit}")); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1025, matchResult.end()); // Large amount of input may be cached chars = new char[102400]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(chars); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); s.skip(Pattern.compile(".*")); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(102400, matchResult.end()); // skip something without risking a NoSuchElementException s.skip(Pattern.compile("[ \t]*")); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(102400, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(102400, matchResult.end()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#skip(String) */ public void test_skip_LString() { s = new Scanner("test"); try { s.skip((String) null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextDouble() */ public void test_nextDouble() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 45\u0666. 123.4 .123 "); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(123.0, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(456.0, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(123.4, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(0.123, s.nextDouble()); try { s.nextDouble(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("+123.4 -456.7 123,456.789 0.1\u06623,4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(123.4, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(-456.7, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(123456.789, s.nextDouble()); try { s.nextDouble(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Scientific notation s = new Scanner("+123.4E10 -456.7e+12 123,456.789E-10"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(1.234E12, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(-4.567E14, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(1.23456789E-5, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("NaN Infinity -Infinity"); assertEquals(Double.NaN, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, s.nextDouble()); assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, s.nextDouble()); //The following test case fails on RI s=new Scanner("\u221e"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, s.nextDouble()); String str=String.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE*2); s=new Scanner(str); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,s.nextDouble()); /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(23456.0, s.nextDouble()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertEquals(23.456, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("23.456 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(23.456, s.nextDouble()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertEquals(23456.0, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("23,456.7 23.456,7"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(23456.7, s.nextDouble()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertEquals(23456.7, s.nextDouble()); s = new Scanner("-123.4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(-123.4, s.nextDouble()); } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextBigDecimal() */ public void test_nextBigDecimal() throws IOException { s = new Scanner("123 45\u0666. 123.4 .123 "); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123.4"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("0.123"), s.nextBigDecimal()); try { s.nextBigDecimal(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } s = new Scanner("+123.4 -456.7 123,456.789 0.1\u06623,4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123.4"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("-456.7"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123456.789"), s.nextBigDecimal()); try { s.nextBigDecimal(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } // Scientific notation s = new Scanner("+123.4E10 -456.7e+12 123,456.789E-10"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("1.234E12"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("-4.567E14"), s.nextBigDecimal()); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("1.23456789E-5"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s = new Scanner("NaN"); try { s.nextBigDecimal(); fail(); } catch (InputMismatchException expected) { } /* * Different locale can only recognize corresponding locale sensitive * string. ',' is used in many locales as group separator. */ s = new Scanner("23,456 23,456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23.456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s = new Scanner("23.456 23.456"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23.456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s.useLocale(Locale.GERMANY); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23456"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s = new Scanner("23,456.7"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23456.7"), s.nextBigDecimal()); s = new Scanner("-123.4"); s.useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("-123.4"), s.nextBigDecimal()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#toString() */ public void test_toString() { s = new Scanner("test"); assertNotNull(s.toString()); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#nextLine() */ public void test_nextLine() { s = new Scanner(""); s.close(); try { s.nextLine(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("test\r\ntest"); String result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("test", result); MatchResult matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(6, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\u0085"); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\u2028"); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\u2029"); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner(""); try { result = s.nextLine(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } try { s.match(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("Ttest"); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("Ttest", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(5, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\r\n"); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(2, matchResult.end()); char[] chars = new char[1024]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(chars); chars = new char[] { '+', '-' }; stringBuilder.append(chars); stringBuilder.append("\u2028"); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals(stringBuilder.toString().substring(0, 1026), result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1027, matchResult.end()); chars = new char[1023]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(chars); stringBuilder.append("\r\n"); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals(stringBuilder.toString().substring(0, 1023), result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1025, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner(" "); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals(" ", result); s = new Scanner("test\n\n\n"); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("test", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(5, matchResult.end()); result = s.nextLine(); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(5, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(6, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\n\n\n"); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("", result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); result = s.nextLine(); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(1, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(2, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("123 test\n "); int value = s.nextInt(); assertEquals(123, value); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals(" test", result); s = new Scanner("test\n "); result = s.nextLine(); assertEquals("test", result); // Regression test for Harmony-4774 class CountReadable implements Readable { int counter = 0; public int read(CharBuffer charBuffer) throws IOException { counter++; charBuffer.append("hello\n"); return 6; } } CountReadable cr = new CountReadable(); s = new Scanner(cr); result = s.nextLine(); // We expect read() to be called only once, otherwise we see the problem // when reading from System.in described in Harmony-4774 assertEquals(1, cr.counter); assertEquals("hello", result); } /** * @tests java.util.Scanner#hasNextLine() */ public void test_hasNextLine() { s = new Scanner(""); s.close(); try { s.hasNextLine(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } s = new Scanner("test\r\ntest"); boolean result = s.hasNextLine(); assertTrue(result); MatchResult matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(6, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\u0085"); result = s.hasNextLine(); assertTrue(result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\u2028"); result = s.hasNextLine(); assertTrue(result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\u2029"); result = s.hasNextLine(); assertTrue(result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("test\n"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLine()); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(5, matchResult.end()); char[] chars = new char[2048]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(chars); s = new Scanner(stringBuilder.toString()); result = s.hasNextLine(); assertTrue(result); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(2048, matchResult.end()); s = new Scanner("\n\n\n"); assertTrue(s.hasNextLine()); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); // The scanner will not advance any input. assertTrue(s.hasNextLine()); matchResult = s.match(); assertEquals(0, matchResult.start()); assertEquals(1, matchResult.end()); } public void test_hasNextLine_sequence() throws IOException { final PipedInputStream pis = new PipedInputStream(); final PipedOutputStream pos = new PipedOutputStream(); final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(pis); pis.connect(pos); final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); result.add(line); } } }); thread.start(); for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++) { String line = "line" + index + "\n"; pos.write(line.getBytes()); pos.flush(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } assertEquals(index + 1, result.size()); } pis.close(); pos.close(); try { thread.join(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } assertFalse(scanner.hasNextLine()); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); server = new ServerSocket(0); address = new InetSocketAddress("", server.getLocalPort()); client = SocketChannel.open(); client.connect(address); serverSocket = server.accept(); os = serverSocket.getOutputStream(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); try { serverSocket.close(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } try { client.close(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } try { server.close(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=57050 public void testPerformance() throws Exception { int count = 100000; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(baos)); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { out.write(Integer.toString(123) + " "); } out.close(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); bais.mark(-1); Scanner s = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bais))); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (s.nextInt() != 123) { fail(); } } bais.reset(); s = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bais))); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (s.nextFloat() != 123.0) { fail(); } } } }