/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 RoboVM AB * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.robovm.apple.coreanimation; /*<imports>*/ import java.io.*; import java.nio.*; import java.util.*; import org.robovm.objc.*; import org.robovm.objc.annotation.*; import org.robovm.objc.block.*; import org.robovm.rt.*; import org.robovm.rt.annotation.*; import org.robovm.rt.bro.*; import org.robovm.rt.bro.annotation.*; import org.robovm.rt.bro.ptr.*; import org.robovm.apple.foundation.*; import org.robovm.apple.coregraphics.*; import org.robovm.apple.coreimage.*; import org.robovm.apple.coretext.*; import org.robovm.apple.opengles.*; import org.robovm.apple.metal.*; /*</imports>*/ /*<javadoc>*/ /*</javadoc>*/ /*<annotations>*/@Library("QuartzCore") @NativeClass/*</annotations>*/ /*<visibility>*/public/*</visibility>*/ class /*<name>*/CALayer/*</name>*/ extends /*<extends>*/NSObject/*</extends>*/ /*<implements>*/implements NSCoding, CAMediaTiming/*</implements>*/ { /*<ptr>*/public static class CALayerPtr extends Ptr<CALayer, CALayerPtr> {}/*</ptr>*/ /*<bind>*/static { ObjCRuntime.bind(CALayer.class); }/*</bind>*/ /*<constants>*//*</constants>*/ /*<constructors>*/ public CALayer() {} protected CALayer(long handle) { super(handle); } protected CALayer(SkipInit skipInit) { super(skipInit); } public CALayer(CALayer layer) { super((SkipInit) null); initObject(init(layer)); } public CALayer(NSCoder aDecoder) { super((SkipInit) null); initObject(init(aDecoder)); } /*</constructors>*/ /*<properties>*/ @Property(selector = "bounds") public native @ByVal CGRect getBounds(); @Property(selector = "setBounds:") public native void setBounds(@ByVal CGRect v); @Property(selector = "position") public native @ByVal CGPoint getPosition(); @Property(selector = "setPosition:") public native void setPosition(@ByVal CGPoint v); @Property(selector = "zPosition") public native @MachineSizedFloat double getZPosition(); @Property(selector = "setZPosition:") public native void setZPosition(@MachineSizedFloat double v); @Property(selector = "anchorPoint") public native @ByVal CGPoint getAnchorPoint(); @Property(selector = "setAnchorPoint:") public native void setAnchorPoint(@ByVal CGPoint v); @Property(selector = "anchorPointZ") public native @MachineSizedFloat double getAnchorPointZ(); @Property(selector = "setAnchorPointZ:") public native void setAnchorPointZ(@MachineSizedFloat double v); @Property(selector = "transform") public native @ByVal CATransform3D getTransform(); @Property(selector = "setTransform:") public native void setTransform(@ByVal CATransform3D v); @Property(selector = "frame") public native @ByVal CGRect getFrame(); @Property(selector = "setFrame:") public native void setFrame(@ByVal CGRect v); @Property(selector = "isHidden") public native boolean isHidden(); @Property(selector = "setHidden:") public native void setHidden(boolean v); @Property(selector = "isDoubleSided") public native boolean isDoubleSided(); @Property(selector = "setDoubleSided:") public native void setDoubleSided(boolean v); @Property(selector = "isGeometryFlipped") public native boolean isGeometryFlipped(); @Property(selector = "setGeometryFlipped:") public native void setGeometryFlipped(boolean v); @Property(selector = "superlayer") public native CALayer getSuperlayer(); @Property(selector = "sublayers") public native NSArray<CALayer> getSublayers(); @Property(selector = "setSublayers:") public native void setSublayers(NSArray<CALayer> v); @Property(selector = "sublayerTransform") public native @ByVal CATransform3D getSublayerTransform(); @Property(selector = "setSublayerTransform:") public native void setSublayerTransform(@ByVal CATransform3D v); @Property(selector = "mask") public native CALayer getMask(); @Property(selector = "setMask:") public native void setMask(CALayer v); @Property(selector = "masksToBounds") public native boolean masksToBounds(); @Property(selector = "setMasksToBounds:") public native void setMasksToBounds(boolean v); @Property(selector = "contents") public native NSObject getContents(); @Property(selector = "setContents:") public native void setContents(NSObject v); @Property(selector = "contentsRect") public native @ByVal CGRect getContentsRect(); @Property(selector = "setContentsRect:") public native void setContentsRect(@ByVal CGRect v); @Property(selector = "contentsGravity") public native CAGravity getContentsGravity(); @Property(selector = "setContentsGravity:") public native void setContentsGravity(CAGravity v); /** * @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */ @Property(selector = "contentsScale") public native @MachineSizedFloat double getContentsScale(); /** * @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */ @Property(selector = "setContentsScale:") public native void setContentsScale(@MachineSizedFloat double v); @Property(selector = "contentsCenter") public native @ByVal CGRect getContentsCenter(); @Property(selector = "setContentsCenter:") public native void setContentsCenter(@ByVal CGRect v); @Property(selector = "minificationFilter") public native CAFilter getMinificationFilter(); @Property(selector = "setMinificationFilter:") public native void setMinificationFilter(CAFilter v); @Property(selector = "magnificationFilter") public native CAFilter getMagnificationFilter(); @Property(selector = "setMagnificationFilter:") public native void setMagnificationFilter(CAFilter v); @Property(selector = "minificationFilterBias") public native float getMinificationFilterBias(); @Property(selector = "setMinificationFilterBias:") public native void setMinificationFilterBias(float v); @Property(selector = "isOpaque") public native boolean isOpaque(); @Property(selector = "setOpaque:") public native void setOpaque(boolean v); @Property(selector = "needsDisplayOnBoundsChange") public native boolean needsDisplayOnBoundsChange(); @Property(selector = "setNeedsDisplayOnBoundsChange:") public native void setNeedsDisplayOnBoundsChange(boolean v); /** * @since Available in iOS 6.0 and later. */ @Property(selector = "drawsAsynchronously") public native boolean drawsAsynchronously(); /** * @since Available in iOS 6.0 and later. */ @Property(selector = "setDrawsAsynchronously:") public native void setDrawsAsynchronously(boolean v); @Property(selector = "edgeAntialiasingMask") public native CAEdgeAntialiasingMask getEdgeAntialiasingMask(); @Property(selector = "setEdgeAntialiasingMask:") public native void setEdgeAntialiasingMask(CAEdgeAntialiasingMask v); @Property(selector = "allowsEdgeAntialiasing") public native boolean allowsEdgeAntialiasing(); @Property(selector = "setAllowsEdgeAntialiasing:") public native void setAllowsEdgeAntialiasing(boolean v); @Property(selector = "backgroundColor") public native CGColor getBackgroundColor(); @Property(selector = "setBackgroundColor:") public native void setBackgroundColor(CGColor v); @Property(selector = "cornerRadius") public native @MachineSizedFloat double getCornerRadius(); @Property(selector = "setCornerRadius:") public native void setCornerRadius(@MachineSizedFloat double v); @Property(selector = "borderWidth") public native @MachineSizedFloat double getBorderWidth(); @Property(selector = "setBorderWidth:") public native void setBorderWidth(@MachineSizedFloat double v); @Property(selector = "borderColor") public native CGColor getBorderColor(); @Property(selector = "setBorderColor:") public native void setBorderColor(CGColor v); @Property(selector = "opacity") public native float getOpacity(); @Property(selector = "setOpacity:") public native void setOpacity(float v); @Property(selector = "allowsGroupOpacity") public native boolean allowsGroupOpacity(); @Property(selector = "setAllowsGroupOpacity:") public native void setAllowsGroupOpacity(boolean v); @WeaklyLinked @Property(selector = "compositingFilter") public native CIFilter getCompositingFilter(); @WeaklyLinked @Property(selector = "setCompositingFilter:") public native void setCompositingFilter(CIFilter v); @WeaklyLinked @Property(selector = "filters") public native NSArray<CIFilter> getFilters(); @WeaklyLinked @Property(selector = "setFilters:") public native void setFilters(NSArray<CIFilter> v); @WeaklyLinked @Property(selector = "backgroundFilters") public native NSArray<CIFilter> getBackgroundFilters(); @WeaklyLinked @Property(selector = "setBackgroundFilters:") public native void setBackgroundFilters(NSArray<CIFilter> v); @Property(selector = "shouldRasterize") public native boolean shouldRasterize(); @Property(selector = "setShouldRasterize:") public native void setShouldRasterize(boolean v); @Property(selector = "rasterizationScale") public native @MachineSizedFloat double getRasterizationScale(); @Property(selector = "setRasterizationScale:") public native void setRasterizationScale(@MachineSizedFloat double v); @Property(selector = "shadowColor") public native CGColor getShadowColor(); @Property(selector = "setShadowColor:") public native void setShadowColor(CGColor v); @Property(selector = "shadowOpacity") public native float getShadowOpacity(); @Property(selector = "setShadowOpacity:") public native void setShadowOpacity(float v); @Property(selector = "shadowOffset") public native @ByVal CGSize getShadowOffset(); @Property(selector = "setShadowOffset:") public native void setShadowOffset(@ByVal CGSize v); @Property(selector = "shadowRadius") public native @MachineSizedFloat double getShadowRadius(); @Property(selector = "setShadowRadius:") public native void setShadowRadius(@MachineSizedFloat double v); @Property(selector = "shadowPath") public native CGPath getShadowPath(); @Property(selector = "setShadowPath:") public native void setShadowPath(CGPath v); @Property(selector = "actions") public native @org.robovm.rt.bro.annotation.Marshaler(NSDictionary.AsStringMapMarshaler.class) Map<String, CAAction> getActions(); @Property(selector = "setActions:") public native void setActions(@org.robovm.rt.bro.annotation.Marshaler(NSDictionary.AsStringMapMarshaler.class) Map<String, CAAction> v); @Property(selector = "name") public native String getName(); @Property(selector = "setName:") public native void setName(String v); @Property(selector = "delegate") public native CALayerDelegate getDelegate(); @Property(selector = "setDelegate:", strongRef = true) public native void setDelegate(CALayerDelegate v); @Property(selector = "style") public native NSDictionary<?, ?> getStyle(); @Property(selector = "setStyle:") public native void setStyle(NSDictionary<?, ?> v); @Property(selector = "visibleRect") public native @ByVal CGRect getVisibleRect(); @Property(selector = "beginTime") public native double getBeginTime(); @Property(selector = "setBeginTime:") public native void setBeginTime(double v); @Property(selector = "duration") public native double getDuration(); @Property(selector = "setDuration:") public native void setDuration(double v); @Property(selector = "speed") public native float getSpeed(); @Property(selector = "setSpeed:") public native void setSpeed(float v); @Property(selector = "timeOffset") public native double getTimeOffset(); @Property(selector = "setTimeOffset:") public native void setTimeOffset(double v); @Property(selector = "repeatCount") public native float getRepeatCount(); @Property(selector = "setRepeatCount:") public native void setRepeatCount(float v); @Property(selector = "repeatDuration") public native double getRepeatDuration(); @Property(selector = "setRepeatDuration:") public native void setRepeatDuration(double v); @Property(selector = "autoreverses") public native boolean autoreverses(); @Property(selector = "setAutoreverses:") public native void setAutoreverses(boolean v); @Property(selector = "fillMode") public native CAFillMode getFillMode(); @Property(selector = "setFillMode:") public native void setFillMode(CAFillMode v); /*</properties>*/ /*<members>*//*</members>*/ /*<methods>*/ @Method(selector = "initWithLayer:") protected native @Pointer long init(CALayer layer); @Method(selector = "presentationLayer") public native CALayer getPresentationLayer(); @Method(selector = "modelLayer") public native CALayer getModelLayer(); @Method(selector = "shouldArchiveValueForKey:") public native boolean shouldArchiveValue(String key); @Method(selector = "affineTransform") public native @ByVal CGAffineTransform getAffineTransform(); @Method(selector = "setAffineTransform:") public native void setAffineTransform(@ByVal CGAffineTransform m); @Method(selector = "contentsAreFlipped") public native boolean areContentsFlipped(); @Method(selector = "removeFromSuperlayer") public native void removeFromSuperlayer(); @Method(selector = "addSublayer:") public native void addSublayer(CALayer layer); @Method(selector = "insertSublayer:atIndex:") public native void insertSublayerAt(CALayer layer, int idx); @Method(selector = "insertSublayer:below:") public native void insertSublayerBelow(CALayer layer, CALayer sibling); @Method(selector = "insertSublayer:above:") public native void insertSublayerAbove(CALayer layer, CALayer sibling); @Method(selector = "replaceSublayer:with:") public native void replaceSublayer(CALayer layer, CALayer layer2); @Method(selector = "convertPoint:fromLayer:") public native @ByVal CGPoint convertPointFromLayer(@ByVal CGPoint p, CALayer l); @Method(selector = "convertPoint:toLayer:") public native @ByVal CGPoint convertPointToLayer(@ByVal CGPoint p, CALayer l); @Method(selector = "convertRect:fromLayer:") public native @ByVal CGRect convertRectFromLayer(@ByVal CGRect r, CALayer l); @Method(selector = "convertRect:toLayer:") public native @ByVal CGRect convertRectToLayer(@ByVal CGRect r, CALayer l); @Method(selector = "convertTime:fromLayer:") public native double convertTimeFromLayer(double t, CALayer l); @Method(selector = "convertTime:toLayer:") public native double convertTimeToLayer(double t, CALayer l); @Method(selector = "hitTest:") public native CALayer hitTest(@ByVal CGPoint p); @Method(selector = "containsPoint:") public native boolean containsPoint(@ByVal CGPoint p); @Method(selector = "display") public native void display(); @Method(selector = "setNeedsDisplay") public native void setNeedsDisplay(); @Method(selector = "setNeedsDisplayInRect:") public native void setNeedsDisplay(@ByVal CGRect r); @Method(selector = "needsDisplay") public native boolean needsDisplay(); @Method(selector = "displayIfNeeded") public native void displayIfNeeded(); @Method(selector = "drawInContext:") public native void draw(CGContext ctx); @Method(selector = "renderInContext:") public native void render(CGContext ctx); @Method(selector = "preferredFrameSize") public native @ByVal CGSize getPreferredFrameSize(); @Method(selector = "setNeedsLayout") public native void setNeedsLayout(); @Method(selector = "needsLayout") public native boolean needsLayout(); @Method(selector = "layoutIfNeeded") public native void layoutIfNeeded(); @Method(selector = "layoutSublayers") public native void layoutSublayers(); @Method(selector = "actionForKey:") public native CAAction getAction(String event); @Method(selector = "addAnimation:forKey:") public native void addAnimation(CAAnimation anim, String key); @Method(selector = "removeAllAnimations") public native void removeAllAnimations(); @Method(selector = "removeAnimationForKey:") public native void removeAnimation(String key); @Method(selector = "animationKeys") public native @org.robovm.rt.bro.annotation.Marshaler(NSArray.AsStringListMarshaler.class) List<String> getAnimationKeys(); @Method(selector = "animationForKey:") public native CAAnimation getAnimation(String key); @Method(selector = "defaultValueForKey:") public static native NSObject getDefaultValue(String key); @Method(selector = "needsDisplayForKey:") public static native boolean needsDisplay(String key); @Method(selector = "defaultActionForKey:") public static native CAAction getDefaultAction(String event); @Method(selector = "scrollPoint:") public native void scrollTo(@ByVal CGPoint p); @Method(selector = "scrollRectToVisible:") public native void scrollTo(@ByVal CGRect r); @Method(selector = "encodeWithCoder:") public native void encode(NSCoder coder); @Method(selector = "initWithCoder:") protected native @Pointer long init(NSCoder aDecoder); /*</methods>*/ }