import; import; import java.util.Vector; import javax.bluetooth.RemoteDevice; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics; import lejos.nxt.Battery; import lejos.nxt.Button; import lejos.nxt.LCD; import lejos.nxt.Settings; import lejos.nxt.Sound; import lejos.nxt.SystemSettings; import lejos.nxt.SensorPort; import lejos.util.TextMenu; import lejos.nxt.comm.BTConnection; import lejos.nxt.comm.Bluetooth; import lejos.nxt.comm.LCP; import lejos.nxt.comm.LCPResponder; import lejos.nxt.comm.NXTCommConnector; import lejos.nxt.comm.NXTCommDevice; import lejos.nxt.comm.USB; import lejos.nxt.NXT; import lejos.util.Delay; import lejos.nxt.FlashError; /** * This class provides the leJOS system menu. * The code in this class is held in resrved part of flash memory on the NXT. * When the firmware starts to run it loads and executes this program. The * system menu provides a number of functions, many can be accessed by the * simple text based UI. * 1. Access to the leJOS file system. Allowing programs to be run, deleted etc. * 2. Control over the NXT Bluetooth system. Pairing, power on off etc. * 3. Setting of sound volume levels for playbac, keyclick etc. * 4. System settings, format the file system, set startup program etc. * 5. Display system version information. * In addition the menu runs a number of background threads, that allow for * remote access and monitor battery state etc. * @author the leJOS team. */ public class StartUpText { Graphics g = new Graphics(); boolean btPowerOn = false; Indicators ind = new Indicators(); Responder usb = new Responder(USB.getConnector(), Indicators.IO_USB); Responder bt = new Responder(Bluetooth.getConnector(), Indicators.IO_BT); int timeout; TextMenu curMenu = null; static final String blank = " "; static final String defaultProgramProperty = "lejos.default_program"; static final String defaultProgramAutoRunProperty = "lejos.default_autoRun"; static final String sleepTimeProperty = "lejos.sleep_time"; static final String pinProperty = "lejos.bluetooth_pin"; static final int defaultSleepTime = 2; static final int maxSleepTime = 10; static final String revision = "$Revision: 3311 $"; static final int MAJOR_VERSION = 0; static final int MINOR_VERSION = 85; /** * Manage the top line of the display. * The top line of the display shows battery state, menu titles, and I/O * activity. */ class Indicators extends Thread { // Types of IO activity. public static final int IO_NONE = 3; public static final int IO_BT = 0; public static final int IO_USB = 1; public static final int IO_SEARCH = 2; // Battery state information private static final int STD_MIN = 6100; private static final int STD_OK = 6500; private static final int STD_MAX = 8000; private static final int RECHARGE_MIN = 7100; private static final int RECHARGE_OK = 7200; private static final int RECHARGE_MAX = 8200; // Animations used for I/O state. private final String[][] ioDisplay = new String[][] { { ". ", " . ", " ." }, { "+ ", " + ", " +" }, { " I ", "(I)" } }; private int batteryLow; private int batteryOk; private int batteryRange; private boolean lowVoltage; private int tick = 0; private int ioMode = IO_NONE; private int ioStart; private String title = ""; public Indicators() { // Init battery parameters if (Battery.isRechargeable()) initBattery(RECHARGE_MIN, RECHARGE_OK, RECHARGE_MAX); else initBattery(STD_MIN, STD_OK, STD_MAX); setDaemon(true); } /** * Display the battery icon. * @param level Current charge level 0-100% */ private void drawBattery(int level) { g.drawRect(1, 1, 11, 5); // battery icon g.drawRect(13, 3, 1, 1); g.fillRect(2, 2, level / 10, 4); g.setColor(Graphics.WHITE); g.fillRect(level / 10 + 2, 2, 10 - (level / 10), 4); g.setColor(Graphics.BLACK); } /** * Erase a specified area of the top line. * @param start * @param len */ private void erase(int start, int len) { g.setColor(Graphics.WHITE); g.fillRect(start, 0, len, 8); g.setColor(Graphics.BLACK); } /** * Calc the state of the battery charge. * @param mV Current reading * @return current charge level 0-100% */ private int calcBatteryLevel(int mV) { int val = ((mV - batteryLow) * 100 + batteryRange / 2) / batteryRange; if (val < 0) val = 0; if (val > 100) val = 100; return val; } /** * Update the battery status display. * Low battery state is shown by flashing the icon. */ private void updateBattery() { // Handle the battery display. int mV = Battery.getVoltageMilliVolt(); if (mV <= batteryLow) lowVoltage = true; else if (mV >= batteryOk) lowVoltage = false; if (lowVoltage) if ((tick & 1) == 0) drawBattery(0); else erase(0, 18); else drawBattery(calcBatteryLevel(mV)); } /** * Initialize the battery state * @param low Low voltage limit * @param ok Voltage that is OK (not low). * @param high 100% charged level. */ private void initBattery(int low, int ok, int high) { batteryLow = low; batteryOk = ok; batteryRange = high - low; } /** * Update the I/O status. * We display Bluetooth state, plus small animations showing I/O * activity. */ private void updateIO() { if (ioMode == IO_NONE) g.drawString(" BT", 82, 0, !btPowerOn); // invert when power is off else { g.drawString(ioDisplay[ioMode][tick % ioDisplay[ioMode].length], 82, 0); // Data activity is auto reset if (ioMode <= IO_USB && tick > ioStart + 2) setIOMode(IO_NONE); } } /** * Update the title part of the display. * We centre the title string. */ private void updateTitle() { int len = title.length(); g.drawString(title, (g.getWidth() - (len * LCD.CELL_WIDTH)) / 2, 0); } /** * Set a new title. * @param title */ public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; erase(18, 64); update(); } /** * Update all of the status display. */ public void update() { updateTitle(); updateIO(); updateBattery(); } /** * Set an I/O mode. * If this is a new mode we update the display. Data animations (IO_BT * and IO_USB), will automatically reset. * @param mode */ public void setIOMode(int mode) { if (mode != ioMode) { ioStart = tick; ioMode = mode; erase(82, 18); updateIO(); } } /** * Main status thread. * Update the display every second. */ @Override public void run() { for (;;) { updateTitle(); updateIO(); updateBattery(); Delay.msDelay(1000); tick++; } } } /** * Class to handle commands from USB/Bluetooth connections. * @author andy */ class Responder extends LCPResponder { int mode; /** * Create an object for the required connection type. * @param con Connector object for the underlying protocol. */ public Responder(NXTCommConnector con, int mode) { super(con); this.mode = mode; setDaemon(true); } /** * We over-ride the pre command stage of processing to provide activity * indication. * @param inMsg * @param len * @return */ @Override protected int preCommand(byte[] inMsg, int len) { if (len > 0) { ind.setIOMode(mode); if (curMenu != null) curMenu.resetTimeout(); } return super.preCommand(inMsg, len); } /** * We over-ride the post command processing to allow usDelay to do menu * specific processing of some commands. * @param inMsg * @param inLen * @param replyMsg * @param replyLen */ @Override protected void postCommand(byte[] inMsg, int inLen, byte[] replyMsg, int replyLen) { if (inMsg[1] == LCP.CLOSE || inMsg[1] == LCP.DELETE) { if (inMsg[1] == LCP.DELETE) try { File.defrag(); } catch (IOException ioe) { File.reset(); } Sound.beepSequenceUp(); if (curMenu != null) curMenu.quit(); } if (inMsg[1] == LCP.BOOT) // Reboot into firmware update mode. Only supported NXT.boot(); super.postCommand(inMsg, inLen, replyMsg, replyLen); } } /** * Play the leJOS startup tune. */ private void playTune() { int[] freq = { 523, 784, 659 }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) Sound.playNote(Sound.XYLOPHONE, freq[i], (i == 3 ? 500 : 300)); Sound.pause(300); } /** * Start a new screen display. * Clear the screen and set the screen title. * @param title */ private void newScreen(String title) { LCD.clear(); ind.setTitle(title); } /** * Start a new screen display using the current title. */ private void newScreen() { LCD.clear(); ind.update(); } /** * Turn Bluetooth power on/off. * Record this new setting in the status bytes held by the Bluetooth module. * @param powerOn * @return The new power state. */ private boolean setBluetoothPower(boolean powerOn) { // Set the state of the Bluetooth power to be powerOn. Also record the // current state of this in the BT status bytes. // If power is not on we need it on to check things if (!Bluetooth.getPower()) Bluetooth.setPower(true); // First update the status bytes if needed int status = Bluetooth.getStatus(); if (powerOn != (status == 0)) Bluetooth.setStatus((powerOn ? 0 : 1)); Bluetooth.setPower(powerOn); return powerOn; } /** * Format a string for use when displaying the volume. * @param vol Volume setting 0-10 * @return String version. */ private String formatVol(int vol) { if (vol == 0) return "mute"; if (vol == 10) return "10"; return " " + vol; } /** * Return the extension part of a filename * @param fileName * @return the file extension */ private String getExtension(String fileName) { int dot = fileName.lastIndexOf("."); if (dot < 0) return ""; return fileName.substring(dot + 1, fileName.length()); } /** * Return the base part (no extension) of a filename * @param fileName * @return the base part of the name */ private String getBaseName(String fileName) { int dot = fileName.lastIndexOf("."); if (dot < 0) return fileName; return fileName.substring(0, dot); } /** * Run the default program (if set). */ private void runDefaultProgram() { String defaultProgram = Settings.getProperty(defaultProgramProperty, ""); if (defaultProgram != null && defaultProgram.length() > 0) { String progName = defaultProgram + ".nxj"; File f = new File(progName); if (f.exists()) f.exec(); else Settings.setProperty(defaultProgramProperty, ""); } } /** * Read a button press. * If the read timesout then exit the system. * @return The bitcode of the button. */ private int getButtonPress() { int value = Button.waitForPress(timeout*60000); if (value == 0) NXT.shutDown(); return value; } /** * Clears the screen, displays a number and allows user to change * the digits of the number individually using the NXT buttons. * Note the array of bytes represent ASCII characters, not actual numbers. * * @param digits Number of digits in the PIN. * @param title The text to display above the numbers. * @param defaultNumber Start with a default PIN. Array of bytes up to 8 length. * @return */ private byte[] enterNumber(int digits, String title, byte[] defaultNumber) { // !! Should probably check to make sure defaultNumber is digits in size char spacer = ' '; byte[] number = new byte[digits]; int curDigit = 0; boolean done = false; if (defaultNumber != null) number = defaultNumber; while (!done) { newScreen(); LCD.drawString(title, 0, 2); String str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) str = str + spacer + (char) number[i]; LCD.drawString(str, 0, 4); g.drawRect(curDigit * 12 + 3, 30, 10, 10); int ret = getButtonPress(); switch (ret) { case 0x01: { // ENTER curDigit++; if (curDigit >= digits) done = true; break; } case 0x02: { // LEFT number[curDigit]--; if (number[curDigit] < '0') number[curDigit] = '9'; break; } case 0x04: { // RIGHT number[curDigit]++; if (number[curDigit] > '9') number[curDigit] = '0'; break; } case 0x08: { // ESCAPE curDigit--; // Return null if user backs out if (curDigit < 0) return null; break; } } } return number; } /** * Set the address of the NXT. * Ensure that we are using the same name for Bluetooth and USB access to * the NXT. The USB (and RS485) address is stored in flash memory. */ private void setAddress() { // Ensure the USB address property is set correctly. We use the // Bluetooth address as our serial number. String addr = Bluetooth.getLocalAddress(); if (!addr.equals(NXTCommDevice.getAddress())) { Settings.setProperty(NXTCommDevice.SERIAL_NO, addr); NXTCommDevice.setAddress(addr); } String name = Bluetooth.getFriendlyName(); if (!name.equals(NXTCommDevice.getName())) { Settings.setProperty(NXTCommDevice.NAME, name); NXTCommDevice.setName(name); } } /** * Obtain a menu item selection * Allow the user to make a selection from the specified menu item. If a * power off timeout has been specified and no choice is made within this * time power off the NXT. * @param menu Menu to display. * @param cur Initial item to select. * @return Selected item or < 0 for escape etc. */ private int getSelection(TextMenu menu, int cur) { curMenu = menu; int selection; // If the menu is interrupted by another thread, redisplay do { selection =, timeout*60000); } while (selection == -2); if (selection == -3) NXT.shutDown(); curMenu = null; return selection; } /** * Startup the menu system. * Play the greeting tune. * Run the default program if auto-run is requested. * Initialize I/O etc. */ private void startup() { Thread tuneThread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { playTune(); } }; tuneThread.start(); // Make sure color sensor can be used remotely, this will also reset // the sensors for(SensorPort sp : SensorPort.PORTS) sp.enableColorSensor(); // Run default program if required if (NXT.getProgramExecutionsCount() == 1 && !Button.LEFT.isPressed() && Settings.getProperty(defaultProgramAutoRunProperty, "").equals("ON")) runDefaultProgram(); setAddress(); timeout = SystemSettings.getIntSetting(sleepTimeProperty, defaultSleepTime); btPowerOn = setBluetoothPower(Bluetooth.getStatus() == 0); ind.start(); usb.start(); bt.start(); try { tuneThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } File.listFiles(); // Defrag the file system try { File.defrag(); } catch (IOException ioe) { File.reset(); } } /** * Display a status message * @param msg */ private void msg(String msg) { newScreen(); LCD.drawString(msg, 0, 2); Delay.msDelay(2000); } /** * Perform the Bluetooth search operation * Search for Bluetooth devices * Present those that are found * Allow pairing */ private void bluetoothSearch() { byte[] cod = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // All newScreen("Searching"); ind.setIOMode(Indicators.IO_SEARCH); Vector devList = Bluetooth.inquire(5, 10, cod); if (devList.size() > 0) { String[] names = new String[devList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < devList.size(); i++) { RemoteDevice btrd = ((RemoteDevice) devList.elementAt(i)); names[i] = btrd.getFriendlyName(false); } TextMenu searchMenu = new TextMenu(names, 1); TextMenu subMenu = new TextMenu(new String[]{"Pair"}, 4); int selected; do { newScreen("Found"); ind.setIOMode(Indicators.IO_NONE); selected = getSelection(searchMenu, 0); if (selected >= 0) { RemoteDevice btrd = ((RemoteDevice) devList.elementAt(selected)); newScreen(); LCD.drawString(names[selected], 0, 1); LCD.drawString(btrd.getBluetoothAddress(), 0, 2); int subSelection = getSelection(subMenu, 0); if (subSelection == 0) { newScreen("Pairing"); Bluetooth.addDevice(btrd); byte[] tempPin = { '0', '0', '0', '0' }; byte[] pin = enterNumber(4, "PIN for " + btrd.getFriendlyName(false), tempPin); // !! Assuming 4 length if (pin == null) break; LCD.drawString("Please wait...", 0, 6); BTConnection connection = Bluetooth.connect(btrd.getDeviceAddr(), 0, pin); // Indicate Success or failure: if (connection != null) { LCD.drawString("Paired! ", 0, 6); connection.close(); } else { LCD.drawString("UNSUCCESSFUL ", 0, 6); Bluetooth.removeDevice(btrd); } LCD.drawString("Press any key", 0, 7); getButtonPress(); } } } while (selected >= 0); } else msg("No devices found"); } /** * Display all currently known Bluetooth devices. */ private void bluetoothDevices() { Vector devList = Bluetooth.getKnownDevicesList(); newScreen("Devices"); if (devList.size() > 0) { String[] names = new String[devList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < devList.size(); i++) { RemoteDevice btrd = ((RemoteDevice) devList.elementAt(i)); names[i] = btrd.getFriendlyName(false); } TextMenu deviceMenu = new TextMenu(names, 1); TextMenu subMenu = new TextMenu(new String[] {"Remove"}, 6); int selected; do { newScreen(); selected = getSelection(deviceMenu, 0); if (selected >= 0) { newScreen(); RemoteDevice btrd = ((RemoteDevice) devList.elementAt(selected)); LCD.drawString(btrd.getFriendlyName(false), 0, 2); LCD.drawString(btrd.getBluetoothAddress(), 0, 3); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) LCD.drawInt(btrd.getDeviceClass()[i], 3, i * 4, 4); int subSelection = getSelection(subMenu, 0); if (subSelection == 0) { Bluetooth.removeDevice(btrd); break; } } } while (selected >= 0); } else msg("No known devices"); } /** * Allow the user to turn Bluetooth power on/off * @param on New power setting */ private void bluetoothPower(boolean on) { newScreen("Power " + (on ? "on" : "off")); ind.setIOMode(Indicators.IO_BT); btPowerOn = setBluetoothPower(on); } /** * Allow the user to change the Bluetooth PIN. */ private void bluetoothChangePIN() { // 1. Retrieve PIN from System properties String pinStr = SystemSettings.getStringSetting(pinProperty, "1234"); byte[] pin = new byte[pinStr.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < pinStr.length(); i++) pin[i] = (byte) pinStr.charAt(i); // 2. Call enterNumber() method pin = enterNumber(4, "Enter NXT PIN", pin); // 3. Set PIN in system memory. String pinSet = ""; if (pin != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pin.length; i++) pinSet += (char) pin[i]; Settings.setProperty(pinProperty, pinSet); Bluetooth.setPin(pin); } } /** * Present the Bluetooth menu to the user. */ private void bluetoothMenu() { int selection; TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(null, 3); boolean visible; do { newScreen("Bluetooth"); LCD.drawString("Power", 0, 1); LCD.drawString(btPowerOn ? "on" : "off", 11, 1); visible = Bluetooth.getVisibility() == 1; if (btPowerOn) { LCD.drawString("Visibility", 0, 2); LCD.drawString(visible ? "on" : "off", 11, 2); menu.setItems(new String[] { "Power off", "Search and Pair", "Devices", "Visibility", "Change PIN" }); } else menu.setItems(new String[] { "Power on" }); selection = getSelection(menu, 0); switch (selection) { case 0: if (btPowerOn) bluetoothPower(false); else bluetoothPower(true); break; case 1: bluetoothSearch(); break; case 2: bluetoothDevices(); break; case 3: Bluetooth.setVisibility((byte) (visible ? 0 : 1)); break; case 4: bluetoothChangePIN(); break; } } while (selection >= 0); } /** * Delete a file from the file system. * Once the file has been deleted we may need to defrag. * @param file */ private void deleteFile(File file) { file.delete(); try { File.defrag(); } catch (IOException ioe) { File.reset(); } } /** * Present the menu for a single file. * @param file */ private void fileMenu(File file) { String fileName = file.getName(); String ext = getExtension(fileName); newScreen(); TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(null, 2); menu.setTitle(fileName); if (ext.equals("nxj") || ext.equals("bin")) { menu.setItems(new String[]{"Execute program", "Set as Default", "Delete file"}); switch(getSelection(menu, 0)) { case 0: try { file.exec(); } catch (FlashError fe) { msg("Invalid program"); } break; case 1: Settings.setProperty(defaultProgramProperty, getBaseName(fileName)); break; case 2: deleteFile(file); break; } } else if (ext.equals("wav")) { menu.setItems(new String[]{"Play sample", "Delete file"}); switch (getSelection(menu, 0)) { case 0: Sound.playSample(file); break; case 1: deleteFile(file); break; } } else { menu.setItems(new String[]{"Delete file"}); switch (getSelection(menu, 0)) { case 0: deleteFile(file); break; } } } /** * Display the files in the file system. * Allow the user to choose a file for further operations. */ private void filesMenu() { int selection; do { newScreen("Files"); File[] files = File.listFiles(); int len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < files.length && files[i] != null; i++) len++; String fileNames[] = new String[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) fileNames[i] = files[i].getName(); TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(fileNames, 1); selection = getSelection(menu, 0); if (selection >= 0) fileMenu(files[selection]); } while (selection >= 0); } /** * Display the sound menu. * Allow the user to change volume and key click volume. */ private void soundMenu() { String[] soundMenuData = new String[]{"Volume: ", "Key click: "}; String[] soundMenuData2 = new String[soundMenuData.length]; TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(soundMenuData2, 2); int[][] Volumes = { { Sound.getVolume() / 10, 784, 250, 0 }, { Button.getKeyClickVolume() / 10, Button.getKeyClickTone(1), Button.getKeyClickLength(), 0 } }; int selection = 0; // Make a note of starting volumes so we know if it changes for (int i = 0; i < Volumes.length; i++) Volumes[i][3] = Volumes[i][0]; // remember and Turn of tone for the enter key int tone = Button.getKeyClickTone(Button.ID_ENTER); Button.setKeyClickTone(Button.ID_ENTER, 0); do { newScreen("Sound"); for (int i = 0; i < Volumes.length; i++) soundMenuData2[i] = soundMenuData[i] + formatVol(Volumes[i][0]); menu.setItems(soundMenuData2); selection = getSelection(menu, selection); if (selection >= 0) { Volumes[selection][0]++; Volumes[selection][0] %= 11; if (selection == 0) { Sound.setVolume(Volumes[0][0] * 10); Sound.playNote(Sound.XYLOPHONE, Volumes[selection][1], Volumes[selection][2]); } else Sound.playTone(Volumes[selection][1], Volumes[selection][2], -Volumes[selection][0] * 10); } } while (selection >= 0); // Make sure key click is back on and has new volume Button.setKeyClickTone(Button.ID_ENTER, tone); Button.setKeyClickVolume(Volumes[1][0] * 10); // Save in settings if (Volumes[0][0] != Volumes[0][3]) Settings.setProperty(Sound.VOL_SETTING, String.valueOf(Volumes[0][0] * 10)); if (Volumes[1][0] != Volumes[1][3]) Settings.setProperty(Button.VOL_SETTING, String.valueOf(Volumes[1][0] * 10)); } /** * Ask the user for confirmation of an action. * @param prompt A description of the action about to be performed * @return 1=yes 0=no < 0 escape */ private int getYesNo(String prompt) { TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(new String[]{"No", "Yes"}, 6, prompt); return getSelection(menu, 0); } /** * Present details of the default program * Allow the user to specifiy run on system start etc. */ private void defaultProgram() { String defaultPrgm = Settings.getProperty(defaultProgramProperty, ""); if (defaultPrgm != null && defaultPrgm.length() > 0) { LCD.drawString("Auto Run: " + Settings.getProperty(defaultProgramAutoRunProperty, "") + blank, 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Default Program: ", 0, 3); LCD.drawString(" " + defaultPrgm + blank, 0, 4); int selection = getYesNo("Run at power up?"); if (selection == 0) Settings.setProperty(defaultProgramAutoRunProperty, "OFF"); else if (selection == 1) Settings.setProperty(defaultProgramAutoRunProperty, "ON"); } else msg("No default set"); } /** * Present the system menu. * Allow the user to format the filesystem. Change timeouts and control * the default program usage. */ private void systemMenu() { String[] menuData = {"Format", "", "Auto Run"}; TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(null, 5); int selection = 0; do { newScreen("System"); LCD.drawString("Flash", 0, 2); LCD.drawInt(File.freeMemory(), 6, 10, 2); LCD.drawString("RAM", 0, 3); LCD.drawInt((int) (Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()), 11, 3); LCD.drawString("Battery", 0, 4); int millis = Battery.getVoltageMilliVolt() + 50; LCD.drawInt((millis - millis % 1000) / 1000, 11, 4); LCD.drawString(".", 12, 4); LCD.drawInt((millis % 1000) / 100, 13, 4); if (Battery.isRechargeable()) LCD.drawString("R", 15, 4); menuData[1] = "Sleep time: " + timeout; menu.setItems(menuData); selection = getSelection(menu, selection); switch (selection) { case 0: if (getYesNo("Delete all files?") == 1) File.format(); break; case 1: timeout++; if (timeout > maxSleepTime) timeout = 0; Settings.setProperty(sleepTimeProperty, "" + timeout); break; case 2: defaultProgram(); selection = 0; break; } } while (selection >= 0); } /** * Display system version information. */ private void displayVersion() { newScreen("Version"); LCD.drawString("Firmware version", 0, 2); LCD.drawString(NXT.getFirmwareMajorVersion() + "." + NXT.getFirmwareMinorVersion() + "(rev. " + NXT.getFirmwareRevision() + ")", 1, 3); LCD.drawString("Menu version", 0, 4); LCD.drawString(MAJOR_VERSION + "." + MINOR_VERSION + "(rev." + revision.substring(10, revision.length() - 2) + ")", 1, 5); getButtonPress(); } /** * Display the main system menu. * Allow the user to select File, Bluetooth, Sound, System operations. */ private void mainMenu() { TextMenu menu = new TextMenu(new String[] { "Run Default", "Files", "Bluetooth", "Sound", "System", "Version" }, 1); int selection; do { newScreen(Bluetooth.getFriendlyName()); selection = getSelection(menu, 0); switch (selection) { case 0: runDefaultProgram(); break; case 1: filesMenu(); break; case 2: bluetoothMenu(); break; case 3: soundMenu(); break; case 4: systemMenu(); break; case 5: displayVersion(); break; } } while (selection > 0); } /** * Main entry point. * Startup the system. * @param args Not used. * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { StartUpText sysMenu = new StartUpText(); sysMenu.startup(); sysMenu.mainMenu(); NXT.shutDown(); } }