import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.nxt.addon.*; import lejos.util.*; /** * This Example show how to use the sensor PFMate. * * Developer Note: I discover that it is necessary to use a delay between 2 commands to use both motors. * * @author Juan Antonio Brenha Moral * */ public class PFMateTest { private static PFMate pfObj; private static DebugMessages dm; private static final int PFDelayCMD = 50; //ms. public static void main(String[] args){ pfObj = new PFMate(SensorPort.S1,1); dm = new DebugMessages(); dm.setLCDLines(6); dm.setDelayEnabled(true); int i = 7; pfObj.A.setSpeed(i); try {Thread.sleep(PFDelayCMD);} catch (Exception e) {} pfObj.B.setSpeed(i); boolean flag = false; while(!Button.ESCAPE.isPressed()){ dm.echo(i); while(Button.ENTER.isPressed()){ pfObj.A.stop(); try {Thread.sleep(PFDelayCMD);} catch (Exception e) {} pfObj.B.stop(); try {Thread.sleep(PFDelayCMD);} catch (Exception e) {} if(!flag){ pfObj.A.forward(); try {Thread.sleep(PFDelayCMD);} catch (Exception e) {} pfObj.B.forward(); Sound.beep(); flag = true; }else{ pfObj.A.backward(); try {Thread.sleep(PFDelayCMD);} catch (Exception e) {} pfObj.B.backward(); flag = true; } try {Thread.sleep(500);} catch (Exception e) {} } while(Button.LEFT.isPressed()){ if(i >1){ i--; }else{ i = 1; } pfObj.A.setSpeed(i); try {Thread.sleep(PFDelayCMD);} catch (Exception e) {} pfObj.B.setSpeed(i); try {Thread.sleep(500);} catch (Exception e) {} } while(Button.RIGHT.isPressed()){ if(i <7){ i++; }else{ i = 7; } pfObj.A.setSpeed(i); try {Thread.sleep(PFDelayCMD);} catch (Exception e) {} pfObj.B.setSpeed(i); try {Thread.sleep(500);} catch (Exception e) {} } } pfObj.A.stop(); try {Thread.sleep(50);} catch (Exception e) {} pfObj.B.stop(); credits(2); System.exit(0); } private static void credits(int seconds){ LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("LEGO Mindstorms",0,1); LCD.drawString("NXT Robots ",0,2); LCD.drawString("run better with",0,3); LCD.drawString("Java leJOS",0,4); LCD.drawString("",0,6); LCD.refresh(); try {Thread.sleep(seconds*1000);} catch (Exception e) {} } }