import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.util.*; /** * Test of the DataLogger class. Logs 600 floating point * numbers and then transmits them to the PC. * * Run on the PC to view the logged data. * * Once the program has transmitted data to the PC, it waits * for a button press. Press ENTER to log and transmit more data, * or ESCAPE to exit the program. * * The sample is set up to transmit over Bluetooth. To use * USB, set the parameter to transmit to true; * * @author Roger Glassey and Lawrie Griffiths * */ public class DLTest { public static void main(String[] args) { int size =600; Datalogger dl = new Datalogger(); boolean more = true; while(more) { for(int i = 0 ; i<size; i++) { float x = i*0.5f; dl.writeLog(x); } dl.transmit(false); dl.reset(); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("more?",0,2); LCD.refresh(); more = 1 == Button.waitForPress(); } } }