package lejos.nxt; import lejos.pc.comm.*; import*; import lejos.nxt.remote.*; /** * Sound class. * Usage: SoundSensor.playTone(500, 1000); * * This version of the Sound class supports remote execution. * * @author <a href="">Brian Bagnall</a> */ public class Sound { private static final NXTCommand nxtCommand = NXTCommandConnector.getSingletonOpen(); // Make sure no one tries to instantiate this. private Sound() {} public static int playTone(int frequency, int duration) { try { return nxtCommand.playTone(frequency, duration); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); return -1; } } /** * Plays a sound file from the NXT. SoundSensor files use the * .rso extension. The filename is not case sensitive. * Filenames on the NXT Bricks display do now show the filename extension. * @param fileName e.g. "Woops.rso" * @param repeat true = repeat, false = play once. * @return If you receive a non-zero number, the filename is probably wrong * or the file is not uploaded to the NXT brick. */ public static byte playSoundFile(String fileName, boolean repeat) { try { return nxtCommand.playSoundFile(fileName, repeat); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); return -1; } } /** * Plays a sound file once from the NXT. SoundSensor files use the * .rso extension. The filename is not case sensitive. * Filenames on the NXT Bricks display do now show the filename extension. * @param fileName e.g. "Woops.rso" * @return If you receive a non-zero number, the filename is probably wrong * or the file is not uploaded to the NXT brick. */ public static byte playSoundFile(String fileName) { return Sound.playSoundFile(fileName, false); } /** * Stops a sound file that has been playing/repeating. * @return Error code. */ public static int stopSoundPlayback() { try { return nxtCommand.stopSoundPlayback(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); return -1; } } }