package lejos.util; import lejos.nxt.comm.*; import lejos.nxt.*; import*; /** * Datalogger class; stores float values then then transmits via bluetooth or usb<br> * works with DataViewer in pctools. * Default size is 512. Capacity is limited only by the available ram. * @author Roger Glassey - revised 1/12/08 for large arrays */ public class Datalogger { // overcome limitation of array size; created as needed private float[] log; private int _indx = 0; //where the data will be written private int _size; /** * buld a Datalogger with default size 512 */ public Datalogger() { this(512); } /** * build a new Datalogger with capacity = size; * @param size the capacity of the Datalogger */ public Datalogger(int size) { _size = size; log = new float[size]; } /** * write a float value to the log * @param v */ public void writeLog(float v) { if (_indx < _size) { log[_indx] = v; _indx++; } } /** * Clears the log; next write is at the beginning; * */ public void reset() { _indx = 0; } /** * transmit the stored values to the PC via USB or bluetooth;<br> * Displays " ESC for BT". Press the escape key to use BlueTooth; any other to use USB. <br> * Then displays "wait for BT" or "wait for USB". In DataViewer, click on "StartDownload" * When finished, displays the number values sent, and asks "Resend?". * Press ESC to exit the program, any other key to resend. <br>Then start the download in * DataViewer. */ public void transmit() { NXTConnection connection = null; DataOutputStream dataOut = null; InputStream is = null; String[] items ={" USB", " Bluetooth"}; TextMenu tm = new TextMenu(items, 2, "Transmit using"); int s =; LCD.clear(); if (s == 0) { LCD.drawString("wait for USB", 0, 0); connection = USB.waitForConnection(); } else { LCD.drawString("wait for BT", 0, 0); connection = Bluetooth.waitForConnection(); } { try { is = connection.openInputStream(); dataOut = connection.openDataOutputStream(); } catch (Exception ie) { } } LCD.drawString("connected", 0, 1); boolean more = true; while (more) { try { LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Wait for Viewer", 0, 0); int b = 0; b =; LCD.drawInt(b, 8, 1); } catch (IOException ie) { LCD.drawString("no connection", 0, 0); } LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("sending ", 0, 0); LCD.drawInt(_indx,4, 8, 0);; try { dataOut.writeInt(_indx); dataOut.flush(); for (int i = 0; i < _indx; i++) { dataOut.writeFloat(log[i]); } dataOut.flush(); dataOut.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LCD.drawString("write error", 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); } LCD.clear(); Sound.beepSequence(); LCD.drawString("Sent " + _indx, 0, 0); tm.setTitle("Resend? "); String[] itms ={"Yes", "No"}; tm.setItems(itms); more = 0 ==; } try { dataOut.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } /** * obsolete - older version API. calls transmit(); * @param useUSB */ public void transmit(boolean useUSB) { transmit(); } }