package lejos.nxt; import; import lejos.nxt.remote.*; import lejos.pc.comm.*; /** * A sensor wrapper to allow easy access to I2C sensors, like the ultrasonic sensor. * * This version of this class supports remote execution of I2C. * * @author Brian Bagnall and Lawrie Griffiths */ public class I2CSensor implements SensorConstants { private static final NXTCommand nxtCommand = NXTCommandConnector.getSingletonOpen(); protected byte address = 0x02; // the default I2C address for a port. You can change address of compass sensor (see docs) and then communicate with multiple sensors on same physical port. protected static byte STOP = 0x00; // Commands don't seem to use this? protected static String BLANK = " "; // Port information (constants) /** * Returns the version number of the sensor. e.g. "V1.0" Reply length = 8. */ protected static byte VERSION = 0x00; /** * Returns the product ID of the sensor. e.g. "LEGO" Reply length = 8. */ protected static byte PRODUCT_ID = 0x08; /** * Returns the sensor type. e.g. "Sonar" Reply length = 8. */ protected static byte SENSOR_TYPE = 0x10; /** * Returns the "zero position" set at the factory for this sensor. e.g. 0 Reply length = 1. * */ byte port; /** * * @param s A sensor. e.g. Port.S1 */ public I2CSensor(I2CPort s, byte sensorType) { port = (byte)s.getId(); s.setTypeAndMode(sensorType, NXTProtocol.RAWMODE); // Flushes out any existing data try { nxtCommand.LSGetStatus(this.port); nxtCommand.LSRead(this.port); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } } public I2CSensor(I2CPort s) { this(s, NXTProtocol.LOWSPEED); } public int getId() { return port; } /** * Method for retrieving data values from the sensor. BYTE0 ( * is usually the primary data value for the sensor. * Data is read from registers in the sensor, usually starting at 0x00 and ending around 0x49. * Just supply the register to start reading at, and the length of bytes to read (16 maximum). * NOTE: The NXT supplies UBYTE (unsigned byte) values but Java converts them into * signed bytes (probably more practical to return short/int?) * @param register e.g. FACTORY_SCALE_DIVISOR, BYTE0, etc.... * @param length Length of data to read (minimum 1, maximum 16) * @return the status */ public int getData(int register, byte [] buf, int length) { byte [] txData = {address, (byte) register}; try { nxtCommand.LSWrite(port, txData, (byte)length); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); } byte [] status = null; do { try { status = nxtCommand.LSGetStatus(port); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); return -1; } } while(status[0] == ErrorMessages.PENDING_COMMUNICATION_TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS|status[0] == ErrorMessages.SPECIFIED_CHANNEL_CONNECTION_NOT_CONFIGURED_OR_BUSY); try { byte [] ret = nxtCommand.LSRead(port); if (ret != null) System.arraycopy(ret, 0,buf, 0, ret.length); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); return -1; } return status[0]; } /** * Helper method to return a single register byte. * @param register * @return the byte of data */ public int getData(int register) { byte [] buf1 = new byte[1]; return getData(register, buf1 ,1); } /** * Sets a single byte in the I2C sensor. * @param register A data register in the I2C sensor. e.g. ACTUAL_ZERO * @param value The data value. */ public int sendData(int register, byte value) { byte [] txData = {address, (byte) register, value}; try { int ret = nxtCommand.LSWrite(this.port, txData, (byte)0); return ret; } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); return -1; } } /** * Send data top the sensor * @param register A data register in the I2C sensor. * @param data The byte to send. * @param length the number of bytes */ public int sendData(int register, byte [] data, int length) { byte [] txData = {address, (byte) register}; byte [] sendData = new byte[length+2]; System.arraycopy(txData,0,sendData,0,2); System.arraycopy(data,0,sendData,2,length); try { return nxtCommand.LSWrite(this.port, sendData, (byte)0); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.getMessage()); return -1; } } /** * Returns the version number of the sensor hardware. * NOTE: A little unreliable at the moment due to a bug in firmware. Keep * trying if it doesn't get it the first time. * @return The version number. e.g. "V1.0" */ public String getVersion() { return fetchString(VERSION, 8); } /** * Returns the Product ID as a string. * NOTE: A little unreliable at the moment due to a bug in firmware. Keep * trying if it doesn't get it the first time. * @return The product ID. e.g. "LEGO" */ public String getProductID() { return fetchString(PRODUCT_ID, 8); } /** * Returns the type of sensor as a string. * NOTE: A little unreliable at the moment due to a bug in firmware. Keep * trying if it doesn't get it the first time. * @return The sensor type. e.g. "Sonar" */ public String getSensorType() { return fetchString(SENSOR_TYPE, 8); } /** * Helper method for retrieving string constants using I2C protocol. * @param constantEnumeration e.g. I2CProtocol.VERSION * @param rxLength * @return the string */ protected String fetchString(int constantEnumeration, int rxLength) { byte [] stringBytes = new byte[rxLength]; getData(constantEnumeration, stringBytes, rxLength); // Get rid of everything after 0. int zeroPos = 0; for(zeroPos = 0;zeroPos < rxLength;zeroPos++) { if(stringBytes [zeroPos] == 0) break; } String s = new String(stringBytes).substring(0,zeroPos); return s; } /** * Set the address of the port * Note that addresses are from 0x01 to 0x7F not * even numbers from 0x02 to 0xFE as given in some I2C device specifications. * They are 7-bit addresses not 8-bit addresses. * * @param addr 1 to 0x7F */ public void setAddress(int addr) { address = (byte) (addr << 1); } }