package lejos.nxt.comm; /** * Support for LCP commands * * @author Lawrie Griffiths/Andy Shaw * */ public class LCPResponder extends Thread { protected NXTCommConnector connector = null; protected NXTConnection conn = null; protected boolean running = true; /** * Create a Responder using the provided connector * The connector is used to create the listening connection used to accept * remote commands. * @param connector */ public LCPResponder(NXTCommConnector connector) { this.connector = connector; } /** * Method called when the responder is waiting for a new connection. * Default action is to wait for the new connection and return. */ protected synchronized void waitConnect() { while (running && (conn = connector.waitForConnection(0, NXTConnection.LCP)) == null) try{wait(500);}catch(Exception e){} } /** * Method called to disconnect the responder connect. * Default action is to close the underlying connection object. */ protected synchronized void disconnect() { if (conn != null) conn.close(); conn = null; } /** * Method called with a newly read command, before it is processed. * Default action is to detect invalid commands and if detected to drop the * connection. * @param inMsg Newly read command * @param len length of the command * @return the length of the command */ protected int preCommand(byte[] inMsg, int len) { if (len < 0) disconnect(); return len; } /** * Process the actual command * Default action is to call the LCP object to emulate the command * @param inMsg The command bytes * @param len length of the command * @param reply bytes to send back in response to the command * @return length of the reply */ protected int command(byte[] inMsg, int len, byte[] reply) { return LCP.emulateCommand(inMsg, len, reply); } protected void postCommand(byte[] inMsg, int inLen, byte[] replyMsg, int replyLen) { if (inMsg[1] == LCP.NXJ_DISCONNECT) disconnect(); } public void run() { byte[] inMsg = new byte[64]; byte [] reply = new byte[64]; int len; while (running) { waitConnect(); while (conn != null) { len =,64); len = preCommand(inMsg, len); if (len > 0) { int replyLen = command(inMsg,len, reply); if ((inMsg[0] & 0x80) == 0 && replyLen > 0) conn.write(reply, replyLen); postCommand(inMsg, len, reply, replyLen); } Thread.yield(); } } } /** * Terminate the responder. Abort any listening operation and close * any open connections (this will also abort any current read requests). */ public synchronized void shutdown() { running = false; // Abort any listening operation, or in progress read if (conn == null) super.interrupt(); else disconnect(); } }