package lejos.addon.keyboard; import*; import javax.bluetooth.*; import*; import lejos.util.Delay; /* * Developer Notes: * TODO: The preferred paradigm is to allow multiple text fields, multiple apps in MIDP * and the one with focus is the one that gets the key events. see javax.microedition.lcdui.ItemStateListener? * * TODO: Would be slick if it would connect to leJOS as soon as it is turned on, like Windows XP. * * Programming keyboard input is not very simple or straightforward. * This class basically converts the keyboard scan code into a VK constant (virtual keyboard) * located in KeyEvent. The method that does this is getJavaConstant(). * Then this class then looks at the modifier keys (like shift) and converts the VK * constant into the proper ASCII character. * * Freedom Universal is an AT keyboard, not XT. It uses Scan Code Set 2: * * You will not find characters such as ? or lower case because those are Virtual Keys (VK). * Here is a nice keyboard emulator which shows the scancode values to expect: * */ /** * <p>This class will only work with SPP keyboards, not standard HID * keyboards. If it doesn't say it supports Bluetooth SPP then it * will not work. There are currently only two known SPP models (also available * on eBay or Amazon): * <li>Freedom Universal Bluetooth keyboard<br> * * <li>iTech Virtual Keyboard (SPP only)<br> * * </p> * <p>The SPP keyboards transmit keystrokes as one byte, not two like normal HID keyboards. * For this reason, this class won't work properly with a regular HID keyboard as written. * With modifications it could be made to work with both SPP and HID keyboards since * the key tables are mostly the same.</p> * <p>Note: This class is currently only tested with Freedom Universal. If you have problems with the iTech Virtual Keyboard, write to * and I will try my best to adapt this class.</p> * @author BB */ public class Keyboard extends Thread { // TODO: Use internal Thread so it isn't exposed (especially run()). // Typematic Key Repeat: /** * Typematic delay - 0.25 seconds to 1.00 second (500ms default) */ private int typematicDelay = 500; /** * Typematic rate - 2.0 cps (characters per second) to 30.0 cps (10.9 default) */ private double typematicRate = 10.9; private int ratePause = (int)(1000.0/typematicRate); private char lastKeyPress = NOT_ASCII_CHAR; private char oldChar = NOT_ASCII_CHAR; /** * Represents a key press that is not an ASCII character (e.g. Caps lock, Shift, etc...) */ private static char NOT_ASCII_CHAR = 0xFFFF; /** * Command used by keyboards. Full list of commands can be found here: * */ private static int ECHO = 0xEE; /** * Indicates if keyboard has caps lock on. */ private boolean capsLock = false; /** * Time between echo command sent to keyboard to prevent it * from going to sleep. Universal Keyboard sleeps after 5000 ms */ private static int KEEP_ALIVE_DELAY = 4000; // milliseconds private InputStream in = null; private OutputStream out = null; private int modifiers; // keeps track of modifier keys held down (shift, alt, etc) private KeyListener keyListener = null; private Keyboard kb = this; // Used by typematicThread /** * Thread to handle typematic key repeating. * Typematic data is not buffered within the keyboard. In the case * where more than one key is held down, only the last key pressed * becomes typematic. Typematic repeat then stops when that key is * released, even though other keys may be held down. * "Set Typematic Rate/Delay" (0xF3) command */ private Thread typematicThread = new Thread() { public void run() { while(true) { // Watch for key press that is char. (yield) If so, continue until released // or new key pressed (doesn't matter which key, all interrupt typematic). while(lastKeyPress == NOT_ASCII_CHAR) {Thread.yield();} oldChar = lastKeyPress; Delay.msDelay(typematicDelay); while((lastKeyPress != NOT_ASCII_CHAR)&(oldChar == lastKeyPress)) { KeyEvent ke = new KeyEvent(kb, KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED, System.currentTimeMillis(), modifiers, 0, lastKeyPress, 0); notifyListeners(ke); Delay.msDelay(ratePause); } } } }; /** * Table converts the scan code into a Java VK constant (see KeyEvent constants). * Index is the scancode, value is the Java constant * 64 unique keys on Freedom Universal, many of these keys are not present but mapped for future compatibility * The Fn key is not standard, so it is mapped to VK_META. * TODO: Maybe Fn should not register at all as keypress? Instead, it outputs Esc, Pg_up, etc... * as though they are key presses? Overrides actual key? */ /* DEVNOTES: * * * F7 has a scancode of 0x83 which pushed this array much larger, KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH is an int. * TODO: Use if-then later for high index values? (lot of zeros near end) like F7, SCROLL, PAGE UP, KP *. * Didn't know how to handle multiple scan codes for print screen, pause. Also, keypad values interfere with multiple scancodes for page up, etc... * note: VK_ALT is at 0x10 and 0x11 because Universal uses 0x10 for some reason. */ private static byte [] scanCodes = { 0,KeyEvent.VK_F9,KeyEvent.VK_META,KeyEvent.VK_F5,KeyEvent.VK_F3,KeyEvent.VK_F1,KeyEvent.VK_F2, KeyEvent.VK_WINDOWS, // 0x00 - 0x07 0,KeyEvent.VK_F10,KeyEvent.VK_F8,KeyEvent.VK_F6,KeyEvent.VK_F4,KeyEvent.VK_TAB,KeyEvent.VK_BACK_QUOTE,0, // 0x08 - 0F KeyEvent.VK_ALT,KeyEvent.VK_ALT,KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT,KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH, KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL,KeyEvent.VK_Q,KeyEvent.VK_1,0, // 0x10 - 0x17 0,0,KeyEvent.VK_Z,KeyEvent.VK_S,KeyEvent.VK_A,KeyEvent.VK_W,KeyEvent.VK_2, 0, // 0x18 - 0x1F 0,KeyEvent.VK_C,KeyEvent.VK_X,KeyEvent.VK_D,KeyEvent.VK_E,KeyEvent.VK_4,KeyEvent.VK_3,0, // 0x20 - 0x27 KeyEvent.VK_UP,KeyEvent.VK_SPACE,KeyEvent.VK_V,KeyEvent.VK_F,KeyEvent.VK_T,KeyEvent.VK_R,KeyEvent.VK_5,KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, // 0x28 - 0x2F 0,KeyEvent.VK_N,KeyEvent.VK_B,KeyEvent.VK_H,KeyEvent.VK_G,KeyEvent.VK_Y,KeyEvent.VK_6,0, // 0x30 - 0x37 0,0,KeyEvent.VK_M,KeyEvent.VK_J,KeyEvent.VK_U,KeyEvent.VK_7,KeyEvent.VK_8,0, // 0x38 - 0x3F KeyEvent.VK_UP, KeyEvent.VK_COMMA,KeyEvent.VK_K,KeyEvent.VK_I,KeyEvent.VK_O,KeyEvent.VK_0,KeyEvent.VK_9,0, // 0x40 - 0x47 0,KeyEvent.VK_PERIOD,KeyEvent.VK_SLASH,KeyEvent.VK_L,KeyEvent.VK_SEMICOLON,KeyEvent.VK_P,KeyEvent.VK_MINUS,0, // 0x48 - 0x4F 0,0,KeyEvent.VK_QUOTE,0,KeyEvent.VK_OPEN_BRACKET,KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS,0,0, // 0x50 - 0x57 KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK,KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT,KeyEvent.VK_ENTER,KeyEvent.VK_CLOSE_BRACKET,KeyEvent.VK_SPACE,KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SLASH,KeyEvent.VK_LEFT,0, // 0x58 - 0x5F KeyEvent.VK_DOWN,0,0,0,0,0,KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE,0, // 0x60 - 0x67 0,KeyEvent.VK_END,0,KeyEvent.VK_LEFT,KeyEvent.VK_HOME,0,0,0, // 0x68 - 0x6F KeyEvent.VK_INSERT,KeyEvent.VK_DELETE,KeyEvent.VK_DOWN,0,KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.VK_UP, KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK, // 0x70 - 0x77 KeyEvent.VK_F11, KeyEvent.VK_PLUS, KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, KeyEvent.VK_SUBTRACT, KeyEvent.VK_MULTIPLY // 0x78 - 0x7C }; private DiscoveryAgent da; private RemoteDevice btDevice = null; private boolean doneInq = false; // I think this indicates the BT device is a SPP device private static final int SPP_DEVICE = 0x1F00; /** * Creates a new Keyboard instance using streams from the keyboard. Doesn't matter what the source is (Bluetooth, I2C, etc...) * @param in * @param out */ public Keyboard(InputStream in, OutputStream out) { setup(in, out); } /** * Helper method used by both constructors. * @param in * @param out */ private void setup(InputStream in, OutputStream out) { = in; this.out = out; this.setDaemon(true); this.start(); // TODO: Perhaps check if keyboard is a Freedom Universal (buggy) first before switching these? // Freedom Universal has a bug that switches DELETE and BACKSPACE values. // Switching back in scanCodes array (above): scanCodes[0x71] = KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE; scanCodes[0x66] = KeyEvent.VK_DELETE; // Start typematic thread here: typematicThread.setDaemon(true); typematicThread.start(); } /** * Makes Bluetooth connection to SPP keyboard. The keyboard must have been paired already at * the main menu. Will connect to the first paired SPP keyboard device that is turned on. * NOTE: It can't distinguish between a GPS or Keyboard so make sure only the keyboard is on. * @throws BluetoothStateException If it doesn't find an SPP device to connect to. */ // TODO: This constructor should throw exceptions, not catch them below! public Keyboard() throws BluetoothStateException { /* Developer Notes: * The code in here is copied from BTLocationProvider. If that gets updated, should do same here and vice versa. */ /** Inner class DiscoveryListener: * */ DiscoveryListener dl = new DiscoveryListener() { /* DiscoveryListener methods: */ public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice btdev, DeviceClass cod) { //System.err.println(btdev.getFriendlyName(false) + " discovered."); if((cod.getMajorDeviceClass() & SPP_DEVICE) == SPP_DEVICE) { if(btdev.isAuthenticated()) { // Check if paired. btDevice = btdev; da.cancelInquiry(this); } } } public void inquiryCompleted(int discType) { doneInq = true; } }; da = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice().getDiscoveryAgent(); da.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, dl); while(!doneInq) {Thread.yield();} // TODO: What is the procedure if it fails to connect? Return? Throw BT exception? if(btDevice == null) throw new BluetoothStateException("Nothing found."); String address = btDevice.getBluetoothAddress(); String btaddy = "btspp://" + address; try { StreamConnectionNotifier scn = (StreamConnectionNotifier); if(scn == null) throw new BluetoothStateException("Failed to connect."); StreamConnection c = scn.acceptAndOpen(); // This problem below occurred one time for my Holux GPS. The solution was to // remove the device from the Bluetooth menu, then find and pair again. // Need to throw exception with message. if(c == null) throw new BluetoothStateException("Failed. Try pairing your device again."); InputStream in = c.openInputStream(); OutputStream out = c.openOutputStream(); setup(in, out); // c.close(); // TODO: Clean up when done. HOW TO HANDLE IN LOCATION? } catch(IOException e) { throw new BluetoothStateException("Failed to retrieve data streams."); } } /** * Typematic delay is the time after a key is held down that characters start repeating. * * @param delay 250 ms to 1000 ms (500ms default) */ public void setTypematicDelay(int delay) { this.typematicDelay = delay; } /** * Typematic delay is the time after a key is held down that characters start repeating. * @return delay in milliseconds */ public int getTypematicDelay() { return this.typematicDelay; } /** * Typematic rate is the rate characters repeat when a key is held down. * @param rate 2.0 cps (characters per second) to 30.0 cps (10.9 default) */ public void setTypematicRate(int rate) { this.typematicRate = rate; this.ratePause = (int)(1000.0/typematicRate); } /** * Typematic rate is the rate characters repeat when a key is held down. * @return Rate in characters per second (cps) */ public double getTypematicRate() { return this.typematicRate; } /** * Starts a KeyListener listening for events from the keyboard. Only one KeyListener is allowed. * * @param kl */ // TODO: If we expand our javax.microedition.lcdui functionality we should add ability for more listeners. public void addKeyListener(KeyListener kl) { this.keyListener = kl; } /** * Removes the specified KeyListener from the Keyboard so it will no longer notify the listener of new events. * @param kl */ public void removeKeylistener(KeyListener kl) { if(this.keyListener == kl) this.keyListener = null; } /** * Notify listener if present. * @param e The key event to send out */ private void notifyListeners(KeyEvent e) { if(keyListener == null) return; if(e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) keyListener.keyPressed(e); else if(e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) keyListener.keyReleased(e); else if(e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED) keyListener.keyTyped(e); } public void run() { long previousEcho = System.currentTimeMillis(); // TODO: Perhaps While connected is better. Then if disconnects, it reconnects and starts thread again? while(true) { // Keep-alive code: long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(now - previousEcho >= KEEP_ALIVE_DELAY) { try { out.write(ECHO); out.flush(); } catch(IOException e) { // TODO: Thread could also reconnect if disconnected. Try powering off and on. System.err.println("COMMAND EXCEPTION"); } previousEcho = now; } // Notifier code: try { if(in.available() > 0) { // Check if byte available. int bval =; // System.err.println("scancode: " + bval); KeyEvent e = getKeyEvent(bval, System.currentTimeMillis()); if(e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) { oldChar = NOT_ASCII_CHAR; // Prevents repetition if key pressed again. lastKeyPress = e.getKeyChar(); } else if(e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) { lastKeyPress = NOT_ASCII_CHAR; } notifyListeners(e); // Generate KEY_TYPED event: if((e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) & (e.getKeyChar() != NOT_ASCII_CHAR)) { KeyEvent ke = new KeyEvent(this, KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED, e.getWhen(), modifiers, 0, e.getKeyChar(), 0); notifyListeners(ke); } } } catch(IOException e) {/*Debug.out("EXCEPTION");*/} Thread.yield(); } } /** * Helper method to generate keyEvent from scan code from keyboard * @return */ private KeyEvent getKeyEvent(int scanCode, long timeStamp) { short id = KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED; byte normalizedScanCode = (byte)scanCode; if((byte)scanCode < 0) { // if 8th bit on (i.e. key release) normalizedScanCode = (byte)(scanCode - 128); // remove 8th bit id = KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED; } int code = getJavaConstant(normalizedScanCode); // Recalculate modifier recalculateModifier(code, id); // Handle Caps Lock pressed: Possibly beep here? if((code == KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK) & (id == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED)) capsLock = !capsLock; // Calculate location. int location = getLocation(normalizedScanCode); // Get ASCII character char curChar = getAsciiChar(code); return new KeyEvent(this, id, timeStamp, modifiers, code, curChar, location); } private int getLocation(int scanCode) { int location = KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD; switch(scanCode) { case 0x12: // L shift case 0x14: // L ctrl case 0x1F: // L gui (2 codes in real keyboard) case 0x11: // L alt (0x11 on Standard keyboard) case 0x10: // L alt (0x10 on Universal) location = KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_LEFT; break; case 0x59: // R shift case 0x13: // R alt gr (UK keyboards, incl. Freedom Universal) //case 0x14: // R ctrl (2 codes on real keyboard) //case 0x27: // R gui (2 codes on real keyboard) //case 0x11: // R alt (2 codes on real keyboard) location = KeyEvent.KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT; break; } // TODO: Didn't implement KeyPad location. Not present on Freedom Universal keyboard. return location; } /** * Indicates whether or not caps lock is enabled for the keyboard. The only way to change caps lock is to presss the <code>Caps Lock</code> key. * @return true if caps lock is on, false if it is off. */ public boolean isCapsLock() { return capsLock; } /** * Converts a Java constant into the proper ASCII character. For the most part, this method attempts to save memory by * using the Java constant (code) to calculate the proper character. Sometimes it is a direct conversion by casting into * a char, other times it needs a direct conversion to a different ASCII code. * @param code * @return */ private char getAsciiChar(int code) { int ascii = code; boolean shifted = (modifiers & KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) == KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK; // Letter keys: if(code >= KeyEvent.VK_A & code <= KeyEvent.VK_Z) { boolean capitalize = isCapsLock() ^ shifted; if(!capitalize) ascii += 32; // convert to lower case return (char)ascii; } // Number keys: else if(code >= KeyEvent.VK_0 & code <= KeyEvent.VK_9) { // TODO: Redundant if you are using switch below? // Shift if(shifted) { switch (code) { case KeyEvent.VK_1: case KeyEvent.VK_3: case KeyEvent.VK_4: case KeyEvent.VK_5: ascii -= 16; break; case KeyEvent.VK_7: case KeyEvent.VK_9: ascii -= 17; break; case KeyEvent.VK_2: ascii += 14; break; case KeyEvent.VK_6: ascii += 40; break; case KeyEvent.VK_8: ascii -= 14; break; case KeyEvent.VK_0: ascii -= 7; break; } } return (char)ascii; } // Various characters: // TODO: I'm not sure if all this branching logical code saves over a simple table array. // Direct ASCII translation: ; - = [ ] \ ; , . / NOT: ` ' int shiftModifier = 0; switch (code) { case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: return (char)ascii; case KeyEvent.VK_MINUS: shiftModifier = (shifted?50:0); return(char)(ascii + shiftModifier); case KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS: shiftModifier = (shifted?-18:0); return(char)(ascii + shiftModifier); case KeyEvent.VK_OPEN_BRACKET: case KeyEvent.VK_CLOSE_BRACKET: case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SLASH: shiftModifier = (shifted?32:0); return(char)(ascii + shiftModifier); case KeyEvent.VK_SEMICOLON: shiftModifier = (shifted?-1:0); return(char)(ascii + shiftModifier); case KeyEvent.VK_QUOTE: ascii = 39; // Correct ascii value for ' shiftModifier = (shifted?-5:0); return(char)(ascii + shiftModifier); case KeyEvent.VK_COMMA: case KeyEvent.VK_PERIOD: case KeyEvent.VK_SLASH: shiftModifier = (shifted?16:0); return(char)(ascii + shiftModifier); case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_QUOTE: // TODO: This char is suspicious on leJOS. ` or ~ don't show up right. Test raw values for char. ascii = 96; // Correct ascii value for ` shiftModifier = (shifted?30:0); return(char)(ascii + shiftModifier); } // Handle Enter, Tab, Backspace switch (code) { case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: case KeyEvent.VK_TAB: case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE: return(char)ascii; } // The TYPED char should only appear if valid. Ctrl, Shift etc.. do NOT produce TYPED events. return NOT_ASCII_CHAR; } private int getJavaConstant(byte scanCode) { // Code to check if Fn held down, and if Esc, Pg Up, Pg Down, Home, End pressed. if((modifiers & KeyEvent.META_MASK) == KeyEvent.META_MASK) { switch(scanCodes[scanCode]) { case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_QUOTE: return KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: return KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: return KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: return KeyEvent.VK_HOME; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: return KeyEvent.VK_END; } } return scanCodes[scanCode]; } /** * Determines which modifier keys are held down. * @param code * @param id */ private void recalculateModifier(int code, short id) { int val = 0; switch (code) { case KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT: val = KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK; break; case KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL: val = KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK; break; case KeyEvent.VK_META: val = KeyEvent.META_MASK; break; case KeyEvent.VK_ALT: val = KeyEvent.ALT_MASK; break; case KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH: val = KeyEvent.ALT_GRAPH_MASK; break; } if(id == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) { // ADD new modifier modifiers += val; } else if(id == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) { // SUBTRACT new modifier modifiers -= val; } } }