import lejos.addon.gps.*; import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.nxt.comm.*; import lejos.util.Stopwatch; import lejos.util.TextMenu; import java.util.*; import*; import javax.bluetooth.*; import javax.microedition.location.*; /** * This example show how to: * * + Connect with a GPS Device with a NXT brick with leJOS * + Get Data from GGA NMEA Sentence * + Get Data from RMC NMEA Sentence * + Get Data from VTG NMEA Sentence * + Get Data from GSV NMEA Sentence * + Get Data from GSA NMEA Sentence * + Use JRS-179 Objects * + Use Date Objects with leJOS * * * This example is experimental. It is necessary to test more time * * Click on left and right button to show to show more data about GPS. * * @author BB * @author Juan Antonio Brenha Moral */ public class BTGPS{ private static String appName = "GPS"; private static String appVersion = "v6.8"; //Inquire code private static byte[] cod = {0,0,0,0}; // 0,0,0,0 picks up every Bluetooth device regardless of Class of Device (cod). //Bluetooth private static RemoteDevice GPSDevice = null; private static GPS gps = null; private static InputStream in = null; //GPS Pin private static final byte[] pin = {(byte) '0', (byte) '0', (byte) '0', (byte) '0'}; //GPS Data private static Date connectionMoment; private static Date now; //private static Satellite ns; private static Coordinates origin; private static Coordinates current; public static void main(String[] args) { //Detect GPS Device boolean GPSDetected = false; GPSDetected = discoverBTDevices(); if(GPSDetected){ //Connect with GPS Device int connectionStatus = 0; connectionStatus = connectGPS(); if(connectionStatus == 2){ //Show data from GPS Receiver showData();//GUI }else{ if(connectionStatus == -1){ LCD.drawString("No connection", 0, 7); }else if(connectionStatus == -2){ LCD.drawString("Something goes bad", 0, 7); } try {Thread.sleep(2000);} catch (Exception e) {} } LCD.refresh(); }else{ LCD.drawString("No detected GPS", 0, 3); LCD.refresh(); try {Thread.sleep(2000);} catch (Exception e) {} } credits(2); System.exit(0); }//End main /** * This method, show all BT Devices with BT Services enable * User choose a GPS device to connect * * Developer note: This method has a bug when you click in exit button twice */ static boolean discoverBTDevices(){ boolean GPSDetected = false; LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Searching...", 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); //Make an BT inquire to get all Devices with BT Services enable Vector devList = Bluetooth.inquire(5, 10,cod); //If exist GPS Devices near if (devList.size() > 0){ String[] names = new String[devList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < devList.size(); i++) { RemoteDevice btrd = ((RemoteDevice) devList.elementAt(i)); names[i] = btrd.getFriendlyName(true); } TextMenu searchMenu = new TextMenu(names,1); String[] subItems = {"Connect"}; TextMenu subMenu = new TextMenu(subItems,4); int selected; do { LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Found",6,0); LCD.refresh(); //Menu 1: Show all BT Devices selected =; if (selected >=0){ RemoteDevice btrd = ((RemoteDevice) devList.elementAt(selected)); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Found",6,0); LCD.drawString(names[selected],0,1); LCD.drawString(btrd.getBluetoothAddress(), 0, 2); //Menu 2: Show GPS Device int subSelection =; if (subSelection == 0){ GPSDetected = true; GPSDevice = btrd; break; } } } while (selected >= 0); }else{ GPSDetected = false; } return GPSDetected; } /** * This method connect with a RemoteDevice. * If the connection has success then the method create an instance of * the class GPS which manages an InputStream * * @return */ static int connectGPS(){ int result; Bluetooth.addDevice(GPSDevice); BTConnection btGPS = null; btGPS = Bluetooth.connect(GPSDevice.getDeviceAddr(), NXTConnection.RAW, pin); if(btGPS == null){ result = -1;//No connection }else{ result = 1;//Connection Sucessful } try{ in = btGPS.openInputStream(); gps = new GPS(in); //gps.updateValues(true); result = 2;// }catch(Exception e) { result = -2; } return result; } /** * Show the example GUI */ static void showData(){ LCD.clear(); //int sentenceCount = 0; Stopwatch sw; sw = new Stopwatch(); //boolean flag = true; int NSAT = 0; int GPSDataQuality = 0; int checkTime = 10000; //Circular System int GPSScreens = 8; int GPSCurrentScreen = 1; LCD.drawString(appName + " " + appVersion, 0,0); //FirstConnection boolean firstMomentFlag = false; while(!Button.ESCAPE.isPressed()){ NSAT = gps.getSatellitesTracked(); GPSDataQuality = Math.round((NSAT * 100)/4); LCD.drawString(" ", 9, 0); LCD.drawString(GPSDataQuality + "%", 9, 0); LCD.drawString("OK", 13, 0); if(sw.elapsed() >= checkTime){ sw.reset(); if(GPSDataQuality >=8){ Sound.twoBeeps(); }else if(GPSDataQuality >=4){ Sound.beep(); }else{ //; } } if(!firstMomentFlag){ Date tempDate = gps.getDate(); int hours = tempDate.getHours(); int minutes = tempDate.getMinutes(); int seconds = tempDate.getSeconds(); connectionMoment = new Date(); connectionMoment.setHours(hours); connectionMoment.setMinutes(minutes); connectionMoment.setSeconds(seconds); origin = new Coordinates(gps.getLatitude(),gps.getLongitude(),gps.getAltitude()); //Repeat the operation until you have valid data: if( (seconds != 0) && (gps.getLatitude() != 0)){ firstMomentFlag = true; } } now = gps.getDate(); current = new Coordinates(gps.getLatitude(),gps.getLongitude(),gps.getAltitude()); //Circular System if (Button.LEFT.isPressed()){ if(GPSCurrentScreen == 1){ GPSCurrentScreen = GPSScreens; }else{ GPSCurrentScreen--; } } if (Button.RIGHT.isPressed()){ if(GPSCurrentScreen == GPSScreens){ GPSCurrentScreen = 1; }else{ GPSCurrentScreen++; } } //Reset if (Button.ENTER.isPressed()){ GPSCurrentScreen =1; } if(GPSCurrentScreen == 1){ showGGAUI(); }else if(GPSCurrentScreen == 2){ showRMCUI(); }else if(GPSCurrentScreen == 3){ showVTGUI(); }else if(GPSCurrentScreen == 4){ showGPSTimeUI(); }else if(GPSCurrentScreen == 5){ //By Security if(gps.getSatellitesTracked() >= 4){ showSatTableUI(); } }else if(GPSCurrentScreen == 6){ showSatUI(); }else if(GPSCurrentScreen == 7){ showSatIDUI(); }else if(GPSCurrentScreen == 8){ showCoordinatesUI(); } LCD.refresh(); try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (Exception e) {} } } /** * Show GGA Basic Data from GPS */ private static void showGGAUI(){ refreshSomeLCDLines(); LCD.drawString("GGA", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Tim " + now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() + ":" + now.getSeconds() + "", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Lat " + gps.getLatitude(), 0, 4); LCD.drawString("" + gps.getLatitudeDirection() , 15, 4); LCD.drawString("Lon " + gps.getLongitude(), 0, 5); LCD.drawString("" + gps.getLongitudeDirection() , 15, 5); LCD.drawString("Alt " + gps.getAltitude(), 0, 6); LCD.drawString("Sat " + gps.getSatellitesTracked(), 0, 7); LCD.drawString("QOS " + gps.getFixMode(), 6, 7); LCD.refresh(); } /** * Show RMC Data from GPS */ private static void showRMCUI(){ refreshSomeLCDLines(); LCD.drawString("RMC", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Dat " + now.getDay() + "/" + now.getMonth() + "/" + now.getYear() + "", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Com " + gps.getCompassDegrees(), 0, 4); LCD.refresh(); } /** * Show VTG Data from GPS */ private static void showVTGUI(){ refreshSomeLCDLines(); LCD.drawString("VTG", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Spe " + gps.getSpeed(), 0, 3); LCD.refresh(); } /** * Show Time Data from GPS */ private static void showGPSTimeUI(){ refreshSomeLCDLines(); LCD.drawString("GPS time data", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Tim " + now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() + ":" + now.getSeconds() + "", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Dat " + now.getDay() + "/" + now.getMonth() + "/" + now.getYear() + "", 0, 4); LCD.refresh(); } private static void showSatTableUI(){ refreshSomeLCDLines(); LCD.drawString("Sat table", 0, 2); Satellite ns1 = gps.getSatellite(0); Satellite ns2 = gps.getSatellite(1); Satellite ns3 = gps.getSatellite(2); Satellite ns4 = gps.getSatellite(3); LCD.drawString(" PRN Ele Azi SRN",0,3); LCD.drawString("1 " + ns1.getPRN(),0,4); LCD.drawString("2 " + ns2.getPRN(),0,5); LCD.drawString("3 " + ns3.getPRN(),0,6); LCD.drawString("4 " + ns4.getPRN(),0,7); LCD.drawString("" + ns1.getElevation(),5,4); LCD.drawString("" + ns2.getElevation(),5,5); LCD.drawString("" + ns3.getElevation(),5,6); LCD.drawString("" + ns4.getElevation(),5,7); LCD.drawString("" + ns1.getAzimuth(),9,4); LCD.drawString("" + ns2.getAzimuth(),9,5); LCD.drawString("" + ns3.getAzimuth(),9,6); LCD.drawString("" + ns4.getAzimuth(),9,7); LCD.drawString("" + ns1.getSignalNoiseRatio(),13,4); LCD.drawString("" + ns2.getSignalNoiseRatio(),13,5); LCD.drawString("" + ns3.getSignalNoiseRatio(),13,6); LCD.drawString("" + ns4.getSignalNoiseRatio(),13,7); LCD.refresh(); } /** * Show Sat Data */ private static void showSatUI(){ refreshSomeLCDLines(); LCD.drawString("Sat quality data", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Mode " + gps.getSelectionType(), 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Value " + gps.getFixType(), 8, 3); LCD.drawString("NSat " + gps.getSatellitesTracked(), 0, 4); LCD.drawString("PDOP " + gps.getPDOP(), 0, 5); LCD.drawString("HDOP " + gps.getHDOP(), 0, 6); LCD.drawString("VDOP " + gps.getVDOP(), 0, 7); LCD.refresh(); } /** * Show Sat ID */ private static void showSatIDUI(){ refreshSomeLCDLines(); LCD.drawString("Sat detected", 0, 2); int SV[] = gps.getPRN(); int cols[] = {0,4,8,12}; int rows[] = {3,4,5}; LCD.drawString("" + SV[0], cols[0], rows[0]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[1], cols[1], rows[0]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[2], cols[2], rows[0]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[3], cols[3], rows[0]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[4], cols[0], rows[1]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[5], cols[1], rows[1]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[6], cols[2], rows[1]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[7], cols[3], rows[1]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[8], cols[0], rows[2]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[9], cols[1], rows[2]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[10], cols[2], rows[2]); LCD.drawString("" + SV[11], cols[3], rows[2]); LCD.refresh(); } /** * Show Sat Data */ private static void showCoordinatesUI(){ refreshSomeLCDLines(); LCD.drawString("GPS Session", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("Ini " + connectionMoment.getHours() + ":" + connectionMoment.getMinutes() + ":" + connectionMoment.getSeconds() + "", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Now " + now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() + ":" + now.getSeconds() + "", 0, 4); LCD.drawString("Dis " + Math.round((float)origin.distance(current)), 0, 5); LCD.drawString("Azi " + Math.round((float)origin.azimuthTo(current)), 0, 6); LCD.drawString("Com " + gps.getCompassDegrees(), 0, 7); LCD.drawString("N", 8, 6); LCD.drawString("N", 8, 7); LCD.refresh(); } /** * Clear some LCD lines */ private static void refreshSomeLCDLines(){ LCD.drawString(" ", 0, 2); LCD.drawString(" ", 0, 3); LCD.drawString(" ", 0, 4); LCD.drawString(" ", 0, 5); LCD.drawString(" ", 0, 6); LCD.drawString(" ", 0, 7); } private static void credits(int seconds){ LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("LEGO Mindstorms",0,1); LCD.drawString("NXT Robots ",0,2); LCD.drawString("run better with",0,3); LCD.drawString("Java leJOS",0,4); LCD.drawString("",0,6); LCD.refresh(); try {Thread.sleep(seconds*1000);} catch (Exception e) {} } }//End Class