package lejos.addon.gps; import*; import java.util.*; import lejos.nxt.Button; /** * This class manages data received from a GPS Device. * SimpleGPS Class manages the following NMEA Sentences * which supply location, heading, and speed data: * * <li>GPGGA (location data) * <li>GPVTG (heading and speed data) * <li>GPGSA (accuracy information) * * <p>This class is primarily for use by the javax.microedition.location package. The preferred * class to use for obtaining GPS data is the GPS class.</p> * * @author BB */ public class SimpleGPS extends Thread { /** * BUFF is the amount of bytes to read from the stream at once. * It should not be longer than the number of characters in the shortest * NMEA sentence otherwise it might cause a bug. */ private final int BUFF = 20; private byte [] segment = new byte[BUFF]; private StringBuffer currentSentence = new StringBuffer(); private String START_CHAR = "$"; private InputStream in; public int errors = 0; // TODO: DELETE ME. Testing purposes only. //Classes which manages GGA, VTG, GSA Sentences protected GGASentence ggaSentence; protected VTGSentence vtgSentence; private GSASentence gsaSentence; //Data private StringTokenizer tokenizer; // Security private boolean shutdown = false; // Listener-notifier static protected Vector listeners = new Vector(); /** * The constructor. It needs an InputStream * * @param in An input stream from the GPS receiver */ public SimpleGPS(InputStream in) { = in; ggaSentence = new GGASentence(); vtgSentence = new VTGSentence(); gsaSentence = new GSASentence(); // Juan: Don't comment out the next line. // This should be a daemon thread so VM exits when user program terminates. this.setDaemon(true); // Must be set before thread starts this.start(); } /* GETTERS & SETTERS */ /** * Get Latitude * * @return the latitude */ public double getLatitude() { return ggaSentence.getLatitude(); } /** * Get Latitude Direction * * @return the latitude direction */ public char getLatitudeDirection(){ return ggaSentence.getLatitudeDirection(); } /** * Get Longitude * * @return the longitude */ public double getLongitude() { return ggaSentence.getLongitude(); } /** * Get Longitude Direction * * @return the longitude direction */ public char getLongitudeDirection(){ return ggaSentence.getLongitudeDirection(); } /** * The altitude above mean sea level * * @return Meters above sea level e.g. 545.4 */ public float getAltitude(){ return ggaSentence.getAltitude(); } /** * Returns the number of satellites being tracked to * determine the coordinates. * @return Number of satellites e.g. 8 */ public int getSatellitesTracked(){ return ggaSentence.getSatellitesTracked(); } /** * Fix quality: * <li>0 = invalid * <li>1 = GPS fix (SPS) * <li>2 = DGPS fix * <li>3 = PPS fix * <li>4 = Real Time Kinematic * <li>5 = Float RTK * <li>6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature) * <li>7 = Manual input mode * <li>8 = Simulation mode * * @return the fix quality */ public int getFixMode(){ return ggaSentence.getFixQuality(); } /** * Get the last time stamp from the satellite for GGA sentence. * * @return Time as a UTC integer. 123459 = 12:34:59 UTC */ public int getTimeStamp() { return ggaSentence.getTime(); } /** * Get speed in kilometers per hour * * @return the speed in kilometers per hour */ public float getSpeed() { return vtgSentence.getSpeed(); } /** * Get the course heading of the GPS unit. * @return course (0.0 to 360.0) */ public float getCourse() { return vtgSentence.getTrueCourse(); } /** * Selection type of 2D or 3D fix * <li> 'M' = manual * <li> 'A' = automatic * @return selection type - either 'A' or 'M' */ public String getSelectionType(){ return gsaSentence.getMode(); } /** * 3D fix - values include: * <li>1 = no fix * <li>2 = 2D fix * <li>3 = 3D fix * * @return fix type (1 to 3) */ public int getFixType(){ return gsaSentence.getModeValue(); } /** * Get an Array of Pseudo-Random Noise codes (PRN). You can look up a list of GPS satellites by * this number at: * Note: This number might be similar or identical to SVN. * * @return array of PRNs */ public int[] getPRN(){ return gsaSentence.getPRN(); } /** * Get the 3D Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP). When visible GPS satellites are close * together in the sky, the geometry is said to be weak and the DOP value is high; when far * apart, the geometry is strong and the DOP value is low. Thus a low DOP value represents * a better GPS positional accuracy due to the wider angular separation between the * satellites used to calculate a GPS unit's position. Other factors that can increase * the effective DOP are obstructions such as nearby mountains or buildings. * * @return The PDOP (PDOP * 6 meters = the error to expect in meters) -1 means PDOP is unavailable from the GPS. */ public float getPDOP(){ return gsaSentence.getPDOP(); } /** * Get the Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP). When visible GPS satellites are close * together in the sky, the geometry is said to be weak and the DOP value is high; when far * apart, the geometry is strong and the DOP value is low. Thus a low DOP value represents * a better GPS positional accuracy due to the wider angular separation between the * satellites used to calculate a GPS unit's position. Other factors that can increase * the effective DOP are obstructions such as nearby mountains or buildings. * * @return the HDOP (HDOP * 6 meters = the error to expect in meters) -1 means HDOP is unavailable from the GPS. */ public float getHDOP(){ return gsaSentence.getHDOP(); } /** * Get the Vertical Dilution of Precision (VDOP). When visible GPS satellites are close * together in the sky, the geometry is said to be weak and the DOP value is high; when far * apart, the geometry is strong and the DOP value is low. Thus a low DOP value represents * a better GPS positional accuracy due to the wider angular separation between the * satellites used to calculate a GPS unit's position. Other factors that can increase * the effective DOP are obstructions such as nearby mountains or buildings. * * @return the VDOP (VDOP * 6 meters = the error to expect in meters) -1 means VDOP is unavailable from the GPS. */ public float getVDOP(){ return gsaSentence.getVDOP(); } /** * Method used to close connection. There is no real need to call this method. * Included in case programmer wants absolutely clean exit. */ public void close() throws IOException { this.shutdown = true; in.close(); } /** * Keeps reading sentences from GPS receiver stream and extracting data. * This is a daemon thread so when program ends it won't keep running. */ public void run() { String token; String s; while(!shutdown) { s = getNextString(); // TODO: This shouldn't be necessary. getNextString() runs through the Checksum: // Check if sentence is valid: if(s.indexOf('*') < 0) { continue; } if(s.indexOf('$') < 0) { continue; } //2008/07/28 //Debug checksum validation //Class 19: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException // TODO: I suspect we don't need this try-catch block anymore. try{ if(NMEASentence.isValid(s)){ tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s); token = tokenizer.nextToken(); // Choose which type of sentence to parse: sentenceChooser(token, s); // Method to make subclass more efficient - no redundant code. } }catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e){ System.err.println(" error. StringIndexOutOfBounds"); }catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e2){ //Jab //Bug detected: 06/08/2008 System.err.println(" error. ArrayIndexOutOfBounds"); } //2008/07/18 //Increase the list with more NMEA Sentences } } /** * Internal helper method to aid in the subclass architecture. Overwritten by subclass. * @param header * @param s */ protected void sentenceChooser(String header, String s) { if (header.equals(GGASentence.HEADER)){ this.ggaSentence.setSentence(s); notifyListeners(this.ggaSentence); }else if (header.equals(VTGSentence.HEADER)){ this.vtgSentence.setSentence(s); notifyListeners(this.vtgSentence); }else if (header.equals(GSASentence.HEADER)){ gsaSentence.setSentence(s); notifyListeners(this.gsaSentence); } } static protected void notifyListeners(NMEASentence sen){ /* TODO: Problem is ggaSentence is a reused object in this API. * Should really pass a copy of the NMEASentence to notify (and the copy * must have all the appropriate GGA data, not just NMEA). However, check * if there are any listeners before making unnecessary copy. */ for(int i=0; i<listeners.size();i++){ GPSListener gpsl = (GPSListener)listeners.elementAt(i); gpsl.sentenceReceived(sen); } } /** * Pulls the next NMEA sentence as a string * @return NMEA string, including $ and end checksum */ private String getNextString() { boolean done = false; String sentence = ""; int endIndex = 0; do{ // Read in buf length of sentence try { // TODO: Does pause the thread or does this eat up unnecessary // CPU cycles? Maybe add a Thread.sleep here that cuts out CPU waste. // This method reads in BUFF length of bytes every time.; }catch (IOException e) { // TODO: How to handle error? }catch(Exception e){ // TODO: ?? } // Append char[] data into currentSentence for(int i=0;i<BUFF;i++) currentSentence.append((char)segment[i]); // Search for $ symbol (indicates start of new sentence) if(currentSentence.indexOf(START_CHAR, 1) >= 0) { done = true; } // TODO: Probably better to throw exception here if GPS disconnects //In case user turns off GPS Device / GPS Device has low batteries / Other disconnect scenarios // There is also the listener of LocationProvider. if(currentSentence.length() >= 500){ errors++; //2008/09/06 : JAB //Reset //currentSentence = new StringBuffer(); //segment = new byte[BUFF]; System.err.println("Bug in SimpleGPS.getNextString() detected. > 500"); System.err.println("Sentence: " + currentSentence.toString()); //If detect a problem with InputStream //System detect the event and notify the problem with the //Enabling the flag internalError return null; } }while(!done); try{ endIndex = currentSentence.indexOf(START_CHAR, 1); sentence = currentSentence.substring(0, endIndex); // Crop print current sentence currentSentence.delete(0, endIndex); }catch(Exception e){ // TODO: Why catch a runtime exception here? System.err.println("Exception in SimpleGPS.getNextString() " + e.getMessage()); } return sentence; } /* EVENTS*/ /** * add a listener to manage events with GPS * * @param listener */ static public void addListener (GPSListener listener){ listeners.addElement(listener); } /** * Remove a listener * * @param listener */ static public void removeListener (GPSListener listener) { listeners.removeElement(listener); } }