package lejos.robotics.localization; import java.awt.Rectangle; import lejos.geom.*; import*; import lejos.robotics.*; import lejos.robotics.mapping.RangeMap; import lejos.robotics.Movement; /* * WARNING: THIS CLASS IS SHARED BETWEEN THE classes AND pccomms PROJECTS. * DO NOT EDIT THE VERSION IN pccomms AS IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN WHEN THE PROJECT IS BUILT. */ /** * Represents a particle set for the particle filtering algorithm. * * @author Lawrie Griffiths * */ public class MCLParticleSet { // Constants private static final float BIG_FLOAT = 10000f; // Static variables public static int maxIterations = 1000; // Instance variables private float twoSigmaSquared = 250f; private float distanceNoiseFactor = 0.02f; private float angleNoiseFactor = 0.02f; private int numParticles; private MCLParticle[] particles; private RangeMap map; private float estimatedX, estimatedY, estimatedAngle; private float minX, maxX, minY, maxY; private float maxWeight; private int border = 10; // The minimum distance from the edge of the map // to generate a particle. private Rectangle boundingRect; private boolean debug = false; /** * Create a set of particles randomly distributed with the given map. * * @param map the map of the enclosed environment */ public MCLParticleSet(RangeMap map, int numParticles, int border) { = map; this.numParticles = numParticles; this.border = border; boundingRect = map.getBoundingRect(); particles = new MCLParticle[numParticles]; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { particles[i] = generateParticle(); } resetEstimate(); } /** * Generate a random particle within the mapped area. * * @return the particle */ private MCLParticle generateParticle() { float x, y, angle; Rectangle innerRect = new Rectangle(boundingRect.x + border, boundingRect.y + border, boundingRect.width - border * 2, boundingRect.height - border * 2); // Generate x, y values in bounding rectangle for (;;) { // infinite loop that we break out of when we have // generated a particle within the mapped area x = innerRect.x + (((float) Math.random()) * innerRect.width); y = innerRect.y + (((float) Math.random()) * innerRect.height); if (map.inside(new Point(x, y))) break; } // Pick a random angle angle = ((float) Math.random()) * 360; return new MCLParticle(new Pose(x, y, angle)); } /** * Return the number of particles in the set * * @return the number of particles */ public int numParticles() { return numParticles; } /** * Set system out debugging on or off * * @param debug true to set debug, false to set it off */ public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } /** * Get a specific particle * * @param i the index of the particle * @return the particle */ public MCLParticle getParticle(int i) { return particles[i]; } /** * Resample the set picking those with higher weights. * * Note that the new set has multiple instances of the particles with higher * weights. * * @return true iff lost */ public boolean resample() { // Rename particles as oldParticles and create a new set MCLParticle[] oldParticles = particles; particles = new MCLParticle[numParticles]; // Continually pick a random number and select the particles with // weights greater than or equal to it until we have a full // set of particles. int count = 0; int iterations = 0; while (count < numParticles) { iterations++; if (iterations >= maxIterations) { if (debug) System.out.println("Lost: count = " + count); if (count > 0) { // Duplicate the ones we have so far for (int i = count; i < numParticles; i++) { particles[i] = new MCLParticle(particles[i % count].getPose()); particles[i].setWeight(particles[i % count].getWeight()); } return false; } else { // Completely lost - generate a new set of particles for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { particles[i] = generateParticle(); } resetEstimate(); return true; } } float rand = (float) Math.random(); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles && count < numParticles; i++) { if (oldParticles[i].getWeight() >= rand) { Pose p = oldParticles[i].getPose(); float x = p.getX(); float y = p.getY(); float angle = p.getHeading(); // Create a new instance of the particle and set its weight particles[count] = new MCLParticle(new Pose(x, y, angle)); particles[count++].setWeight(oldParticles[i].getWeight()); } } } estimatePose(); return false; } /** * Estimate pose from weighted average of the particles */ private void estimatePose() { resetEstimate(); float totalWeights = 0; minX = boundingRect.x + boundingRect.width; minY = boundingRect.y + boundingRect.height; maxX = boundingRect.x; maxY = boundingRect.y; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { Pose p = particles[i].getPose(); float x = p.getX(); float y = p.getY(); float weight = particles[i].getWeight(); estimatedX += (x * weight); estimatedY += (y * weight); estimatedAngle += (p.getHeading() * weight); totalWeights += weight; if (x < minX) minX = x; if (x > maxX) maxX = x; if (y < minY) minY = y; if (y > maxY) maxY = y; } estimatedX /= totalWeights; estimatedY /= totalWeights; estimatedAngle /= totalWeights; } /** * Calculate the weight for each particle * * @param rr the robot range readings */ public void calculateWeights(RangeReadings rr, RangeMap map) { maxWeight = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { particles[i].calculateWeight(rr, map, twoSigmaSquared); float weight = particles[i].getWeight(); if (weight > maxWeight) { maxWeight = weight; } } } public void printMaxWeight() { System.out.println("Max = " + maxWeight); } /** * Apply a move to each particle * * @param move the move to apply */ public void applyMove(Movement move) { maxWeight = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { particles[i].applyMove(move, distanceNoiseFactor, angleNoiseFactor); } estimatePose(); } /** * Get the estimated pose of the robot * * @return the estimated pose */ public Pose getEstimatedPose() { return new Pose(estimatedX, estimatedY, estimatedAngle); } /** * Get the minimum X value of the estimated position * * @return the minimum X value */ public float getMinX() { return minX; } /** * Get the maximum X value of the estimated position * * @return the maximum X value */ public float getMaxX() { return maxX; } /** * Get the minimum Y value of the estimated position * * @return the minimum Y value */ public float getMinY() { return minY; } /** * Get the maximum Y value of the estimated position * * @return the maximum Y value */ public float getMaxY() { return maxY; } /** * Reset the estimated position to unknown */ public void resetEstimate() { estimatedX = 0; estimatedY = 0; estimatedAngle = 0; minX = boundingRect.x; minY = boundingRect.y; maxX = boundingRect.x + boundingRect.width; maxY = boundingRect.y + boundingRect.height; } /** * Return the minimum rectangle enclosing all the particles * * @return the rectangle */ public Rectangle getErrorRect() { return new Rectangle((int) minX, (int) minY, (int) (maxX-minX), (int) (maxY-minY)); } /** * The highest weight of any particle * * @return the highest weight */ public float getMaxWeight() { return maxWeight; } /** * Get the border where particles should not be generated * * @return the border */ public float getBorder() { return border; } /** * Set border where no particles should be generated * * @param border the border */ public void setBorder(int border) { this.border = border; } /** * Set the standard deviation for the sensor probability model * @param sigma the standard deviation */ public void setSigma(float sigma) { twoSigmaSquared = 2 * sigma * sigma; } /** * Set the distance noise factor * @param factor the distance noise factor */ public void setDistanceNoiseFactor(float factor) { distanceNoiseFactor = factor; } /** * Set the distance angle factor * @param factor the distance angle factor */ public void setAngleNoiseFactor(float factor) { angleNoiseFactor = factor; } /** * Set the maximum iterations for the resample algorithm * @param max the maximum iterations */ public void setMaxIterations(int max) { maxIterations = max; } /** * Find the index of the particle closest to a given co-ordinates. * This is used for diagnostic purposes. * * @param x the x-coordinate * @param y the y-coordinate * @return the index */ public int findClosest(float x, float y) { float minDistance = BIG_FLOAT; int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { Pose pose = particles[i].getPose(); float distance = (float) Math.sqrt((double) ( (pose.getX() - x) * (pose.getX() - x)) + ((pose.getY() - y) * (pose.getY() - y))); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; index = i; } } return index; } /** * Serialize the particle set to a data output stream * * @param dos the data output stream * @throws IOException */ public void dumpParticles(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { dos.writeInt(numParticles()); for (int i = 0; i < numParticles(); i++) { MCLParticle part = getParticle(i); Pose pose = part.getPose(); float weight = part.getWeight(); dos.writeFloat(pose.getX()); dos.writeFloat(pose.getY()); dos.writeFloat(pose.getHeading()); dos.writeFloat(weight); dos.flush(); } } /** * Load serialized particles from a data input stream * @param dis the data input stream * @throws IOException */ public void loadParticles(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException { numParticles = dis.readInt(); particles = new MCLParticle[numParticles]; for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) { float x = dis.readFloat(); float y = dis.readFloat(); float angle = dis.readFloat(); Pose pose = new Pose(x, y, angle); particles[i] = new MCLParticle(pose); particles[i].setWeight(dis.readFloat()); } } /** * Dump the serialized estimate of pose to a data output stream * @param dos the data output stream * @throws IOException */ public void dumpEstimation(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException { Pose pose = getEstimatedPose(); float minX = getMinX(); float maxX = getMaxX(); float minY = getMinY(); float maxY = getMaxY(); dos.writeFloat(pose.getX()); dos.writeFloat(pose.getY()); dos.writeFloat(pose.getHeading()); dos.writeFloat(minX); dos.writeFloat(maxX); dos.writeFloat(minY); dos.writeFloat(maxY); dos.flush(); } /** * Load serialized estimated pose from a data input stream * @param dis the data input stream * @throws IOException */ public void loadEstimation(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException { estimatedX = dis.readFloat(); estimatedY = dis.readFloat(); estimatedAngle = dis.readFloat(); minX = dis.readFloat(); maxX = dis.readFloat(); minY = dis.readFloat(); maxY = dis.readFloat(); } /** * Find the closest particle to specified coordinates and dump its * details to a data output stream. * * @param dos the data output stream * @param x the x-coordinate * @param y the y-coordinate * @throws IOException */ public void dumpClosest(RangeReadings rr, RangeMap map, DataOutputStream dos, float x, float y) throws IOException { int closest = findClosest(x, y); MCLParticle p = getParticle(closest); dos.writeInt(closest); dos.writeFloat(p.getReading(0, rr, map)); dos.writeFloat(p.getReading(1, rr, map)); dos.writeFloat(p.getReading(2, rr, map)); dos.writeFloat(p.getWeight()); dos.flush(); } }