package java.lang; import; import lejos.nxt.LCDOutputStream; /** * System utilities. */ public final class System { private System() {} /** * Copies one array to another. */ public static native void arraycopy (Object src, int srcOffset, Object dest, int destOffset, int length); /** * Terminate the application. */ public static native void exit(int code); /** * Current time expressed in milliseconds. In the RCX, this is the number * of milliseconds since the RCX has been on. (In Java, this would * be since January 1st, 1970). */ public static native long currentTimeMillis(); /** * Get the singleton instance of Runtime. */ public static Runtime getRuntime() { return Runtime.getRuntime(); } public static int identityHashCode(Object obj) { return System.getDataAddress(obj); } private native static int getDataAddress (Object obj); /** * Collect garbage */ public static native void gc(); public static PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new LCDOutputStream()); /** * Redirect System.out * * @param out a PrintStream */ public static void setOut(PrintStream out) { System.out = out; } public static PrintStream err = new PrintStream(new LCDOutputStream()); /** * Redirect System.err * * @param err a PrintStream */ public static void setErr(PrintStream err) { System.err = err; } public static native long nanoTime(); }