package; import; import lejos.nxt.remote.*; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; /** * Swing Table Model for manipulating NXT files. * * @author Lawrie Griffiths */ public class ExtendedFileModel extends AbstractTableModel { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6173853132812064498L; private static final String[] columnNames = {"File","Size", "Start Page", "End Page", "Delete"}; private static final int NUM_COLUMNS = 5; public static final int MAX_FILES = 30; private Object[][] fileData; private int numFiles; private FileInfo[] files = new FileInfo[MAX_FILES]; private NXTCommand nxtCommand; /** * Fetch files from the NXT and create the model * * @param nxtCommand used to send LCP commands to the NXT */ public ExtendedFileModel(NXTCommand nxtCommand) { this.nxtCommand = nxtCommand; fetchFiles(); setData(files, numFiles); } private void setData(FileInfo[] files, int numFiles) { this.numFiles = numFiles; fileData = new Object[30][NUM_COLUMNS]; for(int i=0;i<numFiles;i++) { fileData[i][0] = files[i].fileName; fileData[i][1] = new Integer(files[i].fileSize); fileData[i][2] = new Integer(files[i].startPage); fileData[i][3] = new Integer(files[i].startPage + ((files[i].fileSize -1)/256)); fileData[i][4] = new Boolean(false); } } /** * Delete a file on the NXT and update the model * * @param fileName the file to delete * @param row the row in the file model * * @throws IOException */ public void delete(String fileName, int row) throws IOException { nxtCommand.delete(fileName); for(int i=row;i<numFiles-1;i++) { fileData[i] = fileData[i+1]; } numFiles--; } /** * Get the number of rows in the model * * @return the number of files in the model */ public int getRowCount() { return numFiles; } /** * Get the number of columns in the mode * * @return the column count */ public int getColumnCount() { return NUM_COLUMNS; } /** * Get the object at the specified location * * @return the object at the specified location */ public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) { return fileData[row][column]; } /** * Set the value of a cell */ public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int column) { fileData[row][column] = value; } /** * Get the name of a column * * @return the column name */ public String getColumnName(int column) { return columnNames[column]; } /** * Get the class of a specific column * * @return the class of the column */ public Class<?> getColumnClass(int column) { return fileData[0][column].getClass(); } /** * Check if a cell is editable * @return true iff the cell is editable */ public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { return (column == 4); } /** * Fetch the files from the NXT * * @return null for success or the error message */ public String fetchFiles() { numFiles = 0; try { files[0] = nxtCommand.findFirstNXJ("*.*"); if (files[0] != null) { numFiles = 1; for(int i=1;i<MAX_FILES;i++) { files[i] = nxtCommand.findNextNXJ(files[i-1].fileHandle); if (files[i] == null) break; else { numFiles++; } } } setData(files,numFiles); return null; } catch (IOException ioe) { return "IOException fetching files"; } } /** * Get the FileInfo object for a specific file * * @param i the row number of the file * @return the FileInfo object */ public FileInfo getFile(int i) { return files[i]; } /** * Return the number of files * * @return the number of files */ public int numFiles() { return numFiles; } }