package lejos.nxt.comm; import*; import lejos.nxt.*; import java.util.*; import lejos.util.Delay; /** * * Implements the Lego Communication Protocol, * with some extensions for lejos NXJ. * */ public class LCP { private static byte[] i2cBuffer = new byte[16]; private static File[] files = null; private static String[] fileNames = null; private static int fileIdx = -1; private static String currentProgram = null; private static File file = null; private static FileOutputStream out = null; private static FileInputStream in = null; private static int numFiles; private static char[] charBuffer = new char[20]; public static Queue[] inBoxes = new Queue[20]; // Command types constants. Indicates type of packet being sent or received. public static byte DIRECT_COMMAND_REPLY = 0x00; public static byte SYSTEM_COMMAND_REPLY = 0x01; public static byte REPLY_COMMAND = 0x02; public static byte DIRECT_COMMAND_NOREPLY = (byte)0x80; // Avoids ~100ms latency public static byte SYSTEM_COMMAND_NOREPLY = (byte)0x81; // Avoids ~100ms latency // Direct Commands public static final byte START_PROGRAM = 0x00; public static final byte STOP_PROGRAM = 0x01; public static final byte PLAY_SOUND_FILE = 0x02; public static final byte PLAY_TONE = 0x03; public static final byte SET_OUTPUT_STATE = 0x04; public static final byte SET_INPUT_MODE = 0x05; public static final byte GET_OUTPUT_STATE = 0x06; public static final byte GET_INPUT_VALUES = 0x07; public static final byte RESET_SCALED_INPUT_VALUE = 0x08; public static final byte MESSAGE_WRITE = 0x09; public static final byte RESET_MOTOR_POSITION = 0x0A; public static final byte GET_BATTERY_LEVEL = 0x0B; public static final byte STOP_SOUND_PLAYBACK = 0x0C; public static final byte KEEP_ALIVE = 0x0D; public static final byte LS_GET_STATUS = 0x0E; public static final byte LS_WRITE = 0x0F; public static final byte LS_READ = 0x10; public static final byte GET_CURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME = 0x11; public static final byte MESSAGE_READ = 0x13; // NXJ additions public static byte NXJ_DISCONNECT = 0x20; public static byte NXJ_DEFRAG = 0x21; // System Commands: public static final byte OPEN_READ = (byte)0x80; public static final byte OPEN_WRITE = (byte)0x81; public static final byte READ = (byte)0x82; public static final byte WRITE = (byte)0x83; public static final byte CLOSE = (byte)0x84; public static final byte DELETE = (byte)0x85; public static final byte FIND_FIRST = (byte)0x86; public static final byte FIND_NEXT = (byte)0x87; public static final byte GET_FIRMWARE_VERSION = (byte)0x88; public static final byte OPEN_WRITE_LINEAR = (byte)0x89; public static final byte OPEN_READ_LINEAR = (byte)0x8A; public static final byte OPEN_WRITE_DATA = (byte)0x8B; public static final byte OPEN_APPEND_DATA = (byte)0x8C; public static final byte BOOT = (byte)0x97; public static final byte SET_BRICK_NAME = (byte)0x98; public static final byte GET_DEVICE_INFO = (byte)0x9B; public static final byte DELETE_USER_FLASH = (byte)0xA0; public static final byte POLL_LENGTH = (byte)0xA1; public static final byte POLL = (byte)0xA2; public static final byte NXJ_FIND_FIRST = (byte)0xB6; public static final byte NXJ_FIND_NEXT = (byte)0xB7; public static final byte NXJ_PACKET_MODE = (byte)0xff; // Error codes public static final byte MAILBOX_EMPTY = (byte)0x40; public static final byte FILE_NOT_FOUND = (byte)0x86; public static final byte INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY = (byte) 0xFB; public static final byte DIRECTORY_FULL = (byte) 0xFC; public static final byte UNDEFINED_ERROR = (byte) 0x8A; public static final byte NOT_IMPLEMENTED = (byte) 0xFD; private LCP() { } /** * Emulates a Lego firmware Direct or System command * @param cmd the buffer containing the command * @param cmdLen the length of the command */ public static int emulateCommand(byte[] cmd, int cmdLen, byte[] reply) { int len = 3; for(int i=0;i<reply.length;i++)reply[i] = 0; reply[0] = REPLY_COMMAND;; reply[1] = cmd[1]; byte cmdId = cmd[1]; // START PROGRAM if (cmdId == START_PROGRAM) { init_files(); currentProgram = getFile(cmd,2); if (fileNames != null) { for(int i=0;i<fileNames.length;i++) { if (currentProgram.equals(fileNames[i])) { files[i].exec(); } } } } // GET CURRENT PROGRAM NAME if (cmdId == GET_CURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME) { if (currentProgram != null) { for(int i=0;i<currentProgram.length() && i < 19;i++) reply[3+i] = (byte) currentProgram.charAt(i); } } // GET BATTERY LEVEL if (cmdId == GET_BATTERY_LEVEL) { setReplyShortInt(Battery.getVoltageMilliVolt(), reply, 3); len = 5; } // PLAY SOUND FILE if (cmdId == PLAY_SOUND_FILE) { init_files(); String soundFile = getFile(cmd,3); File f = new File(soundFile); Sound.playSample(f, 50); } // PLAYTONE if (cmdId == PLAY_TONE) { Sound.playTone(getShortInt(cmd,2), getShortInt(cmd,4)); } // GET FIRMWARE VERSION if (cmdId == GET_FIRMWARE_VERSION) { reply[3] = 2; reply[4] = 1; reply[5] = 3; reply[6] = 1; len = 7; } // GET DEVICE INFO if (cmdId == GET_DEVICE_INFO) { byte []name = Bluetooth.stringToName(Bluetooth.getFriendlyName()); // Note this is very odd. The set commmand allows for 16 characters // but the get command only allows for 15! for(int i=0;i<15;i++) reply[3+i] = name[i]; byte [] address = Bluetooth.stringToAddress(Bluetooth.getLocalAddress()); for(int i=0;i<Bluetooth.ADDRESS_LEN;i++) reply[18+i] = address[i]; setReplyInt(File.freeMemory(),reply,29); len = 33; } // SET BRICK NAME if (cmdId == SET_BRICK_NAME) { byte [] name = new byte[16]; for(int i=0;i<Bluetooth.NAME_LEN;i++) name[i] = cmd[i+2]; Bluetooth.setFriendlyName(Bluetooth.nameToString(name)); len = 4; } // GETOUTPUTSTATE if (cmdId == GET_OUTPUT_STATE) { byte port = cmd[2]; Motor m; if(port == 0) m = Motor.A; else if(port == 1) m = Motor.B; else m = Motor.C; int tacho = m.getTachoCount(); reply[3] = port; reply[4] = (byte)(m.getSpeed() * 100 / 900); // Power // MODE CALCULATION: byte mode = 0; if (m.isMoving()) mode = 0x01; // 0x01 = MOTORON reply[5] = mode; // Only contains isMoving (MOTORON) at moment // REGULATION_MODE CALCULATION: byte regulation_mode = 0; // 0 = idle if (m.isMoving()) mode = 0x01; // 0x01 = MOTOR_SPEED // !! This returns same as run state (below). Whats the diff? reply[6] = regulation_mode; // Regulation mode // TURN RATIO CALC (ignored): byte turn_ratio = 0; // NXJ uses Pilot. Omitting. reply[7] = turn_ratio; // Turn ratio // RUN_STATE CALCULATION: byte run_state = 0; if (m.isMoving()) run_state = 0x20; // 0x20 = RUNNING reply[8] = run_state; // Run state // 9 - 12 = Tacho Limit is currently ignored. // In future, it could get this from Motor if a // rotate() or rotateTo() command is in progress. // TachoCount just returns same as RotationCount: setReplyInt(tacho,reply,13); // !! Ignores BlockTacho // RotationCount: setReplyInt(tacho,reply,21); len = 25; } // GETINPUTVALUES if (cmdId == GET_INPUT_VALUES) { byte port = cmd[2]; int raw = SensorPort.PORTS[port].readRawValue(); int scaled = SensorPort.PORTS[port].readValue(); int norm = 1024 - raw; reply[3] = port; reply[4] = 1; reply[6] = (byte) SensorPort.PORTS[port].getType(); reply[7] = (byte) SensorPort.PORTS[port].getMode(); setReplyShortInt(raw, reply, 8); setReplyShortInt(norm, reply, 10); setReplyShortInt(scaled, reply, 12); len = 16; } // SETINPUTMODE if (cmdId == SET_INPUT_MODE) { byte port = cmd[2]; int sensorType = (cmd[3] & 0xFF); int sensorMode = (cmd[4] & 0xFF); SensorPort.PORTS[port].setTypeAndMode(sensorType, sensorMode); } // SETOUTPUTSTATE if(cmdId == SET_OUTPUT_STATE) { byte motorid = cmd[2]; byte power = cmd[3]; int speed = (Math.abs(power) * 900) / 100; byte mode = cmd[4]; byte regMode = cmd[5]; byte turnRatio = cmd[6]; byte runState = cmd[7]; int tacholimit = getInt(cmd, 8); // Initialize motor: Motor m = null; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { if(motorid == 0 || (motorid < 0 && i == 0)) m = Motor.A; else if (motorid == 1 || (motorid < 0 && i == 1)) m = Motor.B; else if (motorid == 2 || (motorid < 0 && i == 2)) m = Motor.C; m.setSpeed(speed); if(power < 0) tacholimit = -tacholimit; // Check if command is to STOP: if(power == 0) m.stop(); // Check if doing tacho rotation if(tacholimit != 0) m.rotate(tacholimit, true); // Returns immediately if((mode | 0x01) != 0 && power != 0 && tacholimit == 0) { // MOTORON if(power>0) m.forward(); else m.backward(); } if (motorid >= 0) break; } } // RESETMOTORPOSITION if (cmdId == RESET_MOTOR_POSITION) { // Check if boolean value (cmd[3]) is false. If so, // reset TachoCount (i.e. RotationCount in LEGO FW terminology) if(cmd[3] == 0) MotorPort.resetTachoCountById(cmd[2]); } // KEEPALIVE if (cmdId == KEEP_ALIVE) { len = 7; } // LSWRITE if (cmdId == LS_WRITE) { byte port = cmd[2]; byte txLen = cmd[3]; byte rxLen = cmd[4]; SensorPort.i2cEnableById(port, I2CPort.LEGO_MODE); Delay.msDelay(100); for(int i=0;i<txLen-2;i++) { i2cBuffer[i] = cmd[7+i]; } SensorPort.i2cStartById(port, cmd[5] >> 1, cmd[6], 1, i2cBuffer, (rxLen == 0 ? txLen - 2 : rxLen), (rxLen == 0 ? 1 : 0)); while (SensorPort.i2cBusyById(port) != 0) { Thread.yield(); } Delay.msDelay(100); } // LSREAD if (cmdId == LS_READ) { byte port = cmd[2]; int ret = SensorPort.i2cCompleteById(port, i2cBuffer, i2cBuffer.length); reply[3] = (byte) ret; for(int i=0;i<ret;i++) reply[i+4] = i2cBuffer[i]; len = 20; } // LSGETSTATUS if (cmdId == LS_GET_STATUS) { byte port = cmd[2]; reply[3] = (byte) SensorPort.i2cBusyById(port); len = 4; } // OPEN READ if (cmdId == OPEN_READ) { init_files(); file = new File(getFile(cmd,2)); try { in = new FileInputStream(file); int size = (int) file.length(); setReplyInt(size,reply,4); } catch (Exception e) { reply[2] = FILE_NOT_FOUND; } len = 8; } // OPEN WRITE if (cmdId == OPEN_WRITE) { int size = getInt(cmd, 22); init_files(); // If insufficient flash memory, report an error if (size > File.freeMemory()) { reply[2] = INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; } else { try { file = new File(getFile(cmd,2)); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); numFiles--; } file.createNewFile(); fileNames = new String[++numFiles]; for(int j=0;j<numFiles;j++) fileNames[j] = files[j].getName(); out = new FileOutputStream(file); } catch (Exception e) { files = null; File.reset(); // force read from file table init_files(); reply[2] = DIRECTORY_FULL; } } len = 4; } // OPEN WRITE LINEAR if (cmdId == OPEN_WRITE_LINEAR) { reply[2] = NOT_IMPLEMENTED; len = 4; } // OPEN WRITE DATA if (cmdId == OPEN_WRITE_DATA) { reply[2] = NOT_IMPLEMENTED; len = 4; } // OPEN APPEND DATA if (cmdId == OPEN_APPEND_DATA) { reply[2] = FILE_NOT_FOUND; len = 8; } // DEFRAG if (cmdId == NXJ_DEFRAG) { try { File.defrag(); }catch (IOException ioe) {} } // FIND FIRST if (cmdId == FIND_FIRST || cmdId == NXJ_FIND_FIRST) { init_files(); if (cmdId == FIND_FIRST) len = 28; else len = 32; if (numFiles == 0) { reply[2] = FILE_NOT_FOUND; } else { for(int i=0;i<fileNames[0].length();i++) reply[4+i] = (byte) fileNames[0].charAt(i); fileIdx = 1; int size = (int) files[0].length(); setReplyInt(size,reply,24); if (cmdId == NXJ_FIND_FIRST) { int startPage = files[0].getPage(); setReplyInt(startPage,reply,28); } } } // FIND NEXT if (cmdId == FIND_NEXT || cmdId == NXJ_FIND_NEXT) { if (cmdId == FIND_NEXT) len = 28; else len = 32; if (fileNames == null || fileIdx >= fileNames.length) reply[2] = FILE_NOT_FOUND; else { for(int i=0;i<fileNames[fileIdx].length();i++) reply[4+i] = (byte) fileNames[fileIdx].charAt(i); int size = (int) files[fileIdx].length(); setReplyInt(size,reply,24); if (cmdId == NXJ_FIND_NEXT) { int startPage = files[fileIdx].getPage(); setReplyInt(startPage,reply,28); } fileIdx++; } } // READ if (cmdId == READ) { int numBytes = getShortInt(cmd,3); int bytesRead = 0; try { bytesRead =, 6, numBytes); setReplyShortInt(bytesRead, reply, 4); } catch (IOException ioe) { reply[2] = UNDEFINED_ERROR; } len = bytesRead + 6; } // WRITE if (cmdId == WRITE) { int dataLen = cmdLen - 3; try { out.write(cmd,3,dataLen); setReplyShortInt(dataLen, reply, 4); } catch (Exception ioe) { reply[2] = UNDEFINED_ERROR; } len = 6; } // DELETE if (cmdId == DELETE) { boolean deleted = false; len = 23; String fileName = getFile(cmd,2); if (fileNames != null) { for(int i=0;i<fileNames.length;i++) { if (fileName.equals(fileNames[i])) { files[i].delete(); for(int j=0;j<fileName.length();j++) reply[j+3] = (byte) fileName.charAt(i); deleted = true; fileNames = new String[--numFiles]; for(int j=0;j<numFiles;j++) fileNames[j] = files[j].getName(); break; } } } if (!deleted) reply[2] = FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // CLOSE if (cmdId == CLOSE) { if (out != null) { try { out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (Exception ioe) { reply[2] = UNDEFINED_ERROR; } out = null; } len = 4; } // MESSAGE READ if (cmdId == MESSAGE_READ) { Queue inBox = inBoxes[cmd[2]]; reply[3] = cmd[3]; if (inBox == null || inBox.empty()) { reply[2] = MAILBOX_EMPTY; } else { String msg = (String) (cmd[4] == 0 ? inBox.peek() : inBox.pop()); int msgLen = msg.length(); reply[4] = (byte) (msgLen > 58 ? 58 : msgLen); for(int i=0;i<58 && i<msgLen;i++) { reply[5+i] = (byte) msg.charAt(i); } } len = 64; } // DELETE USE FLASH if (cmdId == DELETE_USER_FLASH) { File.format(); files = null; numFiles = 0; } return len; } public static void messageWrite(int mailbox, String msg) { if (mailbox < inBoxes.length) { if (inBoxes[mailbox] == null) inBoxes[mailbox] = new Queue(); inBoxes[mailbox].push(msg); } } private static int getShortInt(byte [] cmd, int i) { return (cmd[i] & 0xFF) + ((cmd[i+1] & 0xFF) << 8); } private static int getInt(byte [] cmd, int i) { return (cmd[i] & 0xFF) + ((cmd[i+1] & 0xFF) << 8) + ((cmd[i+2] & 0xFF) << 16) + ((cmd[i+3] & 0xFF) << 24); } private static byte getLSB(int i) { return (byte) (i & 0xFF); } private static byte getMSB(int i) { return (byte) ((i >> 8) & 0xFF); } private static byte getMSB1(int i) { return (byte) ((i >> 16) & 0xFF); } private static byte getMSB2(int i) { return (byte) ((i >> 24) & 0xFF); } private static void setReplyInt(int n, byte [] reply, int start) { reply[start] = getLSB(n); reply[start+1] = getMSB(n); reply[start+2] = getMSB1(n); reply[start+3] = getMSB2(n); } private static void setReplyShortInt(int n, byte [] reply, int start) { reply[start] = getLSB(n); reply[start+1] = getMSB(n); } private static void init_files() { if (files == null) { files = File.listFiles(); numFiles = 0; for(int i=0;i<files.length && files[i] != null;i++) numFiles++; fileNames = new String[numFiles]; for(int i=0;i<numFiles;i++) fileNames[i] = files[i].getName(); } } private static String getFile(byte [] cmd,int start) { int filenameLength = 0; for(int i=0;i<20 && cmd[i+start] != 0;i++) filenameLength++; for(int i=0;i<filenameLength;i++) charBuffer[i] = (char) cmd[i+start]; return new String(charBuffer,0,filenameLength); } }