package lejos.addon.gps; import java.util.EventListener; import javax.microedition.location.Coordinates; /** * This is the interface to manage events with GPS * * @author Juan Antonio Brenha Moral * */ public interface GPSListener extends EventListener{ // TODO: Probably just one sentenceReceived() method, with NMEA sentence. // Compare GGASentence.HEADER with the NMEASentence.getHeader() using .equals; /** * Called whenever a new NMEA sentence is produced by the GPS receiver. * To identify the type of NMEA sentence received, use NMEASentence.getHeader(). * Then cast the sentence into the appropriate type. e.g. (GGASentence)sen */ public void sentenceReceived(NMEASentence sen); /* public void ggaSentenceReceived (GPS gpsReceiver, GGASentence ggaSentence); public void rmcSentenceReceived (GPS gpsReceiver, RMCSentence rmcSentence); public void vtgSentenceReceived (GPS gpsReceiver, VTGSentence vtgSentence); public void gsvSentenceReceived (GPS gpsReceiver, GSVSentence gsvSentence); public void gsaSentenceReceived (GPS gpsReceiver, GSASentence gsagSentence); */ }