package lejos.nxt.comm; /** * Standard interface to connect/wait for a connection. * @author andy */ public abstract class NXTCommConnector { /** * Open a connection to the specified name/address using the given I/O mode * @param target The name or address of the device/host to connect to. * @param mode The I/O mode to use for this connection * @return A NXTConnection object for the new connection or null if error. */ public abstract NXTConnection connect(String target, int mode); /** * Wait for an incomming connection, or for the request to timeout. * @param timeout Time in ms to wait for the connection to be made * @param mode I/O mode to be used for the accpeted connection. * @return A NXTConnection object for the new connection or null if error. */ public abstract NXTConnection waitForConnection(int timeout, int mode); }