package lejos.nxt.comm; import lejos.nxt.*; import*; import lejos.util.Delay; /** * This class provides a simple way of sending output for viewing on a * PC. The output is transmitted via the nxt USB connection or via Bluetooth. * If open is not called or if the connection to the PC is timed out, then * the output is discarded. */ public class RConsole extends Thread{ static PrintStream ps; static NXTConnection conn; static RConsole lcdThread; private RConsole() { } private static void init(NXTConnection c) { if (c == null) { LCD.drawString("No connection ", 0, 0); return; } conn = c; try { LCD.drawString("Got connection ", 0, 0); byte [] hello = new byte[32]; int len =, hello.length); if (len != 3 || hello[0] != 'C' || hello[1] != 'O' || (hello[2] != 'N' && hello[2] != 'O')) { LCD.drawString("Console no h/s ", 0, 0); conn.close(); return; } LCD.drawString("Console open ", 0, 0); if (conn == null) return; ps = new PrintStream(conn.openOutputStream()); LCD.refresh(); println("Console open"); if (hello[2] == 'O') { lcdThread = new RConsole(); lcdThread.setDaemon(true); lcdThread.start(); } } catch (Exception e) { LCD.drawString("Console error " + e.getMessage(), 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); } } public static void openUSB(int timeout) { LCD.drawString("USB Console... ", 0, 0); init(USB.waitForConnection(timeout, 0)); } public static void open() { openUSB(0); } public static void openBluetooth(int timeout) { LCD.drawString("BT Console... ", 0, 0); init(Bluetooth.waitForConnection(timeout, NXTConnection.PACKET, null)); } public static void print(String s) { if (ps == null) return; synchronized (ps){ ps.print(s); ps.flush(); } } public static void println(String s) { if (ps == null) return; synchronized(ps){ ps.println(s); } } public static void close() { if (conn == null) return; synchronized(ps) { try { println("Console closed"); conn.close(); LCD.drawString("Console closed ", 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); Delay.msDelay(2000); ps = null; conn = null; } catch (Exception e) { } } } public static boolean isOpen() { return (ps != null); } public static OutputStream openOutputStream() { return (conn != null ? conn.openOutputStream() : null); } public void run() { OutputStream os = openOutputStream(); while(ps != null) { synchronized(ps) { try { os.write((byte)0xff); os.write(LCD.getDisplay()); os.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { break; } } Delay.msDelay(20); } } }