package js.tinyvm; import; import; import; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.CodeException; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantClass; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass; public class ExceptionRecord implements WritableData { CodeException iExcep; ClassRecord iClassRecord; Binary iBinary; public ExceptionRecord (CodeException aExcep, Binary aBinary, JavaClass aCF) throws Exception { iExcep = aExcep; int pCPIndex = aExcep.getCatchType(); if (pCPIndex == 0) { // An index of 0 means ANY. iClassRecord = aBinary.getClassRecord("java/lang/Throwable"); } else { ConstantClass pCls = (ConstantClass) aCF.getConstantPool() .getConstant(pCPIndex); String pName = pCls.getBytes(aCF.getConstantPool()); iClassRecord = aBinary.getClassRecord(pName); } if (iClassRecord == null) { throw new TinyVMException("Exception not found: " + iExcep); } // Probably don't need to do this but it is probably best to be safe... iClassRecord.markUsed(); iBinary = aBinary; } public int getLength () { return IOUtilities.adjustedSize(2 + // start 2 + // end 2 + // handler 1, // class index 2); } public void dump (IByteWriter aOut) throws TinyVMException { int pStart = iExcep.getStartPC(); int pEnd = iExcep.getEndPC(); int pHandler = iExcep.getHandlerPC(); int pClass = iBinary.getClassIndex(iClassRecord); if (pStart > TinyVMConstants.MAX_CODE || pEnd > TinyVMConstants.MAX_CODE || pHandler > TinyVMConstants.MAX_CODE) { throw new TinyVMException("Exception handler with huge PCs"); } if (pClass < 0) { throw new TinyVMException("Exception class record missing"); } //System.out.println("Sart " + pStart + " end " + pEnd + " class " + pClass + " Handler " + pHandler); try { aOut.writeU2(pStart); aOut.writeU2(pEnd); aOut.writeU2(pHandler); aOut.writeU1(pClass); IOUtilities.writePadding(aOut, 2); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TinyVMException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public boolean equals (Object aOther) { if (!(aOther instanceof ExceptionRecord)) return false; return ((ExceptionRecord) aOther).iExcep.equals(iExcep); } public int hashCode () { return iExcep.hashCode(); } }