package js.tinyvm; import; import; import; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Constant; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantPool; public class ConstantRecord implements WritableData { Binary iBinary; /** * Constant. */ Constant _constant; /** * Deferenced value. */ ConstantValue _constantValue; boolean isUsed = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param pool constant pool * @param constant constant * @param aBinary */ public ConstantRecord (ConstantPool pool, Constant constant, Binary aBinary) { iBinary = aBinary; _constantValue = new ConstantValue(pool, constant, iBinary); } public ConstantRecord (ClassRecord crec, Binary aBinary) { iBinary = aBinary; _constantValue = new ConstantValue(crec, aBinary); } /** * Get dereferenced value. */ public ConstantValue constantValue () { assert _constantValue != null: "Postconditon: result != null"; return _constantValue; } /** * Equals based on equality of referenced value. */ public boolean equals (Object object) { return object instanceof ConstantRecord && _constantValue.value().equals( ((ConstantRecord) object)._constantValue.value()); } /** * hashCode based on referenced value. */ public int hashCode () { return _constantValue.value().hashCode(); } /** * Get length of this record. */ public int getLength () { return IOUtilities.adjustedSize(2 + // offset 1 + // type 1, // size 2); } /** * Dump. * * @param writer byte writer */ public void dump (IByteWriter writer) throws TinyVMException { assert writer != null: "Precondition: writer != null"; try { writer.writeU2(_constantValue.getOffset()); writer.writeU1(_constantValue.getType().type()); writer.writeU1(_constantValue.getLength()); IOUtilities.writePadding(writer, 2); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TinyVMException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public void markUsed() { isUsed = true; _constantValue.markUsed(); } public boolean used() { return isUsed; } }