package; /** * This is a minimal implementation of BufferedWriter. * Normally BufferedWriter extends the abstract class Writer. * The main reason for NXJ including this is to allow the new-line * character in text. * NOTE: Text writing is not synchronized either like standard Java. * * @author BB * */ public class BufferedOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE = 64; private static final int MIN_BUFFERSIZE = 1; private final byte[] buffer; private int limit; /** * In the standard Java API the constructor accepts a Writer * object, such as OutputStreamWriter. * @param out */ public BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out) { this(out, DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE); } public BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out, int size) { super(out); if (size < MIN_BUFFERSIZE) size = MIN_BUFFERSIZE; this.buffer = new byte[size]; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { this.flushAny(); } finally { this.out.close(); } } private void flushAny() throws IOException { if (this.limit > 0) { this.out.write(this.buffer, 0, this.limit); this.limit = 0; } } private int flushFull() throws IOException { if (this.limit >= this.buffer.length) { this.out.write(this.buffer, 0, this.limit); this.limit = 0; } return this.buffer.length - this.limit; } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { this.flushAny(); this.out.flush(); } @Override public void write(int c) throws IOException { this.flushFull(); this.buffer[this.limit++] = (byte)c; } @Override public void write(byte[] c, int off, int len) throws IOException { while (len > 0) { int plen = this.flushFull(); if (plen > len) plen = len; System.arraycopy(c, off, this.buffer, this.limit, plen); len -= plen; off += plen; this.limit += plen; } } }