package java.lang; import java.util.Random; /** * Mathematical functions. * * @author <a href="">Brian Bagnall</a> */ public final class Math { // Math constants public static final double E = 2.71828182845904523536028747135; public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338328; static final double LN2 = 0.693147180559945309417232121458; static final double LN10 = 2.30258509299404568401799145468; private static final double SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880168872421; private static final double LN_SQRT2 = 0.346573590279972654708616060729; private static final double INV_LN2 = 1.44269504088896340735992468100; private static final double INV_SQRT2 = 0.707106781186547524400844362105; private static final double PIhalf = PI * 0.5; private static final double PIhalfhalf = PI * 0.25; private static final double PItwice = PI * 2.0; private static final double SQRT2half = SQRT2 * 0.5; private static final double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.0174532925199432957692369076849; private static final double RAD_TO_DEG = 57.2957795130823208767981548141; // dividing by 2 for some kind of safety margin private static final float ROUND_FLOAT_MAX = Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 1; private static final float ROUND_FLOAT_MIN = -ROUND_FLOAT_MAX; // dividing by 2 for some kind of safety margin private static final double ROUND_DOUBLE_MAX = Long.MAX_VALUE >> 1; private static final double ROUND_DOUBLE_MIN = -ROUND_DOUBLE_MAX; // Used to generate random numbers. private static Random RAND = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); // public static boolean isNaN (double d) { // return d != d; // } private Math() { // private constructor to make sure this class is not instantiated } /*========================= abs functions =========================*/ /** * Returns the absolute value of a double value. If the argument is not * negative, the argument is returned. If the argument is negative, the * negation of the argument is returned. */ public static double abs(double a) { // according to return ((a <= 0.0) ? 0.0 - a : a); } /** * Returns the absolute value of a float value. If the argument is not * negative, the argument is returned. If the argument is negative, the * negation of the argument is returned. */ public static float abs(float a) { // according to return ((a <= 0.0f) ? 0.0f - a : a); } /** * Returns the absolute value of a long value. If the argument is not * negative, the argument is returned. If the argument is negative, the * negation of the argument is returned. * Note that the return value of abs(Long.MIN_VALUE) is Long.MIN_VALUE. */ public static long abs(long a) { return ((a < 0) ? -a : a); } /** * Returns the absolute value of an integer value. If the argument is not * negative, the argument is returned. If the argument is negative, the * negation of the argument is returned. * Note that the return value of abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) is Integer.MIN_VALUE. */ public static int abs(int a) { return ((a < 0) ? -a : a); } /*========================= signum functions =========================*/ /** * Returns -1, 1 or 0 depending on the sign of f. */ public static float signum(float f) { if (f == 0) return f; // preserve -0.0 and 0.0 if (f > 0) return 1; if (f < 0) return -1; return Float.NaN; } /** * Returns -1, 1 or 0 depending on the sign of f. */ public static double signum(double d) { if (d == 0) return d; // preserve -0.0 and 0.0 if (d > 0) return 1; if (d < 0) return -1; return Double.NaN; } /*========================= min/max functions =========================*/ /** * Returns the lesser of two integer values. */ public static int min(int a, int b) { return ((a < b) ? a : b); } /** * Returns the lesser of two long values. */ public static long min(long a, long b) { return ((a < b) ? a : b); } /** * Returns the lesser of two float values. */ public static float min(float a, float b) { return ((a < b) ? a : b); } /** * Returns the lesser of two double values. */ public static double min(double a, double b) { return ((a < b) ? a : b); } /** * Returns the greater of two integer values. */ public static int max(int a, int b) { return ((a > b) ? a : b); } /** * Returns the greater of two long values. */ public static long max(long a, long b) { return ((a > b) ? a : b); } /** * Returns the greater of two float values. */ public static float max(float a, float b) { return ((a > b) ? a : b); } /** * Returns the greater of two double values. */ public static double max(double a, double b) { return ((a > b) ? a : b); } /*========================= rounding functions =========================*/ /** * Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is * not greater than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer. */ public static double floor(double a) { // no rounding required if (a < ROUND_DOUBLE_MIN || a > ROUND_DOUBLE_MAX) return a; long b = (long) a; double bd = b; // if positive, just strip decimal places if (b >= 0) return bd; // if numbers are equal, there were no decimal places if (bd == a) return bd; // round down since a must have had some decimal places return bd - 1; } /** * Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is * not less than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer. */ public static double ceil(double a) { // no rounding required if (a < ROUND_DOUBLE_MIN || a > ROUND_DOUBLE_MAX) return a; long b = (long) a; double bd = b; // if negative, just strip decimal places if (b <= 0) return bd; // if numbers are equal, there were no decimal places if (bd == a) return bd; // round up since a must have had some decimal places return bd + 1; } /** * Returns the closest int to the argument. */ public static int round(float a) { // no rounding required if (a < ROUND_FLOAT_MIN || a > ROUND_FLOAT_MAX) return (int) a; return (int) Math.floor(a + 0.5); } /** * Returns the closest long to the argument. */ public static long round(double a) { return (long) Math.floor(a + 0.5); } /** * Returns the closest mathematical integer to the argument. */ public static double rint(double a) { // no rounding required if (a < ROUND_DOUBLE_MIN || a > ROUND_DOUBLE_MAX) return a; if (a < 0) return (long) (a - 0.5); return (long) (a + 0.5); } /*========================= random functions =========================*/ /** * Random number generator. Returns a double greater than or equal to zero and less than one. */ public static synchronized double random() { int n = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Just to ensure it does not return 1.0 while (n == Integer.MAX_VALUE) n = abs(RAND.nextInt()); return n * (1.0 / Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /*========================= arithmetic functions =========================*/ /** * Computes square-root of x. */ public static double sqrt(double x) { // @author Sven Köhler // also catches NaN if (!(x > 0)) return (x == 0) ? x : Double.NaN; if (x == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return x; // modify values to avoid workaround subnormal values double factor; if (x >= Double.MIN_NORMAL) factor = 0.5; else { x *= 0x1p64; factor = 0x1p-33; } // magic constant function for good approximation of 1/sqrt(x) // according to // also look at double isqrt = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x5fe6ec85e7de30daL - (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x) >> 1)); // 3 newton steps for 1/sqrt(x) double xhalf = 0.5 * x; isqrt = isqrt * (1.5 - xhalf * isqrt * isqrt); isqrt = isqrt * (1.5 - xhalf * isqrt * isqrt); isqrt = isqrt * (1.5 - xhalf * isqrt * isqrt); // 1 newton step for sqrt(x) return factor * (x * isqrt + 1.0 / isqrt); } /*========================= exp/log/pow functions =========================*/ // Coefficients of Remez[11,0] approximation of exp(x) for x=0..ln(2) private static final double COEFF_EXP_00 = 0.999999999999999996945413312322; private static final double COEFF_EXP_01 = 1.00000000000000133475235568738; private static final double COEFF_EXP_02 = 0.499999999999904260125463328703; private static final double COEFF_EXP_03 = 0.166666666669337812408704211755; private static final double COEFF_EXP_04 = 0.416666666283889843730385141088e-1; private static final double COEFF_EXP_05 = 0.833333365529436919373436515228e-2; private static final double COEFF_EXP_06 = 0.138888718050843901239114642134e-2; private static final double COEFF_EXP_07 = 0.198418635994059844531320564776e-3; private static final double COEFF_EXP_08 = 0.247878999398272729584741635853e-4; private static final double COEFF_EXP_09 = 0.277640957428419777962278449310e-5; private static final double COEFF_EXP_10 = 0.256024855062292883779591833098e-6; private static final double COEFF_EXP_11 = 0.353472834562099171303604425909e-7; // Coefficients of the zeta-series of ln(x) private static double COEFF_LOG_01 = 2.0; private static double COEFF_LOG_03 = 0.666666666666666666666666666667; private static double COEFF_LOG_05 = 0.4; private static double COEFF_LOG_07 = 0.285714285714285714285714285714; private static double COEFF_LOG_09 = 0.222222222222222222222222222222; private static double COEFF_LOG_11 = 0.181818181818181818181818181818; private static double COEFF_LOG_13 = 0.153846153846153846153846153846; private static double COEFF_LOG_15 = 0.133333333333333333333333333333; private static double COEFF_LOG_17 = 0.117647058823529411764705882353; private static double COEFF_LOG_19 = 0.105263157894736842105263157895; /** * Exponential function. * Returns E^x (where E is the base of natural logarithms). */ public static double exp(double x) { // also catches NaN if (!(x > -750)) return (x < 0) ? 0 : Double.NaN; if (x > 710) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int k = (int)(x * INV_LN2); if (x < 0) k--; x -= k * LN2; double f1 = COEFF_EXP_00+(COEFF_EXP_01+(COEFF_EXP_02+(COEFF_EXP_03+(COEFF_EXP_04+(COEFF_EXP_05+(COEFF_EXP_06+(COEFF_EXP_07+(COEFF_EXP_08+(COEFF_EXP_09+(COEFF_EXP_10+(COEFF_EXP_11)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x; if (k > 1000) { k -= 1000; f1 *= 0x1p+1000; } else if (k < -1000) { k += 1000; f1 *= 0x1p-1000; } double f2 = Double.longBitsToDouble((long)(k + 1023) << 52); return f1 * f2; } /** * Natural log function. Returns log(x) to base E. */ public static double log(double x) { // also catches NaN if (!(x > 0)) return (x == 0) ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.NaN; if (x == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // Algorithm has been derived from the one given at // int m; if (x >= Double.MIN_NORMAL) m = -1023; else { m = -1023-64; x *= 0x1p64; } //extract mantissa and reset exponent long bits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x); m = (m + (int)(bits >>> 52)) << 1; bits = (bits & 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 0x3FF0000000000000L; x = Double.longBitsToDouble(bits); if (x > SQRT2) { m++; x *= INV_SQRT2; } double zeta = (x - 1.0) / (x + 1.0); double zeta2 = zeta * zeta; //known ranges: // 1 <= $x < 1.41 // 0 <= $zeta < 0.172 // 0 <= $zeta2 < 0.0194 double r = (COEFF_LOG_01+(COEFF_LOG_03+(COEFF_LOG_05+(COEFF_LOG_07+(COEFF_LOG_09+(COEFF_LOG_11+(COEFF_LOG_13+(COEFF_LOG_15+(COEFF_LOG_17+(COEFF_LOG_19)*zeta2)*zeta2)*zeta2)*zeta2)*zeta2)*zeta2)*zeta2)*zeta2)*zeta2)*zeta; return m * LN_SQRT2 + r; } /** * Power function. This is a slow but accurate method. */ public static double pow(double a, double b) { return exp(b * log(a)); } /*========================= trigonometric functions =========================*/ /** * Converts radians to degrees. */ public static double toDegrees(double angrad) { return angrad * RAD_TO_DEG; } /** * Converts degrees to radians. */ public static double toRadians(double angdeg) { return angdeg * DEG_TO_RAD; } // Coefficients of Chebychev-Pade approximation of sin(x) private static final double COEFF_SIN_01 = +0.9999999999999999764211612009725588855111; private static final double COEFF_SIN_03 = -0.1666666666666652393535348747726998605241; private static final double COEFF_SIN_05 = +0.8333333333308337379310370484936396053884e-2; private static final double COEFF_SIN_07 = -0.1984126982196706774095496759095037380412e-3; private static final double COEFF_SIN_09 = +0.2755731157077441238598803505081829543534e-5; private static final double COEFF_SIN_11 = -0.2505048281275841971620868327213456590143e-7; private static final double COEFF_SIN_13 = +0.1588305691336997706018324915122156575682e-9; // Coefficients of Chebychev-Pade approximation of cos(x) private static final double COEFF_COS_00 = +0.9999999999999999999696857335603386685305; private static final double COEFF_COS_02 = -0.4999999999999999937087712052995206607828; private static final double COEFF_COS_04 = +0.4166666666666645245167779123297511727281e-1; private static final double COEFF_COS_06 = -0.1388888888886110072336550416638513155394e-2; private static final double COEFF_COS_08 = +0.2480158728388399090193789866235476908122e-4; private static final double COEFF_COS_10 = -0.2755731309846481722283180474149312600794e-6; private static final double COEFF_COS_12 = +0.2087558246021268894742907499544843726236e-8; private static final double COEFF_COS_14 = -0.1135338332274935375664837177431026057261e-10; // Coefficients of Chebychev-Pade approximation of tan(x) private static final double COEFF_TAN_A01 = +1.163208406359175145039529270641357908653; private static final double COEFF_TAN_A03 = -0.1551562294271971874673845256091948727104; private static final double COEFF_TAN_A05 = +0.3984273522258578489458762347483930831238e-2; private static final double COEFF_TAN_A07 = -0.2078385281638820833414798468958567962456e-4; private static final double COEFF_TAN_B00 = +1.163208406359175145145702168450150748988; private static final double COEFF_TAN_B02 = -0.5428923648802555771443974019753420196884; private static final double COEFF_TAN_B04 = +0.2985394096778725847225000070352932045180e-1; private static final double COEFF_TAN_B06 = -0.3627755504463478978823711298374056529721e-3; private static final double COEFF_TAN_B08 = +0.5798383713759288762215813642061562265476e-6; /** * Should only be called for values 0 <= x <= Pi/4. */ private static double sin_chebypade(double x) { // works for values -Pi/4 <= x <= Pi/4 double x2 = x * x; return (COEFF_SIN_01+(COEFF_SIN_03+(COEFF_SIN_05+(COEFF_SIN_07+(COEFF_SIN_09+(COEFF_SIN_11+(COEFF_SIN_13)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x; } /** * Should only be called for values 0 <= x <= Pi/4. */ private static double cos_chebypade(double x) { // worls for values -Pi/4 <= x <= Pi/4 double x2 = x * x; return (COEFF_COS_00+(COEFF_COS_02+(COEFF_COS_04+(COEFF_COS_06+(COEFF_COS_08+(COEFF_COS_10+(COEFF_COS_12+(COEFF_COS_14)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2); } /** * Sine function. */ public static double sin(double x) { int neg = 0; //reduce to interval [-2PI, +2PI] x = x % PItwice; //reduce to interval [0, 2PI] if (x < 0) { neg++; x = -x; } //reduce to interval [0, PI] if (x > PI) { neg++; x -= PI; } //reduce to interval [0, PI/2] if (x > PIhalf) x = PI - x; double y; if (x < PIhalfhalf) y = sin_chebypade(x); else y = cos_chebypade(PIhalf - x); return ((neg & 1) == 0) ? y : -y; } /** * Cosine function. */ public static double cos(double x) { int neg = 0; //reduce to interval [-2PI, +2PI] x = x % PItwice; //reduce to interval [0, 2PI] if (x < 0) x = -x; //reduce to interval [0, PI] if (x > PI) { neg++; x -= PI; } //reduce to interval [0, PI/2] if (x > PIhalf) { neg++; x = PI - x; } double y; if (x < PIhalfhalf) y = cos_chebypade(x); else y = sin_chebypade(PIhalf - x); return ((neg & 1) == 0) ? y : -y; } /** * Tangent function. */ public static double tan(double x) { int neg = 0; //reduce to interval [-PI, +PI] x = x % PI; //reduce to interval [0, PI] if (x < 0) { neg++; x = -x; } //reduce to interval [0, PI/2] if (x > PIhalf) { neg++; x = PI - x; } boolean inv = x > PIhalfhalf; if (inv) x = PIhalf - x; double x2 = x * x; double a = (COEFF_TAN_A01+(COEFF_TAN_A03+(COEFF_TAN_A05+(COEFF_TAN_A07)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x; double b = COEFF_TAN_B00+(COEFF_TAN_B02+(COEFF_TAN_B04+(COEFF_TAN_B06+(COEFF_TAN_B08)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2; double y = inv ? b/a : a/b; return ((neg & 1) == 0) ? y : -y; } /*==================== inverse trigonometric functions ====================*/ // Coefficients of Chebychev-Pade approximation of arctan(x) private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_A01 = 0.2148098238644807400980437313900874209791; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_A03 = 0.5822336291803317384927877022348417466425; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_A05 = 0.5896935461740917629331074424217383345014; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_A07 = 0.2762961405471209283480112104060944192893; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_A09 = 0.5998846249230414236694406199010243461828e-1; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_A11 = 0.5241080670594091071923751216579670668131e-2; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_A13 = 0.1203082209336721192361545554523165190249e-3; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_B00 = 0.2148098238644807424616443165027883378015; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_B02 = 0.6538369038018249190889077431869506291436; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_B04 = 0.7646772160018242189018026280068075002980; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_B06 = 0.4311082828151354005327854170265085211728; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_B08 = 0.1202932940016257879182979096874373869694; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_B10 = 0.1523641193862141984750802100415527660067e-1; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_B12 = 0.6791021403500245109987506932563112475291e-3; private static final double COEFF_ARCTAN_B14 = 0.4538215780227674758812916817748843935591e-5; /** * Should only be called for values 0 <= x <= 1. */ private static double arctan_chebypade(double x) { // works for values -1 <= x <= 1 double x2 = x * x; return (COEFF_ARCTAN_A01+(COEFF_ARCTAN_A03+(COEFF_ARCTAN_A05+(COEFF_ARCTAN_A07+(COEFF_ARCTAN_A09+(COEFF_ARCTAN_A11+(COEFF_ARCTAN_A13)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x / (COEFF_ARCTAN_B00+(COEFF_ARCTAN_B02+(COEFF_ARCTAN_B04+(COEFF_ARCTAN_B06+(COEFF_ARCTAN_B08+(COEFF_ARCTAN_B10+(COEFF_ARCTAN_B12+(COEFF_ARCTAN_B14)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2); } /** * The inverse tangent function. */ public static double atan(double x) { boolean neg = x < 0; if (neg) x = -x; boolean inv = x > 1; if (inv) x = 1.0 / x; double y = arctan_chebypade(x); if (inv) y = PIhalf - y; return neg ? -y : y; } /** * The inverse tangent function. This function converts the coordinates x and y to an angle in the range -Pi to Pi. * The angle is relative to the positive x axis, counter clockwise. */ public static double atan2(double y, double x) { boolean neg_y = y < 0; if (neg_y) y = -y; boolean neg_x = x < 0; if (neg_x) x = -x; double r; boolean inv; if (x == y) { inv = false; r = (x==0) ? 0.0 : PIhalfhalf; } else { inv = y > x; r = arctan_chebypade(inv ? x/y : y/x); } if (inv) if (neg_x) r += PIhalf; else r = PIhalf - r; else if (neg_x) r = PI - r; return neg_y ? -r : r; } /** * Inverse sine function. */ public static double asin(double a) { boolean neg = a < 0; if (neg) a = -a; //also catches NaN if (!(a <= 1.0)) return Double.NaN; double b = Math.sqrt(1.0 - a * a); boolean norm = a < SQRT2half; double y = arctan_chebypade(norm ? a/b : b/a); if (!norm) y = PIhalf - y; return neg ? -y : y; } /** * Inverse cosine function. */ public static double acos(double a) { boolean neg = a < 0; if (neg) a = -a; //also catches NaN if (!(a <= 1.0)) return Double.NaN; double b = Math.sqrt(1.0 - a * a); boolean norm = a < SQRT2half; double y = arctan_chebypade(norm ? a/b : b/a); if (norm) if (neg) y += PIhalf; else y = PIhalf - y; else if (neg) y = PI - y; return y; } }