package lejos.nxt.comm; import*; /** * Extends InputStream for BlueTooth; implements available() * @author Roger Glassey revised on june 23, 2007, modified for Bluetooth2 */ public class NXTInputStream extends InputStream { private byte buf[]; private int bufIdx = 0, bufSize = 0; private NXTConnection conn = null; NXTInputStream(NXTConnection conn, int buffSize) { this.conn = conn; buf = new byte[buffSize]; } /** * Returns one byte as an integer between 0 and 255. * Returns -1 if the end of the stream is reached. * Does not return till some bytes are available. */ public int read() throws IOException { if (bufIdx >= bufSize) bufSize = 0; if (bufSize <= 0) { bufSize =, buf.length); if (bufSize < -1) throw new IOException(); if (bufSize <= 0) return -1; bufIdx = 0; } return buf[bufIdx++] & 0xFF; } /** * returns the number of bytes in the input buffer - can be read without blocking */ public int available() throws IOException { if (bufIdx >= bufSize) bufSize = 0; if (bufSize == 0) { bufIdx = 0; bufSize =, buf.length, false); if (bufSize < -1) throw new IOException(); if (bufSize < 0) bufSize = 0; } return bufSize - bufIdx; } /** * the stream is restored to its original state - ready to receive more data. */ public void close() { bufIdx = 0; bufSize = 0; } }