package; import lejos.pc.comm.*; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; /** * A table model for PC GUI programs. * This is used by NXJBrowser and NXJMonitor to allow the user to choose * which NXT to connect to. * * @author Lawrie Griffiths * */ public class NXTConnectionModel extends AbstractTableModel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3540880662561527501L; private static final String[] columnNames = {"Name","Protocol", "Address","Status"}; private static final int NUM_COLUMNS = 4; private Object[][] nxtData; private int numNXTs; /** * Create the model from an array of NXTInfo. * * @param nxts the NXTInfo array * @param numNXTs the number of NXTs in the array */ public NXTConnectionModel(NXTInfo[] nxts, int numNXTs) { setData(nxts, numNXTs); } /** * Update the data in the model. * * @param nxts the NXTInfo array * @param numNXTs the number of NXTs */ public void setData(NXTInfo[] nxts, int numNXTs) { this.numNXTs = numNXTs; nxtData = new Object[numNXTs][NUM_COLUMNS]; for(int i=0;i<numNXTs;i++) { nxtData[i][0] = nxts[i].name; nxtData[i][1] = (nxts[i].protocol == NXTCommFactory.USB ? "USB" : "Bluetooth"); nxtData[i][2] = (nxts[i].deviceAddress == null ? "" : nxts[i].deviceAddress); nxtData[i][3] = NXTConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; } } public void setConnected(int row, NXTConnectionState state) { nxtData[row][3] = state; } /** * Return the number of rows * @return the number of rows */ public int getRowCount() { return numNXTs; } /** * Return the number of columns * @return the number of columns */ public int getColumnCount() { return NUM_COLUMNS; } /** * Get the data in a specific cell * @return the Object from the specific cell */ public Object getValueAt(int row, int column) { return nxtData[row][column]; } /** * Get the column name * @param column the column index * @return the column name */ public String getColumnName(int column) { return columnNames[column]; } /** * Get the class of the object held in the column cells * @param column the column index * @return the class */ public Class<?> getColumnClass(int column) { return nxtData[0][column].getClass(); } }