package lejos.pc.comm; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Connects to a NXT using Bluetooth or USB (or either) and supplies input and output * data streams. * * @author Lawrie Griffiths and Roger Glassey */ public class NXTConnector extends NXTCommLoggable { private DataInputStream dataIn; private DataOutputStream dataOut; private InputStream is; private OutputStream os; private NXTInfo nxtInfo; private NXTInfo[] nxtInfos; private NXTComm nxtCommUSB = null, nxtCommBluetooth = null, nxtComm = null; private boolean debugOn = false; /** * Connect to any NXT over any protocol in PACKET mode * * @return 0 true iff the open succeeded */ public boolean connectTo() { return connectTo(null, null, NXTCommFactory.ALL_PROTOCOLS, NXTComm.PACKET); } /** * Connect to any NXT over any protocol specifying mode * @param mode the NXTComm mode (PACKET, LCP, or RAW) * * @return 0 true iff the open succeeded */ public boolean connectTo(int mode) { return connectTo(null, null, NXTCommFactory.ALL_PROTOCOLS, mode); } /** * Connect to a specified NXT in packet mode * * @param nxt the name of the NXT to connect to or null for any * @param addr the address of the NXT to connect to or null * @param protocols the protocols to use * @return true iff the open succeeded */ public boolean connectTo(String nxt, String addr, int protocols) { return connectTo(nxt, addr, protocols, NXTComm.PACKET); } /** * Search for a NXT * * @param nxt the name of the NXT to connect to or null for any * @param addr the address of the NXT to connect to or null * @param protocols the protocols to use * @return 0 if opened successfully, -1 if failed, 1 if there is a list to choose from */ public NXTInfo[] search(String nxt, String addr, int protocols) { String name = (nxt == null || nxt.length() == 0 ? nxt: "Unknown"); String searchParam = (nxt == null || nxt.length() == 0 || nxt.equals("*") ? null : nxt); String searchFor = (nxt == null || nxt.length() == 0 ? "any NXT" : nxt); Properties props = null; // reset the relevant instance variables nxtComm = null; nxtInfos = new NXTInfo[0]; debug("Protocols = " + protocols); debug("Search Param = " + searchParam); // Try USB first if ((protocols & NXTCommFactory.USB) != 0) { try { nxtComm = nxtCommUSB = NXTCommFactory.createNXTComm(NXTCommFactory.USB); } catch (NXTCommException e) { log("Failed to load USB comms driver: " + e.getMessage()); } if (addr != null && addr.length() > 0) { log("Using USB device with address = " + addr); nxtInfo = new NXTInfo(NXTCommFactory.USB, name, addr); nxtInfos = new NXTInfo[1]; nxtInfos[0] = nxtInfo; } else if (nxtComm != null){ debug("Searching for " + searchFor + " using USB"); try { nxtInfos =, NXTCommFactory.USB); if (nxtInfos.length == 0) debug((searchParam == null ? "No NXT found using USB: " : (searchParam + " not found using USB: ")) + "Is the NXT switched on and the USB cable connected?"); } catch (NXTCommException ex) { log("Search Failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } if (nxtInfos.length > 0) return nxtInfos; // If nothing found on USB, try Bluetooth if ((protocols & NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH) != 0) { // Load Bluetooth driver try { nxtComm = nxtCommBluetooth = NXTCommFactory.createNXTComm(NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH); } catch (NXTCommException e) { log("Failed to load Bluetooth comms driver: " + e.getMessage()); return nxtInfos; } // If address specified, connect by address if (addr != null && addr.length() > 0) { log("Using Bluetooth device with address = " + addr); nxtInfo = new NXTInfo(NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH, name, addr); nxtInfos = new NXTInfo[1]; nxtInfos[0] = nxtInfo; return nxtInfos; } // Get known NXT names and addresses from the properties file try { props = NXTCommFactory.getNXJCache(); // Create an array of NXTInfos from the properties if (props.size() > 0 && !(nxt != null && nxt.equals("*"))) { Hashtable<String,String> nxtNames = new Hashtable<String,String>(); Enumeration<?> enProps = props.propertyNames(); debug("Searching cache file for known Bluetooth devices"); // Populate hashTable from NXT_<name> entries, filtering by name, if supplied for (; enProps.hasMoreElements(); ) { // Get property name String propName = (String)enProps.nextElement(); if (propName.startsWith("NXT_")) { String nxtName = propName.substring(4); String nxtAddr = (String)props.get(propName); if (searchParam == null || nxtName.equals(nxt)) { debug("Found " + nxtName + " " + nxtAddr + " in cache file"); nxtNames.put(nxtName, nxtAddr); } } } debug("Found " + nxtNames.size() + " matching NXTs in cache file"); // If any found, create the NXTInfo array from the hashtable if (nxtNames.size() > 0) { nxtInfos = new NXTInfo[nxtNames.size()]; Enumeration<?> enNXTs = nxtNames.keys(); int i=0; for (; enNXTs.hasMoreElements(); ) { String ne = (String)enNXTs.nextElement(); nxtInfos[i++] = new NXTInfo(NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH, ne, nxtNames.get(ne)); } } } else { debug("No NXTs found in cache file"); } } catch (NXTCommException ex) { log("Failed to load cache file"); } // If none found, do a Bluetooth inquiry if (nxtInfos.length == 0) { log("Searching for " + searchFor + " using Bluetooth inquiry"); try { nxtInfos =, NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH); } catch (NXTCommException ex) { log("Search Failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } debug("Inquiry found " + nxtInfos.length + " NXTs"); // Save the results in the properties file for(int i=0;i<nxtInfos.length;i++) { log("Name " + i + " = " + nxtInfos[i].name); log("Address " + i + " = " + nxtInfos[i].deviceAddress); props.put("NXT_" + nxtInfos[i].name, nxtInfos[i].deviceAddress); } debug("Saving cached names"); try { NXTCommFactory.saveNXJCache(props,"Results from Bluetooth inquiry"); } catch (IOException ex) { log("Failed to write cache file: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } // If nothing found, log a message if (nxtInfos.length == 0) { log("Failed to find any NXTs"); } return nxtInfos; } /** * Connect to a NXT * * @param nxt the name of the NXT to connect to or null for any * @param addr the address of the NXT to connect to or null * @param protocols the protocols to use * @return 0 if opened successfully, -1 if failed, 1 if there is a list to choose from */ public boolean connectTo(String nxt, String addr, int protocols, int mode) { boolean opened = false; // reset all the instance variables associated with the connection nxtInfo = null; is = null; os = null; dataIn = null; dataOut = null; // Search for matching NXTs search(nxt, addr, protocols); // Try each available NXT in turn for(int i=0;i<nxtInfos.length;i++) { try { debug("Connecting to " + nxtInfos[i].name + " " + nxtInfos[i].deviceAddress + " in mode " + mode); opened =[i], mode); if (opened) { nxtInfo = nxtInfos[i]; log("Connected to " +; break; } else { log("Failed to open " + nxtInfos[i].name + " " + nxtInfos[i].deviceAddress); } } catch (NXTCommException ex) { log("Exception in open: " + ex.getMessage()); } } if (!opened) { log("Failed to connect to any NXT"); return false; } setStreams(); return true; } /** * Connect to a NXT using a NXTInfo * @param nxtInfo * @param mode * @return true iff the connection succeeded */ public boolean connectTo(NXTInfo nxtInfo, int mode) { this.nxtInfo = nxtInfo; if (nxtInfo.protocol == NXTCommFactory.USB ) { if (nxtCommUSB == null) { try { nxtComm = nxtCommUSB = NXTCommFactory.createNXTComm(NXTCommFactory.USB); } catch (NXTCommException e) { log("Failed to load USB comms driver: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } nxtComm = nxtCommUSB; } if (nxtInfo.protocol == NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH ) { if (nxtCommBluetooth == null) { try { nxtComm = nxtCommBluetooth = NXTCommFactory.createNXTComm(NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH); } catch (NXTCommException e) { log("Failed to load Bluetooth comms driver: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } nxtComm = nxtCommBluetooth; } try { boolean opened =, mode); if (!opened) { log("Failed to connect to the specified NXT"); return false; } setStreams(); return true; } catch (NXTCommException e) { log("Exception connecting to NXT: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Connect to a device by URL * @param deviceURL * @param mode the mode (NXTComm.LCP or NXTComm.PACKET) * @return true iff the connection succeeded */ public boolean connectTo(String deviceURL, int mode) { String protocolString = ""; int colonIndex = deviceURL.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex >= 0) { protocolString = deviceURL.substring(0,colonIndex); } String addr = null; String name = null; int protocols = NXTCommFactory.ALL_PROTOCOLS; if (protocolString.equals("btspp")) protocols = NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH; if (protocolString.equals("usb")) protocols = NXTCommFactory.USB; if (colonIndex >= 0) colonIndex +=2; // Skip "//" String nameString = deviceURL.substring(colonIndex+1); boolean isAddress = nameString.startsWith("00"); if (isAddress) { addr = nameString; name = "Unknown"; } else { name = nameString; addr = null; } return connectTo(name, addr, protocols, mode); } /** * Connect to a device by URL in packet mode * @param deviceURL * @return true iff the connection succeeded */ public boolean connectTo(String deviceURL) { return connectTo(deviceURL, NXTComm.PACKET); } private void setStreams() { is = nxtComm.getInputStream(); dataIn = new DataInputStream(nxtComm.getInputStream()); os = nxtComm.getOutputStream(); dataOut = new DataOutputStream(os); } /** * @return the InputStream for this connection; */ public InputStream getInputStream() {return is;} /** * @return the DataInputStream for this connection; */ public DataInputStream getDataIn() {return dataIn;} /** * @return the OutputSteram for this connection; */ public OutputStream getOutputStream() {return os;} /** * @return the DataOutputStream for this connection */ public DataOutputStream getDataOut() {return dataOut;} /** * @return the NXTInfo for this connection */ public NXTInfo getNXTInfo () {return nxtInfo;} /** * @return the array of NXTInfos for this connection */ public NXTInfo[] getNXTInfos () {return nxtInfos;} /** * @return the NXTComm for this connection */ public NXTComm getNXTComm () {return nxtComm;} /** * Close the connection * * @throws IOException */ public void close() throws IOException { if (nxtComm != null) nxtComm.close(); } private void debug(String msg) { if (debugOn) log(msg); } /** * Set debugging on or off * * @param debug true for on, false for off */ public void setDebug(boolean debug) { debugOn = debug; } }