import; import java.util.Random; import lejos.robotics.proposal.DifferentialPilot; import lejos.util.KalmanFilter; import lejos.util.Matrix; import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.nxt.comm.RConsole; /** * Kalman Filter example. * * A pilot robot with an ultrasonic sensor facing * forwards moves backwards and forwards at right angles to a wall. * * The state of the system is the distance from the wall. * * The control data is the velocity, which is chosen randomly every second. * * The measurement data is the ultrasonic sensor range reading to the wall. * * The Kalman filter predicts the robot position from its velocity and updates * the prediction from the range reading. * * Put the robot about a meter from the wall and see the estimated mean displayed on * System.out. (You can modify the program to use RConsole to divert the System.out * readings to the PC to make it easier to read). * * @author Lawrie Griffiths * */ public class KalmanTest { // Tyre diameter and distance between wheels private static final float TYRE_DIAMETER = 5.6f; private static final float AXLE_TRACK = 16.0f; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { UltrasonicSensor sonic = new UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.S1); Random rand = new Random(); Matrix a = new Matrix(new double[][]{{1}}); // Position is only changed by control Matrix b = new Matrix(new double[][]{{1}}); // Velocity is in cm/sec Matrix c = new Matrix(new double[][]{{1}}); // Measurement is in cm Matrix q = new Matrix(new double[][]{{4}}); // Ultrasonic sensor noise factor Matrix r = new Matrix(new double[][]{{9}}); // Movement noise factor Matrix state = new Matrix(new double[][]{{100}}); // Start one meter from the wall Matrix covariance = new Matrix(new double[][]{{100}}); // Big error Matrix control = new Matrix(1,1); Matrix measurement = new Matrix(1,1); //RConsole.openBluetooth(0); //System.setOut(new PrintStream(RConsole.openOutputStream())); // Create the pilot DifferentialPilot pilot = new DifferentialPilot( TYRE_DIAMETER, AXLE_TRACK, Motor.B, Motor.C, true); //Create the filter KalmanFilter filter = new KalmanFilter(a,b,c,q,r); // Set the initial state filter.setState(state, covariance); // Loop 100 times setting velocity, reading the range and updating the filter for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { // Generate a random velocity -20 to +20cm/sec double velocity = (rand.nextInt(41) - 20); // Adjust velocity so we keep in range double position = filter.getMean().get(0, 0); if (velocity < 0 && position < 20) velocity = -velocity; if (velocity > 0 && position > 220) velocity = -velocity; control.set(0, 0, velocity); System.out.println("Velocity: " + (int) velocity); // Move the robot pilot.setMoveSpeed((float) Math.abs(velocity)); if (velocity > 0) pilot.backward(); else pilot.forward(); Thread.sleep(1000); pilot.stop(); // Take a reading float range = sonic.getRange(); System.out.println("Range: " + (int) range); measurement.set(0,0, (double) range); // Update the state try { filter.update(control, measurement); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getClass()+ ":" + e.getMessage()); } // Print the results System.out.print("Mean:"); filter.getMean().print(System.out);; System.out.print("Covariance:"); filter.getCovariance().print(System.out); } } }