import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.nxt.comm.*; import lejos.util.TextMenu; /** * Create an LCP responder to handle LCP requests. Allow the * User to choose between Bluetooth, USB and RS485 protocols. * * @author Andy Shaw * */ public class NXTLCPRespond { /** * Our local Responder class so that we can over-ride the standard * behaviour. We modify the disconnect action so that the thread will * exit. */ static class Responder extends LCPResponder { Responder(NXTCommConnector con) { super(con); } protected void disconnect() { super.disconnect(); super.shutdown(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String[] connectionStrings = new String[]{"Bluetooth", "USB", "RS485"}; TextMenu connectionMenu = new TextMenu(connectionStrings, 0, "Connection"); NXTCommConnector[] connectors = {Bluetooth.getConnector(), USB.getConnector(), RS485.getConnector()}; int connectionType =; LCD.clear(); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("Type: " + connectionStrings[connectionType], 0, 0); LCD.drawString("Running...", 0, 1); Responder resp = new Responder(connectors[connectionType]); resp.start(); resp.join(); LCD.drawString("Closing... ", 0, 1); } }