package; import*; import lejos.nxt.comm.*; /** * Socket. Allows a NXT to establish a connection with a remote Socket * server via a proxy server. * * Version 1.1 uses NXTConnection and does not need to distinguish between USB and Bluetooth. * * @author Ranulf Green & Lawrie Griffiths * @version 1.1 */ public class Socket{ private DataOutputStream outToProxy; private DataInputStream inFromProxy; private NXTConnection nxtc; private String host; private int port; private boolean isServer = false; private NXTSocketOutputStream os; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 64; /** * Constructor: Pass an open NXT connection and socket details. * @param host The name of the host with which the socket will be opened * @param port The port to connect to * @param nxtc The NXT connection * @throws IOException If the host does not respond or the proxy is * not running */ public Socket(String host, int port, NXTConnection nxtc) throws IOException { = host; this.port = port; this.nxtc = nxtc; inFromProxy = new DataInputStream(nxtc.openInputStream()); outToProxy = new DataOutputStream(nxtc.openOutputStream()); negotiateConnection(); outToProxy.close(); inFromProxy.close(); } /** * Constructor. Use if the socket is intended not to connect to a host * @param nxtc the connection the socket is made over */ public Socket(NXTConnection nxtc) { this.nxtc = nxtc; } /** * * Negotiates a connection between NXT and socket proxy * @throws IOException if host name is invalid or connection fails */ private void negotiateConnection() throws IOException { if (host.length()==0) throw new IOException (); else { outToProxy = new DataOutputStream(nxtc.openOutputStream()); outToProxy.writeBoolean(isServer); outToProxy.writeByte(host.length()); outToProxy.writeChars(host); outToProxy.writeInt(port); outToProxy.flush(); } if (!inFromProxy.readBoolean()) { throw new IOException(); } } /** * Returns the data input stream of the socket * @return The data input stream of the socket * @throws IOException */ public DataInputStream getDataInputStream() throws IOException { return new DataInputStream(getInputStream()); } /** * Returns the data output stream of the socket * @return The data output stream of the socket * @throws IOException */ public DataOutputStream getDataOutputStream() throws IOException { return new DataOutputStream(getOutputStream()); } /** * Returns the output stream associated with this socket * @return The output stream * @throws IOException */ public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { os = new NXTSocketOutputStream(nxtc, BUFFER_SIZE); return os; } /** * Returns the input stream associated with this socket * @return The input stream * @throws IOException */ public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return nxtc.openInputStream(); } /** * Write Escape sequence to indicate end of file */ public void close() { try { os.writeClose(); } catch (IOException e) {} } }