package lejos.nxt.comm; import*; import lejos.nxt.*; /** * Provides a Bluetooth connection * Supports both packetized, raw and stream based communincation. * Blocking and non-blocking I/O. * Notes: * Because of the limited buffer space and the way that several connections * have to share the interface to the Bluetooth device data may be lost. This * will happen if a switch into command mode is required when there is data * arriving from the remote connection that can not be placed into the input * buffer. Every attempt is made to avoid this but it can happen. Application * programs can help avoid this problem by: * 1) Using just a single Bluetooth connection * 2) Using Bluetooth commands while data transfers are in progress. * 3) Performing application level flow control to avoid more then 256 bytes * of data being sent from the remote side at any one time. * 4) Reading any pending data as soon as possible. * If data is lost then calls to read and write will return -2 to indicate the * problem. If using packet mode then the input stream can be re-synchronized * by issuing a read to discard the partial packet which may be in the input * buffer. * * When operating in RAW mode bytes are read/written as is. This mode is useful * for talking to none leJOS/Lego devices. * When operating in PACKET mode the standard Lego 2 byte header is added to * each packet (and is expected to be present on each incoming packet). Use this * mode when talking to other leJOS/Lego devices. */ public class BTConnection extends NXTConnection { private static final int BTC_FLUSH_WAIT = 10; public static final int AM_DISABLE = 0; public static final int AM_ALWAYS = 1; public static final int AM_OUTPUT = 2; int chanNo; byte handle; int switchMode; public BTConnection(int chan) { state = CS_IDLE; chanNo = chan; bufSz = Bluetooth.BUFSZ; is = null; os = null; } synchronized void reset() { // Called by the low level implementation if things go wrong! state = CS_IDLE; inBuf = null; outBuf = null; notifyAll(); } /** * Bind the low level I/O handle to a connection object * set things up ready to go. */ synchronized void bind(byte handle, String address, int mode) { if (inBuf == null ) inBuf = new byte[Bluetooth.BUFSZ]; if (outBuf == null) outBuf = new byte[Bluetooth.BUFSZ]; setIOMode(mode); inCnt = 0; inOffset = 0; outCnt = 0; outOffset = 0; state = CS_CONNECTED; switchMode = AM_ALWAYS; this.handle = handle; pktLen = 0; this.address = address; } /** * Send an EOF packet to the remote system. */ synchronized void sendEOF() { // Nothing to do for Bluetooth. We rely on the underlying transport // for EOF } /** * Disconnect the device/channel */ void disconnect() { //LCD.drawString("disconnect", 0, 5); Bluetooth.closeConnection(handle); } /** * Low level output function. Take any data in the output buffer and write * it to the device. Called by the Bluetooth thread when this channel is * active, to perform actual data I/O. */ synchronized void send() { //RConsole.print("send\n"); if (outOffset >= outCnt) return; //RConsole.println("Pending " + Bluetooth.btPending()); // Transmit the data in the output buffer int cnt = Bluetooth.btWrite(outBuf, outOffset, outCnt - outOffset); //1 RConsole.print("Send " + cnt + "\n"); outOffset += cnt; if (outOffset >= outCnt) { //RConsole.print("Send complete\n"); outOffset = 0; outCnt = 0; notifyAll(); } else { //RConsole.print("send remaining " + (outCnt - outOffset) + "\n"); } } /** * Write all of the current output buffer to the device. * NOTE: To ensure correct operation of packet mode, this function should * only return 1 if all of the data will eventually be written. It should * avoid writing part of the data. * @param wait if true wait until the output has been written * @return -ve if error, 0 if not written, +ve if written */ synchronized int flushBuffer(boolean wait) { if (outOffset >= outCnt) return 1; if (wait) try {wait();} catch(Exception e){} return outCnt - outOffset; } /** * Low level input function. Called by the Bluetooth thread to transfer * input from the system into the input buffer. */ synchronized void recv() { //1 RConsole.print("recv\n"); // Read data into the input buffer while (inCnt < inBuf.length) { if (inCnt == 0) inOffset = 0; int offset = (inOffset + inCnt) % inBuf.length; int len = (offset >= inOffset ? inBuf.length - offset : inOffset - offset); //RConsole.print("inCnt " + inCnt + " inOffset " + inOffset + " offset " + offset + " len " + len + "\n"); int cnt = Bluetooth.btRead(inBuf, offset, len); if (cnt <= 0) break; inCnt += cnt; //1 RConsole.print("recv " + inCnt + "\n"); } if (inCnt > 0) notifyAll(); } /** * Get any available data into the input buffer. * @param wait if true wait for data to be available. * @return -ve if error, 0 if not read, +ve if read */ synchronized int fillBuffer(boolean wait) { if (inCnt > 0) return inCnt; if (wait) try{wait();}catch(Exception e){} return inCnt; } /** * Low level function called by the Bluetooth thread. It basically answers * the question: Should I switch to this channel and perform I/O? The answer * to this question can be controlled using the setActiveMode method. * @ return true if the channel is interesting! */ synchronized boolean needsAttention() { //1 if (chanNo == 0) RConsole.print("na s" + state + " i " + inCnt + "\n"); //RConsole.print("needs attention\n"); // return true if we need to perform low level I/O on this channel if (state < CS_DISCONNECTING || switchMode == AM_DISABLE) return false; // If we have any output then need to send it if (outOffset < outCnt) return true; if (switchMode == AM_OUTPUT) return false; // If we do not have any input need to see if there is more waiting if (inCnt <= 0) return true; return false; } /** * Set the channel switching mode. Allows control of when we will switch to * this channel. By default we will switch to this channel to check for * input. However if AM_OUTPUT is set we only switch if we have output * waiting to be sent. * @param mode The switch control mode. */ public void setActiveMode(int mode) { switchMode = mode; } private boolean pendingInput() { return (Bluetooth.btPending() & Bluetooth.BT_PENDING_INPUT) != 0; } /** * Prepare the low level Bluetooth interface for a switch into command mode. * To switch to command mode we need to be sure that there is no pending * input for this channel. To do this we ready any data into the available * input buffers. If all else fails we discard data. When we return the * interface should be ready to be switched. */ synchronized void flushInput() { // Need to be sure that there is no input in the input buffer before // we switch mode. if (state == CS_IDLE) return; //RConsole.print("Flush\n"); // Try to empty the low level input buffer while giving the // application chance to help by reading the data. int timeout = (int)System.currentTimeMillis() + BTC_FLUSH_WAIT; while (timeout > (int)System.currentTimeMillis()) { // Read as much as we can while (pendingInput() && inCnt < inBuf.length) recv(); // Give the app chance to process it try{wait(1);}catch(Exception e){} } if (!pendingInput()) return; //1 RConsole.print("Dropping packets\n"); // If we still have input we are now in big trouble we will have // to discard data. Note even if we read all of the data we need // to linger a little to see if more arrives. timeout = (int)System.currentTimeMillis() + BTC_FLUSH_WAIT; while (pendingInput() || (timeout > (int)System.currentTimeMillis())) { while (read(null, inBuf.length, false) > 0) ; recv(); } // Mark the channel as having lost data if (state == CS_CONNECTED) state = CS_DATALOST; } /** * Close the stream for this connection. * This suspends the connection and switch the BC4 chip to command mode. * */ public void closeStream() { // Nothing to do for Bluetooth } /** * Open the stream for this connection. * This resumes the connection and switches the BC4 chip to data mode. * */ public void openStream() { // Nothing to do for Bluetooth } /** * Get the signal strength of this connection. * This necessitates closing and reopening the data stream. * * @return a value from 0 to 255 */ public int getSignalStrength() { int strength = Bluetooth.getSignalStrength(handle); return strength; } }