package js.tinyvm; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import js.common.ToolProgressMonitor; import; import js.tinyvm.util.HashVector; /** * Abstraction for dumped binary. */ public class Binary { // State that is written to the binary: final RecordTable<WritableData> iEntireBinary = new RecordTable<WritableData>("binary", true, true); final RecordTable<WritableData> iStaticStorage = new RecordTable<WritableData>("binary", true, true); // Contents of binary: final MasterRecord iMasterRecord = new MasterRecord(this); RecordTable<ClassRecord> iClassTable = new RecordTable<ClassRecord>("class table", false, true); RecordTable<StaticValue> iStaticState = new RecordTable<StaticValue>("static state", true, true); RecordTable<StaticFieldRecord> iStaticFields = new RecordTable<StaticFieldRecord>("static fields", true, true); RecordTable<ConstantRecord> iConstantTable = new RecordTable<ConstantRecord>("constants", false, true); RecordTable<RecordTable<MethodRecord>> iMethodTables = new RecordTable<RecordTable<MethodRecord>>("methods", true, true); RecordTable<RecordTable<ExceptionRecord>> iExceptionTables = new RecordTable<RecordTable<ExceptionRecord>>("exceptions", false, true); RecordTable<RecordTable<InstanceFieldRecord>> iInstanceFieldTables = new RecordTable<RecordTable<InstanceFieldRecord>>("instance fields", true, true); final RecordTable<CodeSequence> iCodeSequences = new RecordTable<CodeSequence>("code", true, true); RecordTable<ConstantValue> iConstantValues = new RecordTable<ConstantValue>("constant values", true, true); final RecordTable<EntryClassIndex> iEntryClassIndices = new RecordTable<EntryClassIndex>( "entry class indices", true, true); final RecordTable<InterfaceMap> iInterfaceMaps = new RecordTable<InterfaceMap>("interface", true, true); // Other state: final HashSet<Signature> iSpecialSignatures = new HashSet<Signature>(); final HashMap<String, ClassRecord> iClasses = new HashMap<String, ClassRecord>(); final HashVector<Signature> iSignatures = new HashVector<Signature>(); int usedClassCount = 0; int markGeneration = 0; boolean useAll = false; // Optimal order for storing constants/statics etc. Note we store 4 byte // items first to maximize the chance of using optimized load/store operations // on them. final int[] alignments = {4, 8, 2, 1}; int constOpLoads = 0; int constNormLoads = 0; int constWideLoads = 0; int constString = 0; int staticOpLoads = 0; int staticNormLoads = 0; int fieldOpOp = 0; int fieldNormOp = 0; int interfaceClasses = 0; int usedInterfaceClasses = 0; int implementedInterfaces = 0; int usedImplementedInterfaces = 0; /** * Constructor. * @param useAll true if all classes/methods etc. should be included */ public Binary (boolean useAll) { this.useAll = useAll; } /** * Dump. * * @param writer * @throws TinyVMException */ public void dump (IByteWriter writer) throws TinyVMException { iEntireBinary.dump(writer); } // // TODO public interface // // // TODO protected interface // // // classes // /** * Add a class. * * @param className class name with '/' * @param classRecord */ protected void addClassRecord (String className, ClassRecord classRecord) { assert className != null: "Precondition: className != null"; assert classRecord != null: "Precondition: classRecord != null"; assert className.indexOf('.') == -1: "Precondition: className is in correct form"; iClasses.put(className, classRecord); iClassTable.add(classRecord); } /** * Has class in binary a public static void main (String[] args) method? * * @param className class name with '/' * @return */ public boolean hasMain (String className) { assert className != null: "Precondition: className != null"; assert className.indexOf('.') == -1: "Precondition: className is in correct form"; ClassRecord pRec = getClassRecord(className); return pRec.hasMethod(new Signature("main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"), true); } /** * Get class record with given signature. * * @param className class name with '/' * @return class record or null if not found */ public ClassRecord getClassRecord (String className) { assert className != null: "Precondition: className != null"; assert className.indexOf('.') == -1: "Precondition: className is in correct form"; return iClasses.get(className); } /** * Return the class the represents an array of the given type and dimension. * * * @param elementClass * @return class record or null if not found or the array is a primitive array. * @throws TinyVMException */ public ClassRecord getClassRecordForArray (ClassRecord elementClass) throws TinyVMException { int dims = 1; if (elementClass.isArray()) { dims += elementClass.getArrayDimension(); } int pSize = iClassTable.size(); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord pRec = iClassTable.get(pIndex); if (pRec.getArrayDimension() == dims && pRec.getArrayElementClass() == elementClass) return pRec; } // Not found so we will create one... String sig = ""; for(int i = 0; i < dims; i++) sig += "["; sig += elementClass.signature(); return ClassRecord.storeArrayClass(sig, iClasses, iClassTable, null, this); } /** * Get index of class in binary by its signature. * * @param className class name with '/' * @return index of class in binary or -1 if not found */ public int getClassIndex (String className) { assert className != null: "Precondition: className != null"; assert className.indexOf('.') == -1: "Precondition: className is in correct form"; return getClassIndex(getClassRecord(className)); } /** * Get index of class in binary by its class record. * * @param classRecord * @return index of class in binary or -1 if not found */ public int getClassIndex (ClassRecord classRecord) { if (classRecord == null) { return -1; } return iClassTable.indexOf(classRecord); } /** * Mark the given class as actually used. * * @param classRecord the class to be marked * @param instance */ public void markClassUsed(ClassRecord classRecord, boolean instance) { if (instance && !classRecord.instanceUsed()) { classRecord.markInstanceUsed(); usedClassCount++; } if (!classRecord.used()) { classRecord.markUsed(); usedClassCount++; } } /** * Return the current marking generation. This is used to ensure that for * each new iteration (or generation) of the recursive mark we will * walk all of the code at least once. * @return current generation */ public int getGeneration() { return markGeneration; } // // constants // /** * Get constant record with given index. * * @param index * @return constant record or null if not found */ public ConstantRecord getConstantRecord (int index) { assert index >= 0: "Precondition: index >= 0"; return iConstantTable.get(index); } /** * Get index of constant in binary by its constant record. * * @param constantRecord * @return index of constant in binary or -1 if not found */ public int getConstantIndex (ConstantRecord constantRecord) { if (constantRecord == null) { return -1; } return iConstantTable.indexOf(constantRecord); } /** * Return true if unused methods/classes etc. should still be included in * the output file. * @return */ public boolean useAll() { return useAll; } // // processing // /** * Create closure. * * @param entryClassNames names of entry class with '/' * @param classPath class path * @param all do not filter classes? * @return * @throws TinyVMException */ public static Binary createFromClosureOf (String[] entryClassNames, ClassPath classPath, boolean all) throws TinyVMException { Binary result = new Binary(all); // From special classes and entry class, store closure result.processClasses(entryClassNames, classPath); // Store special signatures result.processSpecialSignatures(); result.processConstants(); result.processMethods(); result.processFields(); // Remove unused methods/classes/fields/constants. result.markUsed(entryClassNames); result.processOptimizedClasses(); result.processOptimizedConstants(); result.processOptimizedMethods(); result.processOptimizedFields(); // Copy code as is (first pass) result.processCode(false); result.storeComponents(); result.initOffsets(); // Post-process code after offsets are set (second pass) result.processCode(true); assert result != null: "Postconditon: result != null"; return result; } public void processClasses (String[] entryClassNames, ClassPath classPath) throws TinyVMException { assert entryClassNames != null: "Precondition: entryClassNames != null"; assert classPath != null: "Precondition: classPath != null"; ArrayList<String> pInterfaceMethods = new ArrayList<String>(); // Add special all classes first String[] specialClasses = SpecialClassConstants.CLASSES; //_logger.log(Level.INFO, "Starting with " + specialClasses.length // + " special classes."); for (int i = 0; i < specialClasses.length; i++) { String className = specialClasses[i]; if (className.charAt(0) == '[') ClassRecord.storeArrayClass(className, iClasses, iClassTable, classPath, this); else if (className.indexOf('/') != -1) addClassRecord(className, ClassRecord.getClassRecord(className, classPath, this)); else addClassRecord(className, PrimitiveClassRecord.getClassRecord(className, this, (byte)i)); } // Now add entry classes // _logger.log(Level.INFO, "Starting with " + entryClassNames.length // + " entry classes."); for (int i = 0; i < entryClassNames.length; i++) { String className = entryClassNames[i]; ClassRecord classRecord = ClassRecord.getClassRecord(className, classPath, this); // Convert name into standard form. className = classRecord.getName().replace('.', '/'); classRecord = ClassRecord.getClassRecord(className, classPath, this); entryClassNames[i] = className; addClassRecord(className, classRecord); classRecord.useAllMethods(); // Update table of indices to entry classes iEntryClassIndices.add(new EntryClassIndex(this, className)); } // Now add the closure. // _logger.log(Level.INFO, "Starting with " + iClassTable.size() // + " classes."); // Yes, call iClassTable.size() in every pass of the loop. for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < iClassTable.size(); pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); classRecord.storeReferredClasses(iClasses, iClassTable, classPath, pInterfaceMethods); } // Initialize indices and flags int pSize = iClassTable.size(); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); for (int i = 0; i < pInterfaceMethods.size(); i++) { classRecord.addUsedMethod(pInterfaceMethods.get(i)); } classRecord.iIndex = pIndex; classRecord.initFlags(); classRecord.initParent(); } } /** * Optimize the number and order of classes. * We make a pass of all of the classes and select only those that are * actually used. We also optimize the order of the classes in an attempt * to minimize the size of the interface maps. * @throws TinyVMException */ public void processOptimizedClasses () throws TinyVMException { RecordTable<ClassRecord> iNewClassTable = new RecordTable<ClassRecord>("class table", false, true); int pSize = iClassTable.size(); // First copy over the special classes for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < SpecialClassConstants.CLASSES.length; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); iNewClassTable.add(classRecord); } // Now we add in any classes that have interfaces. This keeps them all // together and keeps the interface map small. Note duplicates are // not allowed so we can add the same entry multiple times. for (int pIndex = SpecialClassConstants.CLASSES.length; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); if (classRecord.isInterface() && (useAll() || classRecord.used())) classRecord.storeOptimizedImplementingClasses(iNewClassTable); } // now add in the rest of the used classes for (int pIndex = SpecialClassConstants.CLASSES.length; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); if (useAll() || classRecord.used()) iNewClassTable.add(classRecord); } iClassTable = iNewClassTable; pSize = iClassTable.size(); // Now we selected all of the classes we can fix up any linkages (which // may use the class index) and create the interface maps. for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); classRecord.initParent(); if (classRecord.isInterface()) classRecord.storeInterfaceMap(iInterfaceMaps); } } public void markUsed (String[] entryClassNames) throws TinyVMException { /* First stage of unused method/class/field elimination. * Starting with the callable root methods we need to mark all callable * methods. We recursively walk the code for each method marking and * walking new methods as we come to them. * As we walk the code we also mark all used classes and fields. * We need to take particular care with interfaces and with * over-ridden methods to ensure that all possible destinations are * included. */ /* For interfaces we need to ensure that for every method in an interface * that ends up being marked we locate all possible implementations * of that method. To do that we search all classes for those that * implement an interface and associate those classes with the interface. * Then when we mark a method in the interface we can mark all possible * implementations. * * We also need to handle marking methods that may be over-ridden by a * method in a sub class. We locate all such methods and link them to the * "super-method" if this gets marked we also mark the sub-methods. */ int pSize = iClassTable.size(); // Mark special classes as being used (they may be generated by the vm String[] specialClasses = SpecialClassConstants.CLASSES; for (int i = 0; i < specialClasses.length; i++) { String className = specialClasses[i]; ClassRecord classRecord = getClassRecord(className); classRecord.markUsed(); classRecord.markInstanceUsed(); } // Add the run method that is called directly from the vm Signature staticInit = new Signature("<clinit>()V"); Signature runMethod = new Signature("run()V"); Signature mainMethod = new Signature("main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"); // Now add entry classes for (int i = 0; i < entryClassNames.length; i++) { ClassRecord classRecord = getClassRecord(entryClassNames[i]); classRecord.markUsed(); classRecord.markInstanceUsed(); //classRecord.markMethods(); } // We now add in the static initializers of all marked classes. // We also add in the special entry points that may be called // directly from the VM. // Note: The set of used classes may increase as a result of marking. // in which case we do the whole thing over again. int classCount; do { classCount = usedClassCount; markGeneration++; // First make sure all interfaces implementors and hidden // methods are exposed for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); if (classRecord.used()) { if (classRecord.instanceUsed()) { classRecord.addInterfaces(classRecord); classRecord.findHiddenMethods(); } } } // Now recursively mark any classes that can be called directly by // the VM for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); if (classRecord.used()) { if (classRecord.hasMethod(runMethod, false)) { MethodRecord pRec = classRecord.getMethodRecord(runMethod); classRecord.markMethod(pRec, true); } if (classRecord.hasStaticInitializer()) { MethodRecord pRec = classRecord.getMethodRecord(staticInit); classRecord.markMethod(pRec, true); } } } // Finally mark starting from all of the entry classes for (int i = 0; i < entryClassNames.length; i++) { ClassRecord classRecord = getClassRecord(entryClassNames[i]); if (classRecord.hasMethod(mainMethod, true)) { MethodRecord pRec = classRecord.getMethodRecord(mainMethod); classRecord.markMethod(pRec, true); } } } while (classCount != usedClassCount); } public void processSpecialSignatures () { for (int i = 0; i < SpecialSignatureConstants.SIGNATURES.length; i++) { Signature pSig = new Signature(SpecialSignatureConstants.SIGNATURES[i]); iSignatures.addElement(pSig); iSpecialSignatures.add(pSig); } } public boolean isSpecialSignature (Signature aSig) { return iSpecialSignatures.contains(aSig); } public void processConstants () throws TinyVMException { int pSize = iClassTable.size(); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord pRec = iClassTable.get(pIndex); pRec.storeConstants(iConstantTable, iConstantValues); } } /** * Store constant values in an optimal fashion. * We only include constants that are actually used. We also arrange to store * constant values correctly aligned so that they can be accessed directly * by the VM. We order the constants to allow fast access to the commanly used * int/float types. * @throws TinyVMException */ public void processOptimizedConstants () throws TinyVMException { int pSize = iConstantTable.size(); RecordTable<ConstantRecord> iOptConstantTable = new RecordTable<ConstantRecord>("constants", false, true); RecordTable<ConstantValue> iOptConstantValues = new RecordTable<ConstantValue>("constant values", true, true); for(int align : alignments) { for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ConstantRecord pRec = iConstantTable.get(pIndex); if (pRec.constantValue().getAlignment() == align && (useAll() || pRec.used())) { iOptConstantTable.add(pRec); iOptConstantValues.add(pRec.constantValue()); } } } iConstantTable = iOptConstantTable; iConstantValues = iOptConstantValues; } /** * Calls storeMethods on all the classes of the closure previously computed * with processClasses. * * @throws TinyVMException */ public void processMethods () throws TinyVMException { int pSize = iClassTable.size(); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); classRecord.storeMethods(iMethodTables, iExceptionTables, iSignatures, useAll()); } } public void processOptimizedMethods () throws TinyVMException { /* This is the second stage of the unused methods elimination code. * We need to re-create the method and exception tables so that they * only contain methods that are actually called. */ int pSize = iClassTable.size(); // We need an optimized version of the method and exception tables // so create new ones and repopulate. iMethodTables = new RecordTable<RecordTable<MethodRecord>>("methods", true, true); iExceptionTables = new RecordTable<RecordTable<ExceptionRecord>>("exceptions", false, true); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord classRecord = iClassTable.get(pIndex); classRecord.storeOptimizedMethods(iMethodTables, iExceptionTables, iSignatures); } } public void processFields () throws TinyVMException { int pSize = iClassTable.size(); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord pRec = iClassTable.get(pIndex); pRec.storeFields(iInstanceFieldTables, iStaticFields, iStaticState); } } public void printInterfaces () throws TinyVMException { int pSize = iClassTable.size(); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord pRec = iClassTable.get(pIndex); if (pRec.isInterface() && pRec.used()) { System.out.println("Interface: " + pRec.iName + " is implemented by:"); for(ClassRecord cr : pRec.iImplementedBy) { System.out.println("Active class: " + cr.iName + " id " + this.getClassIndex(cr)); } } } } public void processOptimizedFields () throws TinyVMException { int pSize = iClassTable.size(); // We need an optimized version of the static tables // so create new ones and repopulate. iStaticState = new RecordTable<StaticValue>("static state", true, true); iStaticFields = new RecordTable<StaticFieldRecord>("static fields", true, true); iInstanceFieldTables = new RecordTable<RecordTable<InstanceFieldRecord>>("instance fields", true, true); for(int align : alignments) { for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord pRec = iClassTable.get(pIndex); pRec.storeOptimizedStaticFields(iStaticFields, iStaticState, align); } } for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord pRec = iClassTable.get(pIndex); pRec.storeOptimizedFields(iInstanceFieldTables); } } public void processCode (boolean aPostProcess) throws TinyVMException { int pSize = iClassTable.size(); for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < pSize; pIndex++) { ClassRecord pRec = iClassTable.get(pIndex); pRec.storeCode(iCodeSequences, aPostProcess); } } // // storing // public void storeComponents () { // Master record and class table are always the first two, all // tables are aligned on 4 byte boundaries. iEntireBinary.add(iMasterRecord); iEntireBinary.add(iClassTable); // We do not need to store the static fields, just calculate layout iStaticStorage.add(iStaticState); iEntireBinary.add(iStaticFields); iEntireBinary.add(iConstantTable); iEntireBinary.add(iMethodTables); iEntireBinary.add(iExceptionTables); iEntireBinary.add(iInstanceFieldTables); iEntireBinary.add(iConstantValues); iEntireBinary.add(iInterfaceMaps); iEntireBinary.add(iEntryClassIndices); iEntireBinary.add(iCodeSequences); } public void initOffsets () throws TinyVMException { iEntireBinary.initOffset(0); iStaticStorage.initOffset(0); } public void setRunTimeOptions(int opt) { iMasterRecord.setRunTimeOptions(opt); } public int getTotalNumMethods () { int pTotal = 0; int pSize = iMethodTables.size(); for (int i = 0; i < pSize; i++) { pTotal += iMethodTables.get(i).size(); } return pTotal; } public int getTotalNumInstanceFields () { int pTotal = 0; int pSize = iInstanceFieldTables.size(); for (int i = 0; i < pSize; i++) { pTotal += iInstanceFieldTables.get(i).size(); } return pTotal; } public int getTotalNumExceptionRecords() { int pTotal = 0; int pSize = iExceptionTables.size(); for (int i = 0; i < pSize; i++) { pTotal += iExceptionTables.get(i).size(); } return pTotal; } // private static final Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger("TinyVM"); public void log(ToolProgressMonitor monitor) throws TinyVMException { // all classes for (int pIndex = 0; pIndex < iClassTable.size(); pIndex++) { ClassRecord pRec = iClassTable.get(pIndex); monitor.log("Class " + pIndex + ": " + pRec.getName()); } int pSize = iMethodTables.size(); int methodNo = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pSize; i++) { RecordTable<MethodRecord> rt = iMethodTables.get(i); int cnt = rt.size(); for(int j = 0; j < cnt; j++) { MethodRecord mr = rt.get(j); if ((mr.iFlags & TinyVMConstants.M_NATIVE) == 0) monitor.log("Method " + methodNo + ": Class: " + mr.iClassRecord.getName() + " Signature: " + (iSignatures.elementAt(mr.iSignatureId)).getImage() + " PC " + mr.getCodeStart() + " Signature id " + mr.iSignatureId); else monitor.log("Method " + methodNo + ": Class: " + mr.iClassRecord.getName() + " Signature: " + (iSignatures.elementAt(mr.iSignatureId)).getImage() + " Native id " + mr.iSignatureId); methodNo++; } } monitor.log("Master record : " + iMasterRecord.getLength() + " bytes."); monitor.log("Class records : " + iClassTable.size() + " (" + iClassTable.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Field records : " + getTotalNumInstanceFields() + " (" + iInstanceFieldTables.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Static fields : " + iStaticFields.size() + " (" + iStaticFields.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Static state : " + iStaticState.size() + " (" + iStaticState.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Constant records : " + iConstantTable.size() + " (" + iConstantTable.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Constant values : " + iConstantValues.size() + " (" + iConstantValues.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Method records : " + getTotalNumMethods() + " (" + iMethodTables.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Exception records: " + getTotalNumExceptionRecords() + " (" + iExceptionTables.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Interface maps : " + iInterfaceMaps.size() + " (" + iInterfaceMaps.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Code : " + iCodeSequences.size() + " (" + iCodeSequences.getLength() + " bytes)."); monitor.log("Total : " + iEntireBinary.getLength() + " bytes."); monitor.log("Run time options : " + iMasterRecord.getRunTimeOptions()); monitor.log("Constant loads : " + this.constNormLoads + "N " + this.constOpLoads + "O " + this.constWideLoads + "W " + this.constString + "S"); monitor.log("Static load/store: " + this.staticNormLoads + "N " + this.staticOpLoads + "O"); monitor.log("Field load/store: " + this.fieldNormOp + "N " + this.fieldOpOp + "O"); //printInterfaces(); } }