package lejos.util; /** * Class used in debugging to test assertions. Implementation * is platform dependent. For example the unix_impl version * will print the string and throw an error if an assertion fails. * The rcx_impl version will only throw an error. * * @author Paul Andrews */ public class Assertion { /** * @param s A string that may be printed along with any other * error text. * @param flag if true then an Error will be thrown, otherwise * nothing will happend. * @throws Error if 'flag' is false. */ public static void test(String s, boolean flag) { if (flag) { System.out.println(s); throw new AssertionError(); } } /** * If the actual value is not equal to the expected value, throw an Error. * @param s A string that may be printed along with any other * error text. * @param expected the expected value. * @param was the actual value. * @throws Error if 'flag' is false. */ public static void testEQ(String s, int expected, int was) { test(s, expected != was); } }