package; import; import; import; import lejos.charset.CharsetDecoder; public class LejosInputStreamReader extends Reader { private static final int MIN_BUFFERSIZE = 16; private final CharsetDecoder coder; private final InputStream is; private final byte[] buffer; private int offset; private int limit; //cache for storing a low surrogate private char low; public LejosInputStreamReader(InputStream is, CharsetDecoder coder, int buffersize) { = is; this.coder = coder; if (buffersize < MIN_BUFFERSIZE) buffersize = MIN_BUFFERSIZE; if (coder.getMaxCharLength() > buffersize) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer to small for given charset"); this.buffer = new byte[buffersize]; } public int fillBuffer() throws IOException { int req = coder.estimateByteCount(buffer, offset, limit); int len = limit - offset; if (len < req) { int rem = buffer.length - offset; if (rem < coder.getMaxCharLength()) { System.arraycopy(buffer, offset, buffer, 0, len); offset = 0; limit = len; } do { int tmp =, limit, buffer.length - limit); if (tmp < 0) //len is still smaller then req return len; len += tmp; limit += tmp; //update req, since initial value might have been an approximation req = coder.estimateByteCount(buffer, offset, limit); } while (len < req); } return req; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (low > 0) { char tmp = this.low; this.low = 0; return tmp; } int needed = this.fillBuffer(); if (needed <= 0) return -1; int cp = this.coder.decode(buffer, offset, limit); this.offset += needed; if (cp < Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) return cp; cp -= Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT; this.low = (char)(cp & 0x3FF | Character.MIN_LOW_SURROGATE); return (cp >> 10) | Character.MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE; } @Override public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (len < 1) return 0; int origoff = off; // there should always be room for two chars, so substract 1 int endoff = off + len - 1; int needed; if (this.low > 0) { cbuf[off++] = this.low; this.low = 0; //don't fill buffer to avoid blocking needed = this.coder.estimateByteCount(buffer, offset, limit); } else { //fill buffer needed = this.fillBuffer(); } if (off < endoff) { while (limit - offset >= needed) { int cp = this.coder.decode(buffer, offset, limit); if (cp < Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) { cbuf[off++] = (char)cp; } else { cbuf[off++] = (char)((cp >> 10) + Character.MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE); cbuf[off++] = (char)((cp & 0x3F) + Character.MIN_LOW_SURROGATE); } this.offset += needed; if (off >= endoff) break; needed = this.coder.estimateByteCount(buffer, offset, limit); } } return off - origoff; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }