package; import*; import lejos.nxt.remote.*; import lejos.pc.comm.*; /** * Utility class used by the nxj and nxjupload command line tools. * It checks the file, connects to the NXT, uploads the file, optionally runs it, * and disconnects. This class is also used by the Eclipse plugin. * * @author Lawrie Griffiths * */ public class Upload extends NXTCommLoggable { private NXTCommand fNXTCommand; private NXTConnector fConnector; public Upload() { super(); fConnector = new NXTConnector(); fNXTCommand = new NXTCommand(); } public void upload(String name, String address, int protocols, String fileName, boolean run) throws NXJUploadException { File f = new File(fileName); if (!f.exists()) { throw new NXJUploadException(fileName + ": No such file"); } String nxtFileName = f.getName(); // Under some circumstances the filename might be a full package name // Remove all but the last two components int lastDot = nxtFileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot >= 0) { lastDot = nxtFileName.substring(0, lastDot).lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot >= 0) nxtFileName = nxtFileName.substring(lastDot+1); } if (nxtFileName.length() > 20) { throw new NXJUploadException(fileName + ": Filename is more than 20 characters"); } if (protocols == 0) protocols = NXTCommFactory.USB | NXTCommFactory.BLUETOOTH; boolean connected = fConnector.connectTo(name, address, protocols); if (!connected) throw new NXJUploadException( "No NXT found - is it switched on and plugged in (for USB)?"); fNXTCommand.setNXTComm(fConnector.getNXTComm()); try { log(fNXTCommand.uploadFile(f, nxtFileName)); if (run) { fNXTCommand.setVerify(false); fNXTCommand.startProgram(nxtFileName); } fNXTCommand.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new NXJUploadException("Exception during upload", t); } } /** * register log listener * * @param listener */ public void addLogListener(ToolsLogListener listener) { fLogListeners.add(listener); fConnector.addLogListener(listener); } /** * unregister log listener * * @param listener */ public void removeLogListener(ToolsLogListener listener) { fLogListeners.remove(listener); fConnector.removeLogListener(listener); } }