import lejos.nxt.*; import lejos.robotics.navigation.*; import java.util.Random; /** * EchoNavigator is a obstacle avoiding robot that attempts reach its destination. * Uses SimpleNavigator * Hareware rquirements: an ultrasonic sensor mounted on a vertical axle * driven by the third motor. * Since it relies on dead reckoning to keep track of its * location, the accuracy of navigation degrades with each obstacle. Does not * mep the obstacles, but uses a randomized avoiding strategy. * @author Roger */ public class EchoNavigator { public EchoNavigator(SimpleNavigator navigator, SensorPort echo, Motor scanMotor) { this.navigator = navigator; sonar= new UltrasonicSensor(echo); scanner = scanMotor ; } /** * attempt to reach a destinaton at coordinates x,y despite obstacle. * @param x coordinate of destination * @param y coordinate of destination. */ public void goTo(float x, float y) { navigator.setMoveSpeed(20); navigator.setTurnSpeed(180); float destX = x; float destY = y; while (navigator.distanceTo(destX,destY) > 5) { navigator.goTo(destX, destY,true); boolean clear = readDistance(); if (!clear) // obstacle found { while (!avoid()) Thread.yield(); // keeps calling avoid until no obstacle is in view } } } /** * backs up, rotates away from the obstacle, and travels forward; * returns true if no obstacle was discovered while traveling * calls readSensor() * @return */ private boolean avoid() { int leftDist = 0; int rightDist = 0; byte turnDirection = 1; boolean more = true; while(more) { scanner.rotateTo(75); Sound.pause(20); leftDist = sonar.getDistance(); scanner.rotateTo(-70); Sound.pause(20); rightDist = sonar.getDistance(); if(leftDist>rightDist) turnDirection = 1; else turnDirection = -1; more = leftDist < _limit && _limit< _limit; if(more); LCD.drawInt(leftDist,4,0,5); LCD.drawInt(rightDist,4,8,5); } scanner.rotateTo(0); - rand.nextInt(10)); int angle = 60+rand.nextInt(60); navigator.rotate(turnDirection * angle); + rand.nextInt(60), true); return readDistance (); // watch for hit while moving forward } /** * Monitors the ultrasonic sensor while the robot is moving. * Returns if an obstacle is detected or if the robot stops * @return false if obstacle was detected */ public boolean readDistance() { System.out.println(" Moving "); int distance = 255; boolean clear = true; while( navigator.isMoving()& distance > _limit ) { distance = sonar.getDistance(); LCD.drawString("D "+distance, 0, 0); clear = distance > _limit ; Thread.yield(); } navigator.stop(); return clear; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Any Button"); TachoPilot p = new TachoPilot(5.6f, 14.2f, Motor.A, Motor.C); EchoNavigator robot = new EchoNavigator( new SimpleNavigator(p),SensorPort.S3, Motor.B); Button.waitForPress(); robot.goTo(200,0); } public SimpleNavigator navigator ; Random rand = new Random(); UltrasonicSensor sonar; private Motor scanner; int _limit =20; //cm }